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A Web Quest for Form 1 students on Computer Ergonomics By: Ms S Bonanno ComputerErgonomics.

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Presentation on theme: "A Web Quest for Form 1 students on Computer Ergonomics By: Ms S Bonanno ComputerErgonomics."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Web Quest for Form 1 students on Computer Ergonomics By: Ms S Bonanno ComputerErgonomics

2 Introduction Your friend is making use of the computer for 5 hours per day. Instead of going out with you and other friends, she prefers spending time playing online or on social networks. You are worried because you know that spending too much time in front of the computer is not good, especially for children of your age. This can lead to a number of health problems such as: - back pain - eye strain - pain in the wrist

3 You want to help your friend by making her aware of the problems she will face by creating a PowerPoint presentation. Your task is to: 1.Explain the term “ergonomics” 2.Research on the causes of health problems associated with too much computer use 3.Provide solutions on how to prevent these health problems You will not be researching on all health problems but only on one particular one. More details in the next slide. Please note that the teacher will provide you with links to various websites from where you have to take information. Use only these sites. Task (1) Task 2

4 This work is to be done in groups of 3 to 4 students. According to the group you are in, you have to prepare the following sub topics. – Groups 1, 4 & 7: Back Pain – Groups 2, 5 & 8: Eye Strain – Groups 3, 6 & 9: Pain in the Wrist NOTE: Groups will be assigned by the teacher Task (2) Task 1

5 As a group, you have to: 1.RESEARCH – Go through the websites that the teacher will provide you and read through them 2.ANALYSE – Try and take note of an important sentence or two 3.CREATE – Create the presentation – include pictures on ergonomics. Do NOT do more than 15 slides. The Process (1) Process 2

6 Use the below links for your research: Introduction to Ergonomics s.html s.html depth/office-ergonomics/art-20046169 depth/office-ergonomics/art-20046169 l# l# tracking=T_RelatedArticle# tracking=T_RelatedArticle# The Process (2) Process 3 Process 1

7 Eye Strain symptoms-treatment symptoms-treatment Back Pain chair-how-reduce-back-pain chair-how-reduce-back-pain ergonomics-minimize-back-injuries ergonomics-minimize-back-injuries The Process (3) Process 4Process 2

8 Pain in the Wrist wrist-and-forearm-injuries.html wrist-and-forearm-injuries.html 781 781 keyboards/ergonomic-keyboards.html keyboards/ergonomic-keyboards.html Ergonomic Products The Process (4) Process 3

9 Beginning 1 Developing 2 Accomplished 3 Exemplary 4 Score Team Work There was no cooperation between team members. No one took responsibility for the work. Only one member was responsible for the work. There were many group disagreements. Team members shared roles and responsibility. However, there were times in which one member did not cooperate with the rest. Team members shared responsibility and each contributed equally to the activity. Disagreements were immediately resolved. Evaluation (1) Evaluation 2

10 Beginning 1 Developing 2 Accomplished 3 Exemplary 4 Score Presentation of work The presentation is of poor quality. Only one team member showed enough motivation. The presentation is of fairly good quality. It was clear that work was not the students’ own work. The presentation is of good quality. It showed creativity and initiative. The presentation is of high quality where all the team members used their talents as much as possible. Correct information & research Information presented showed no research at all. There was basic information about computer ergonomics and associated health problem. There was proper information and images about the topic. There was proper information about the topic. The students also found related videos. Evaluation (2) Evaluation 1

11 Congratulations!! You have convinced your friend to leave the computer desk!! Well Done!! =) Conclusion

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