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Under The Sea Paige Whistler Lesson: Under the sea animals Third grade science Click Nemo to continue!

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2 Under The Sea Paige Whistler Lesson: Under the sea animals Third grade science Click Nemo to continue!

3 Click a sea animal to learn more about it! Click HERE for a multiple choice question!!HERE Shark Dolphin Sea Horse Star Fish Crab Puffer Fish Sea Turtle Octopus

4 1.Sharks do not have bones, they are made up of cartilage! 2. They have really good hearing 3. Great White sharks are the deadliest 4. There is a mirror like layer in their eyes allows them to see better in water. This allows them to hunt in clear seas or murky water. 5. Top predators of ocean’s natural food chain Click Nemo to return to menu!

5 1. Dolphins are carnivores (meat eaters) 2. They live in schools or pods up to twelve dolphins 3. They use a blowhole to breathe 4. They communicate with each other by whistling and clicking sound. 5. Dolphins have good eyesight and hearing

6 1.Sea Horse adults eat up to 50-70 times a day! 2. They eat plankton and tiny fish 3. They have a tiny fin on their back that helps them swim upwards 4. Sea horses can change color quickly and match any surroundings in which it finds itself. 5. They live in shallow grass areas on the floor of the ocean

7 1.Star fish have spiky shells which offers them protection 2. They come in all different colors! 3. Star fish have little tiny eyes at the end of each arm, they can view movement but can not see much detail. 4. They are carnivores (meat eaters) 5. They eat clam, shells and muscles Click Nemo to return to menu!

8 1.Crabs are omnivores (plant and animal eaters) 2. They eat fungi, bacteria, worms, mollusks and algae 3. They have five pairs of legs. The first to are claws 4. To communicate they make drumming and flapping sounds by using their claws. 5. Crabs walk and swim sideways Click Nemo to return to menu!

9 1.Puffer fish only have four teeth to help them open clams, mussels and shellfish 2. Very good eyesight 3. To scare predators away they take in a lot of water which means there body size becomes larger. They look like tiny balls 4. Puffer fish has poison in its body used for protection 5. They have very sharp spikes around their body

10 1.Sea turtles have hard shells that they use for protection 2. They eat jellyfish, shrimp, and sea grass 3. They can hold their breathe for over 30 minutes 4. Some may live up to 100 years

11 1.Octopus has eight arms 2. Good eyesight but can not hear 3. They are very intelligent 4. Their body allows them to squeeze through very small cracks 5. The arms of the octopus has suckers allowing them to grab onto things easier Click Nemo to return to menu!

12 Which sea animal uses poison as protection? 1.OctopusOctopus 2. Puffer FishPuffer Fish 3. CrabsCrabs

13 Sorry try again!  The octopus does not use poison for protection! Click Nemo to try again!

14 Correct!! Puffer Fish does use poison for protection! Click Nemo to continue!

15 Sorry try again!  The Crab does not use poison for protection! Click Nemo to try again!

16 Great job on completing this lesson! Please click on Nemo to restart it for the next student!

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