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Building Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships through the use of Alternative Assessment Strategies Michael Vogler FUSD Michael Vogler FUSD.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships through the use of Alternative Assessment Strategies Michael Vogler FUSD Michael Vogler FUSD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships through the use of Alternative Assessment Strategies Michael Vogler FUSD Michael Vogler FUSD

2 Outline  Research  Identifying and writing key objectives  Identifying key vocabulary  Developing assessment menus  Identifying student strengths  Teaching the unit  Research  Identifying and writing key objectives  Identifying key vocabulary  Developing assessment menus  Identifying student strengths  Teaching the unit

3 Research Main idea: traditional testing elides accurate measurement of student learning. 1.Tests rely on reading and writing ability 2.Unit and chapter tests assess retention, not learning 3.Struggling children are discouraged from succeeding Main idea: traditional testing elides accurate measurement of student learning. 1.Tests rely on reading and writing ability 2.Unit and chapter tests assess retention, not learning 3.Struggling children are discouraged from succeeding

4 Research: Reading and Writing  We know that AIMS scores are highly correlated between reading, writing, and math.  Vocabulary is a key component of SIOP.  We cannot accurately assess students who struggle with reading and writing.  We know that AIMS scores are highly correlated between reading, writing, and math.  Vocabulary is a key component of SIOP.  We cannot accurately assess students who struggle with reading and writing.

5 Research: studying and memory  Son and Metcalfe (2000): study time allocation  Time pressure  Learning goals  Interests  Son and Metcalfe (2000): study time allocation  Time pressure  Learning goals  Interests

6 Research: studying and memory  Ross et al (2003): effort and assessment  Lesson presentation  Objectives  Assessment  Deeper study  Ross et al (2003): effort and assessment  Lesson presentation  Objectives  Assessment  Deeper study

7 Research: studying and memory  Cukras (2006): classroom interaction  Encourages complex interactions  Cukras (2006): classroom interaction  Encourages complex interactions

8 Research: Struggling children  Accessibility is key. When kids can’t access information or perceive an assignment as too difficult, they give up.  Gersten et al (2006)  Traditional assessments rely on knowledge of reading and memory that:  Our system of education does not reinforce  Are learning modalities for only a few  Accessibility is key. When kids can’t access information or perceive an assignment as too difficult, they give up.  Gersten et al (2006)  Traditional assessments rely on knowledge of reading and memory that:  Our system of education does not reinforce  Are learning modalities for only a few

9 Why are we still teaching as if we were in a Medieval university?

10 Identifying and writing key objectives  Look at district and curriculum maps for the unit that you are teaching.  Find the top level objectives (generally 3-6)  Use AIMS results  Re-write the objectives using the SIOP rubric.  Look at district and curriculum maps for the unit that you are teaching.  Find the top level objectives (generally 3-6)  Use AIMS results  Re-write the objectives using the SIOP rubric.

11 Identifying and writing key objectives


13  Students will be able to _____________ by ______________________.  These objectives are then listed on an “Unit Outline.”  Students will be able to _____________ by ______________________.  These objectives are then listed on an “Unit Outline.”

14 Identifying key vocabulary  Use standards and district maps to determine some vocabulary.  Use textbook and other resources for additional terms.  Use standards and district maps to determine some vocabulary.  Use textbook and other resources for additional terms.

15 Identifying and writing key objectives  Curriculum mapper  Arizona Academic Standards s/contentstandards.asp  Curriculum mapper  Arizona Academic Standards s/contentstandards.asp

16 Developing assessment menus  Lower grades should emphasize more specific options  Higher grades should emphasize personal learning style  Both should allow students the opportunity to practice strengths  Lower grades should emphasize more specific options  Higher grades should emphasize personal learning style  Both should allow students the opportunity to practice strengths

17 Developing assessment menus  Decide early on how much freedom you want to give students.  Specific assessment for specific objective  List of assessments to meet objectives  Include the list on your Unit Outline  Decide early on how much freedom you want to give students.  Specific assessment for specific objective  List of assessments to meet objectives  Include the list on your Unit Outline

18 Developing assessment menus: Narrative Text  Students will be able to analyze the results of the Civil Rights movement in America by completing a history frame.

19 Developing assessment menus: Narrative Text  Students will be able to compare and contrast fractions and decimals by completing a Venn Diagram.

20 Developing assessment menus: Narrative Text Students will be able to describe the main theme of a novel by completing a concept map.

21 Developing assessment menus: Informational text  Students will be able to describe how to solve a quadratic equation by completing a  DRTA  Graphic organizer  KWL chart  SQ3R  PLAN  Students will be able to describe how to solve a quadratic equation by completing a  DRTA  Graphic organizer  KWL chart  SQ3R  PLAN

22 Developing assessment menus: Reflection Students will be able to evaluate the decisions of Huck Finn by writing  A RAFT  A learning log  QtA  Scored discussion Students will be able to evaluate the decisions of Huck Finn by writing  A RAFT  A learning log  QtA  Scored discussion

23 Developing assessment menus: non-specific  Scrapbooking  Video  Powerpoints  Journaling  Art work  Poetry  Scrapbooking  Video  Powerpoints  Journaling  Art work  Poetry

24 Developing assessment menus  Intervention central  Reading Quest  Sedona Unified Literacy Council 7egoldsmith/FOV2-0001BF8C/  Intervention central  Reading Quest  Sedona Unified Literacy Council 7egoldsmith/FOV2-0001BF8C/

25 Identifying student strengths





30 Teaching the Unit  Preview the unit with students  Objectives  Readings  Major projects  Assessment choices  Due dates  Preview the unit with students  Objectives  Readings  Major projects  Assessment choices  Due dates

31 Teaching the Unit: Daily  This isn’t the middle ages, so:  You aren’t the expert  We have an internet  We have a book  This isn’t the middle ages, so:  You aren’t the expert  We have an internet  We have a book

32 Teaching the Unit: Room Set-Up  Pods/Tables  Stations  Videos  Computers  Books  Teacher  Decentralize resources to the extent practicable.  Pods/Tables  Stations  Videos  Computers  Books  Teacher  Decentralize resources to the extent practicable.

33 Teaching the Unit: Daily  Different approach: hands off!  Coach  Differentiate instruction  Encourage creativity  Alternative learning activities  Use activities and experiential learning where appropriate  Allow group work  Everyone must turn in the assignment  Different approach: hands off!  Coach  Differentiate instruction  Encourage creativity  Alternative learning activities  Use activities and experiential learning where appropriate  Allow group work  Everyone must turn in the assignment

34 Teaching the Unit  Math manipulatives  Discovery Education  Hippocampus  Wikipedia  EBSCO  Math manipulatives  Discovery Education  Hippocampus  Wikipedia  EBSCO

35 Teaching the Unit: Projects  Projects should expand upon student learning  Most projects that come with materials are low level  Encourage role playing, simulation, and real-life experiences  Encourage research  Projects should expand upon student learning  Most projects that come with materials are low level  Encourage role playing, simulation, and real-life experiences  Encourage research

36 Teaching the Unit: Projects Some projects:  Mock trial  Science experiments  Consumer credit  Reader’s theatre Some projects:  Mock trial  Science experiments  Consumer credit  Reader’s theatre

37 Teaching the Unit: Groups If you assign:  Heterogeneous groups: don’t do it, it’s a trap!  Homogeneous groups by assessment scores If you assign:  Heterogeneous groups: don’t do it, it’s a trap!  Homogeneous groups by assessment scores

38 Teaching the Unit: Hints  Be very explicit with objectives  Students should be able to do the work without being present  Decide how you are going to deal with copying now  Collaboration vs. cheating  Be very explicit with objectives  Students should be able to do the work without being present  Decide how you are going to deal with copying now  Collaboration vs. cheating

39 Teaching the Unit: Hints  Don’t be a martyr  Spend less time grading and more time preparing  Only grade tests/assessments  Make students work  Have fun!  Don’t be a martyr  Spend less time grading and more time preparing  Only grade tests/assessments  Make students work  Have fun!

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