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Benefits in taking part in outdoor activities By Kitty Dowry.

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1 Benefits in taking part in outdoor activities By Kitty Dowry

2 Self esteem and self confidence  When competing in any physical activity it can improve your mental health these can include confidence and self esteem.  If someone was to loose weight through participating in physical activity it will improve self esteem as the would feel better about them selves.  Your confidence in your self can improve when participating in outdoor activities, this can happen with communicating with others, improving in the sport and taking on more challenges

3 Team working skills  A lot of outdoor activities require people to work together.  If you are in a canoe and there are 2 of you it require you to work together, so in this will improve your team working skills.  In Outdoor activity centres, you usually have team building session to improve your team working skills in the over activities, e.g. Kata canoe, Crate stacking and climbing (belaying).

4 Increased Muscle mass and decrease in Fat  This will be a benefit for some particpants in outdoor activities.  With increased participation in outdoor activities you will improve your strength and experience muscle hypertrophy or a lose in fat.  In kayaking you will improve your core and back muscles as they are the main muscles you will use when participating in it, also a decrease in fat.  When climbing you will experience muscle hypertrophy in your leg muscles and arm muscles.

5 Risk taking  All sports and activities have some elements of risk in them.  Taking risks can give people adrenaline rushes and give them a sense of danger which some people benefit from.  You can experience risk if you are scrambling in mountaineering, caving and outdoor climbing, these include risk of rock being unstable so failing or slipping.

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