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The new MEG tracker Marco Grassi INFN - Pisa Overview Timescale Tasks Funding.

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Presentation on theme: "The new MEG tracker Marco Grassi INFN - Pisa Overview Timescale Tasks Funding."— Presentation transcript:

1 The new MEG tracker Marco Grassi INFN - Pisa Overview Timescale Tasks Funding

2 Selected technology We selected the following detector single volume gaseous detector cylindrical shape with longitudinal wires U–V stereo for hit positioning along the chamber axis low mass gas ( He : iC 4 H 10 – 85:15 most probable) thin wires and small cell size Tentative goals Single hit resolution ~130  m in r Momentum resolution ~130KeV Angular resolution ~5 mrad DC-TC matching eff. ~ 90 % Referee - 15 Mar 20132

3 Pictorial view of Positron Spectrometer Not shown: COBRA Tracker Mechanics Tracker electronics Referee - 15 Mar 20133

4 Key elements Benefit from past experience and know how similar chambers were already successfully operated for many years new assembly technique has been defined and proved Use or reuse of existing infrastructures Work in parallel PSI INFN Lecce INFN Roma INFN Pisa Referee - 15 Mar 20134

5 Personal comments The schedule is tight no room for long R&D Multi - institutions project responsibilities & Tasks subdivision frequent meetings Kick-off meeting in Lecce Weekly phone meeting Robust system avoid technical challenges if not absolutely necessary put extra safety margin Referee - 15 Mar 20135

6 Schedule and Milestones Prototypes  Short prototypes for hit resolution (Rome, Lecce)  Si telescope for high precision tracking (Pisa)  Simple prototype for ageing (Pisa)  Long prototype to validate wire selection and mounting (Pisa)  “complex” prototype for validation of construction procedure (Lecce)  Mechanical prototype to compare End-Plates structures (Lecce, Pisa) Referee - 15 Mar 20136

7 Next year commitments Referee - 15 Mar 20137

8 Full schedule Referee - 15 Mar 20138 Internal milestones  10/2013 end of prototyping phase and end-plate design completion  06/2014 ready for assembly  04/2015 shipment to PSI contingency  06-09/2015 start of test run

9 COST Referee - 15 Mar 20139

10 Task: prototypes Referee - 15 Mar 201310 Existing prototypes  Single hit resolution  Rome 8x8 chamber  Lecce “tritubo”  Lecce “large chamber” (Mu2e)  Ageing  Pisa prototype  Mounting procedure  Lecce “large chamber” (Mu2e)  FE electronics  Single and 6 channels differential Other prototypes  Charge division  Wire type and cell stability  Full length simple prototype  End-plate structure  Mechanical prototypes  FE electronics  Single ended with cabling  HV system  Electronics vs commercial vs PSI solutions  Final mounting procedure  Single ended with cabling Several prototypes dedicated to answer specific questions

11 geometry prototypes constraints Tasks Referee - 15 Mar 201311 material simulation reconstruction performances end plates support structure gas vol. integration target assembling procedures mounting tools wiring tools assembly survey electronics cabling completion installation Gas system commissioning HV system monitor chamber PSI Lecce Rome/Pisa/Lecce Pisa/PSI Lecce/BINP Rome Pisa/Lecce all Pi/Le/Rm Pisa/Lecce Psi/Rome Rome Pisa PSI/Rome Pisa

12 Use of specific tools Referee - 15 Mar 201312

13 Use of specific tools Referee - 15 Mar 201313

14 Timing summary Referee - 15 Mar 201314 TaskStartcompletion GeometriaOra06/2013 Assembly procedureOra06/2013 End plate design05/201310/2013 Support struct. design05/201312/2013 Material procurement10/201306/2014 Mounting tool10/201306/2014 Wiring tool10/201306/2014 Assembly06/201402/2015 Laboratory test02/201504/2015 Integration at PSI05/201506/2015 Contingency06/201509/2015

15 Richieste per Marzo Fase critica: dall’approvazione all’estate 2013 Dettagli delle soluzioni tecniche finali Uso di semplici prototipi specifici su alcuni aspetti Prototipo finale Richieste di assegnazioni finanziarie limitate per la fase critica. Dettagli secondo la lettera inviata Referee - 15 Mar 201315

16 Parte finanziaria Referee - 15 Mar 201316

17 Parte finanziaria Referee - 15 Mar 201317

18 Dettagli Pisa Referee - 15 Mar 201318 Prototipi corti  Invecchiamento  Fili argentati0.5 kE  Materiali2.0 kE  Gas alto flusso1.5 kE  Tritubo per guadagno e monitor  Costruzione2.0 kE Prototipi lungo semplice  Stabilità cella  Divisione di carica  Struttura 2.0 kE  End plate2.0 kE  Volume gas2.0 kE  Consumo2.0 kE Prototipo endplate  Possibile alternativa endplate bsaeline  Materiale 1.0 kE  Lavorazione2.0 kE  PCB1.0 kE

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