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Fair admissions ▪Fair admissions system should: ▫Be transparent ▫Seek to minimise barriers ▫Strive to use reliable and valid assessment methods ▪How is.

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Presentation on theme: "Fair admissions ▪Fair admissions system should: ▫Be transparent ▫Seek to minimise barriers ▫Strive to use reliable and valid assessment methods ▪How is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fair admissions ▪Fair admissions system should: ▫Be transparent ▫Seek to minimise barriers ▫Strive to use reliable and valid assessment methods ▪How is this being achieved? ▫Entry profiles which detail:  entry qualifications  admissions policies  detailed admission criteria

2 Reference Writing Reference

3 The Reference ▪Informed and academic assessment of an applicant’s suitability for further study ▪Every one is read ▪Inter-relationship with personal statement ▪Keep it clear and focused – admissions tutors are primarily interested in whether a student can cope with their course and with university ▪May be read quickly, so help the reader pick out the main points

4 Predicted grades ▪Always be realistic when predicting grades – don’t be tempted to inflate grades ▪Should be used with caution – only half of predicted grades are accurate according to study by BIS ▪Remember to include all predicted grades/results including GCSEs and other courses

5 Key role in the decision making process ▪You are helping to launch your students on the next stage of their life ▪Along with predicted grades this is the most important part of the application form ▪If the reference doesn’t demonstrate that you are interested in or know your students why should the admissions tutors be interested? ▪Admissions tutors depend on your judgement of academic potential

6 What are the institutions looking for? ▪Key facts about the applicant: ▪Academic performance ▪Potential for academic success in higher education ▪Why the course they have chosen is suited to them ▪Personal qualities that will benefit them at university: ▫Skills ▫Aptitude ▫Enthusiasm ▪What they can bring to the course / university Consider how you can find out this information if not already known

7 What they are not looking for ▪Appellations like ‘well behaved’, ‘polite’, or ‘a girl with excellent breeding and charming manners’ ▫Keep it relevant to academic life ▪Various degrees of ‘glowing’ ▫Admissions tutors don’t expect all applicants to be perfect ▪They are able to read between the lines e.g. ‘he has not always found it easy to manage his time’

8 What the admissions selectors say… ▪References that really give a feel for the student are always welcome since too often the information is rather dry and emotionless, not giving much of an idea of what to expect ▪Tutors are not easily convinced that 17 year olds have no academic weaknesses whatsoever – but they are interested in the progress they are making in dealing with any problems ▪Precise reference to each subject being studied is best – some talk too generally

9 What the admissions selectors say… ▪‘The reference should include both professional and personal attributes of the applicant, strengths and weaknesses, predicted grades and overall, an honest opinion of the ability of the applicant to study at HE level’ ▪‘An academic reference is best adapted to the student rather than giving too much information about the course. A focused and realistic appraisal of his or her range of skills and aptitudes, and any qualities which distinguish them and make them suitable for their chosen course of study usually does the trick’ ▪‘References are as important for what they don’t say as what they do say. We try and read between the lines’

10 Do’s (or Dos)  Get your students to provide information on their courses  Use concrete examples – this shows you know the applicant  Make it unique to each student - if you don’t feel you know enough about them – find out more  Check your spelling, punctuation and grammar  Remember – centralised admissions

11 Don’ts Use it to promote school or college Directly mention one institution by name Paste in information on the wrong student Use the same sentences, paragraphs in each one Use bullet points Cover the same points as another tutor

12 Reference structure ▪Provide background information ▫Curriculum policies ▫Average number of subjects studied ▫Student progression to HE ▪Structure reference in paragraphs ▪Give subjects separate paragraphs where applicable ▪For vocational courses write about particular modules related to their chosen courses ▪Subjects do not need to have equal depth

13 Questions?

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