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The Muscular System Part 2: Identification.

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1 The Muscular System Part 2: Identification

2 Objectives Identify the major skeletal muscle of the human body Explain each identified skeletal muscle’s function or role

3 Muscles of the head & Face
Occipitofrontalis Raises the eyebrows Orbicularis oculi Closes the eye lid Zygomaticus minor Raises the upper lip Zygomaticus major Pulls corner of the mouth up & out

4 Muscles of the head & Face
Orbicularis oris Narrows mouth & purses lips Buccinator Pulls back the angle of the mouth & flattens the cheek area Aids whistling and smiling In babies it is used to suckle Masseter Lifts the lower jaw & closes the mouth

5 Smiling Frowning Requires only 4 muscles Levator labii superioris
Zygomaticus minor Zygomaticus major Risorius Requires 8 muscles! Occipitofrontalis Corrugator supercilii Orbicularis oculi Dilator naris Platysma Depressor anguli oris Depressor labii inferioris Mentalis

6 Muscles of the Head & Face
m. occipitofrontalis


8 Muscles of the neck Splenius capitis Moves the head & twists the neck
Levator scapulae Lifts & twists the shoulder Sternocleimastoid Tilts & twists the neck Sternohyoid Depresses the larynx

9 Muscles of the neck Scalenus anterior, medius, & posterior
Aid in breathing & neck flexion The anterior and middle scalene muscles elevate the first rib and rotate the neck to the same side The posterior scalene elevates the second rib and tilts the neck to the opposite side Trapezius Rotates, elevates and retracts the shoulder blade

10 Muscles of the neck m. sternocleimastoid m. sternohyoid
m. scalenus anterior m. sternohyoid

11 Anterior Muscles of the torso
Deltoid Raises arm away from the body to front, side, and rear External intercostals Elevate the ribs Pectoralis major Draws arm toward the body and rotates upper arm inward Biceps brachii Flexes forearm at the elbow and turns the palm upward

12 Anterior Muscles of the torso
Serratus anterior Pulls shoulder blades away from the spine External oblique abdominal Flexes and rotates trunk Rectus abdominis Flexes spine and draws pelvis forward Pyramidalis Tenses the linea alba It is absent in 20% of normal humans

13 Anterior Muscles of the torso
m. deltoid m. external intercostals Linea alba Anterior Muscles of the torso m. external oblique abdominal

14 Posterior Muscles of the torso
Infraspinatus Rotates arm & stabilizes the shoulder Teres major & teres minor Lifts & twists arm, stabilizes the shoulder Triceps brachii Moves arm down towards the body and contracts to straighten the arm

15 Posterior Muscles of the torso
Latissimus dorsi Extends, rotates and lowers arm, pulls shoulder back Largest surface area of any muscle in the body Gluteus maximus Raises thigh away from body at the hip, rotates the thigh, and tilts the pelvis when walking

16 Posterior muscles of the torso

17 Anterior Muscles of the arm
Pronator teres pronates the forearm, turning the hand posteriorly Brachioradialis Flexes arm at the elbow Flexor carpi radialis Flexes hand at wrist Flexor digitorum superficialis Flexes joints of hand and wrist

18 Anterior muscles of the arm

19 Posterior Muscles of the arm
Brachialis Flexes the elbow Extensor carpi radialis longus Extends the wrist at the joint & abducts the hand at the wrist Is a set of 5 muscles together Extensor digitorum Extends all finger joints

20 Posterior muscles of the arm

21 Anterior Muscles of the hand
Abductor pollicis brevis Pulls thumb in toward the palm Flexor pollicis brevis Flexes the thumb at the first metacarpal joint Abductor digiti minimi Abducts the little finger Flexor digiti minimi brevis Flexes the little finger

22 Anterior muscles of the hand

23 Anterior Muscles of the LEg
Iliopsoas Flexes the thigh at the hip Pectineus Flexes & draws thigh in toward the body Adductor longus Rotates and draws the thigh in toward the body Gracilis Flexes and rotates the leg

24 Anterior Muscles of the Leg
Sartorius Flexes thigh at the hip and leg at knee joint, and turns thigh outward Rectus femoris Flexes the thigh at the hip and with other muscles extends the knee Vastus lateralis & vastus medialis Help to extend the knee Peroneus brevis Flexes the foot downward and stops it from turning inward

25 Anterior Muscles of the Leg
Peroneus longus Flexes the foot downward and turns it outward Tibialis anterior Flexes the foot upward and inward, & supports the arch of the foot when running or walking Extensor hallucis longus Extends the big toe Extensor digitorum longus Extends toes & ankle

26 Anterior muscles of the leg

27 Posterior Muscles of the Leg
Adductor magnus Rotates, flexes & extends the thigh Biceps femoris, Semitendinosus, & Semimembranosus Extends the thigh at the hip, flexes and rotates the leg All three muscles make up the hamstrings Plantaris Assists in knee flexion

28 Posterior Muscles of the Leg
Gastrocnemius The main calf muscle It contracts to flex the ankle and pull up the heel, as when standing on tip–toe and flexes your knee Tibialis posterior Is the main muscle in turning the foot inward Fibularis longus & fibularis brevis Flex and turn the foot outward Soleus Flexes the foot and it needed for walking and running

29 Posterior Muscles of the Leg
Achilles (calcaneal) tendon It serves to attach the plantaris, gastrocnemius, and soleus muscles to the calcaneus (heel) bone

30 Posterior muscles of the leg
Achilles (calcaneal) tendon

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