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2014 Chapter of the Year Dayton Chapter Chapter Advancement: SURGE Hon. Michael Newman, Chapter President Jeffrey Cox, Chapter President-Elect.

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Presentation on theme: "2014 Chapter of the Year Dayton Chapter Chapter Advancement: SURGE Hon. Michael Newman, Chapter President Jeffrey Cox, Chapter President-Elect."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 Chapter of the Year Dayton Chapter Chapter Advancement: SURGE Hon. Michael Newman, Chapter President Jeffrey Cox, Chapter President-Elect

2 “SURGE” Our Chapter advancement efforts have evolved around five general silos of activity: S = Support U = Unite R = Represent G = Gratify E = Engage

3 1. Chapter newsletters: "On the Merits", published 2-3x/yr. on-line. 2. Active participation of local federal judges on Chapter Board of Directors, and pending invitation to serve on Executive Committee/leadership ladder. 3. Partnership with SD Ohio to assist with administration of summer extern program. 4. Outreach to local corporate partners with interest in legal profession (LexisNexis). 5. Aggressive membership recruitment and retention efforts. SUPPORT 1. Chapter newsletters: "On the Merits", published 2-3x/yr. on-line. 2. Active participation of local federal judges on Chapter Board of Directors, and pending invitation to serve on Executive Committee/leadership ladder. 3. Partnership with SD Ohio to assist with administration of summer extern program. 4. Outreach to local corporate partners with interest in legal profession (LexisNexis). 5. Aggressive membership recruitment and retention efforts.

4 6. Expanded size and scope of Board to include representatives of prominent firms, US Attorneys Office, dean of UDSL, others. 7. Establish regular schedule of Board and Exec. Cmte. meetings and task Board members with action items, committee work. 8. Identify YLD liaisons among Board members. 9. Partnership of Dayton YLD liaisons and student chapter with UpDayton – Dayton's Young Professionals organization. 10. Active social media presence: Chapter maintains and supports a Chapter website, Twitter feed, LinkedIn account and Facebook page. SUPPORT 6. Expanded size and scope of Board to include representatives of prominent firms, US Attorneys Office, dean of UDSL, others. 7. Establish regular schedule of Board and Exec. Cmte. meetings and task Board members with action items, committee work. 8. Identify YLD liaisons among Board members. 9. Partnership of Dayton YLD liaisons and student chapter with UpDayton – Dayton's Young Professionals organization. 10. Active social media presence: Chapter maintains and supports a Chapter website, Twitter feed, LinkedIn account and Facebook page.

5 UNITE 1. Bi-monthly lunch and learn/brown bag sessions with Dayton federal judges, including bankruptcy court judges. 2. Annual State of the Court Luncheon (January), with SD Ohio Chief Judge. 3. 2013 Dayton Chapter Annual Meeting (October), with guest speaker, retired US Supreme Court Clerk, General Wm. Suter (accompanied by FBA President Judge Gelpi, FBA Exec. Director Silverman and US Sentencing Director Dorhoffer, with CLE programming). 4. Sixth Circuit Practice Institute (May 2014) – co-host with Cincinnati/NKy Chapter; keynote: Sol. General Donald Verrilli; YLD reception with Chief Judge Batchelder and other 6 th Cir. Judges; Sixth Circuit Swearing-In Ceremony. 5. 2014 Dayton Chapter Annual Meeting (Oct), with guest speaker Deborah Majoras, Chief Legal Officer and Secretary, The Procter & Gamble Company and former FTC Chair.

6 UNITE 6. Federal Practice Seminar and New Lawyer Orientation (2x/yr – May and December), with SD Ohio Swearing-In Ceremony. 7. Federal Rules Seminar (Evidence, Civil Procedure and Local Rules) with US Magistrate Merz (November). 8. Chapter Summer Reception, with special emphasis on summer clerks, externs, interns and law students and local judicial officers (July). 9. Government Relations Update luncheon, with FBA government relations counsel Bruce Moyer (November). 10. Nazi Art Theft/Recovery program with FBA Circuit VP Ray Dowd (April 2013). 11. Programs in development or consideration with federal judges and federal law enforcement leadership include: a) Handling Habeas Representations; b) Child Pornography and Trafficking Issues.

7 REPRESENT 1. Support FBA National: attend chapter leadership training sessions, FBA Annual and Mid-Year meetings. 2. Participate in FBA National leadership opportunities – circuit meetings, YLD and National leadership ladders, section meetings and committee meetings. 3. Look for ways to partner with other chapters for programming and events: Dayton support/involvement with planning for 2016 FBA National Convention in Cleveland. 4. Take advantage of national speakers, officers to attend chapter events and FBA national section funding resources that might fit well with your event programming. 5. Chapter presentation/support at UDSL orientation programming (per invitation of the law school leadership). 6. Regular submissions to "The Federal Lawyer" magazine of photos, substantive articles, book reviews, judicial profiles.

8 GRATIFY 1. Annual Chapter Awards for: a. Federal Service. b. Public Service. c. Chapter Service. 2. Chapter sponsorship of UDSL Constitutional Law Book Awards (top student in each section – certificate and small monetary recognition). 3. Display of annual awards and Presidential leadership plaques in federal courthouse.

9 ENGAGE 1. Establish Chapter YLD division at University of Dayton School of Law; include UDSL FBA officers on Dayton FBA Board. 2. Outreach to JAG leadership at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base; establish link to Greater Dayton Volunteer Lawyer Project for WPAFB military families. 3. Partner with Dayton Bar Association Federal Practice Committee. 4. Support work of and provide comments to SD Ohio Local Rules Committee. 5. Support advancement of military spouse bar admissions issue to FBA's Veterans and Military Law Section leadership for potential national action. 6. Active participation encouraging diversity in the profession through the Summer Work Experience in the Law (SWEL) and Law and Leadership Institute (LLI) programs.

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