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COMENIUS 8th APRIL 2011. TRASFORMATION + SECRECY Encryption Grafien = writing Cryptos = hidden, secret.

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Presentation on theme: "COMENIUS 8th APRIL 2011. TRASFORMATION + SECRECY Encryption Grafien = writing Cryptos = hidden, secret."— Presentation transcript:


2 TRASFORMATION + SECRECY Encryption Grafien = writing Cryptos = hidden, secret

3 Transmit information in a confidential or encrypted form. That is to say to intercept and decrypt an encrypted message from a dual point of view. ENCRYPTION: The set of techniques that allow for encryption and decryption of a text of a cryptogram. “Garzanti Dictionary” (1972) Encryption is not intended to hide the message itself, but its meaning. Branch of mathematics and computer science It uses the techniques of number theory and information theory

4 ● Encryption is an ancient science used to hide messages between ancient kings, emperors, noblemen. ● The golden age of cryptography was during on the second world war when Alan Turing, the father of theoretical computer science, along with the research group of the Bletchley Park formalized the mathematics required for a systematic study of ciphers.

5 CONCEALMENT OF THE MESSAGE Steganografy Grafien = writingSteganos = covered

6 Herodotus (400 B.C.)  Comunication by writing on wooden tablets and then coated with wax  Communication via slave with the head shaved Pliny the Elder (100 A.C.)  Communication with invisible ink made from latex titimabo Gian Battista della Porta (1500)  Comunication with boliled egg and invible ink

7 If the carrier is carefully searched the message can be found :  Scraping the wax tablets  Shaving the head of the courier  Bringing the sheet to a heat source  Peeling egg SECRECY IS LOST IN INTERCEPTION

8 A cipher is a system capable of transforming a plaintext (message) into unintelligible text (ciphertext or cryptogram). To use a cipher, you must define two things: the message encryption and decryption of the cryptogram. Plaintext Unintelligible text (messagge) (cryptogram) CIPHER

9 ATBASH: used in the Bible (Geremia’s Book) Reversed Alphabet Aleph-Taw Beth-Shin ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba BABEL(Jewish) = Sheshakh

10 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabc Svetonius (100-44 A.C.) “Vitae Caesarorum” Each letter in the plaintext is replaced by a letter three number of positions down the alphabet. CAESAR CIPHER

11 With the Caesar cipher decode the following message th duh kdssb wr kdyh brx zlwk xv dw vfkrro WE ARE HAPPY TO HAVE YOU WITH US AT SCHOOL

12 LEON BATTISTA ALBERTI (XV sec. A.C.) two disks, one inside the other the outer one 22 ordered letters and 4 numbers is the plaintext the inner one 24 not ordered letters is the ciphertext


14 With the Alberti cipher and (A, r) key, decode the following message: sh itbhl ycy rivcyrag marw kgma zngwwp fkrz WE HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS MATH CLASS IN ROME


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