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UYC Organisation structure Member Consultation April 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "UYC Organisation structure Member Consultation April 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 UYC Organisation structure Member Consultation April 2014

2 Introduction John Spivey AGM 2013 – Identified need to streamline Organisation Small Team Marion Marshall, Rick Boyce, Clare Clarke, Rob Watson, John Spivey, Peter Lewis – Developed outline proposal – Unanimous support at Management Committee in March – Next step to get member input & refine proposal – Aim to put a final proposal to EGM in August.

3 Key Issues – Committee large & unwieldy – RYA recommends 8-10 – Poor attendance; not quorum Makes decision making difficult Management & Sailing Committees – High workload for key roles – CASC, VAT, Ltd company, increasing demands – Lack of volunteers for committee – Lots volunteers for hands on roles

4 Commodore Sailing Secretary Membershi p Vice Commodore Hon Secretary TreasurerRacing RepLeisure RepTraining Rep Board of Directors Develops Business Plan & updates for AGM Develops devolved annual action plans & budgets by Jan. Monitors Quarterly accounts. Controls Capital Expenditure. Governance of Articles & Byelaws Focus on strategy and providing resources RepresentativeExecutive

5 Sub Committees – Scope Board Sailing Racing Leisure Training Water Safety Membership Existing New Marketing Corporate Use Training In-house Sailing School Site Site safety Maintenance Facilities Finance Devolved Budgets. Business Plan Monitoring cash flow Hospitality Manager & Assistant Elected members Safety Officers members of sub committee. Combine class captains & class reps Prepare Annual Action Plans & Budgets approved by Board Minutes taken; Reports to Board, published for Club members Allows faster decisions and closer operational links Composition? TBD, Need input. Involves skilled volunteers in areas of interest and action Focus on Operational Delivery

6 How it works Board & Committees Prepare plans & budgets. Delegate implementation to committees Board Job Descriptions provide authority limits. 3 year tenure (annual re election for licensing law) 3 month handover for new Directors appointed in October. Qtly Board Meetings Sub Committees meet more regularly as required. High work load of key roles relieved by more paid support. – Increase profit; revenue or efficiency – Increase fees

7 Consultation Need feedback Need Input for sub committee make up – Particularly Sailing if delegation to work Email, in person or letter – To Vice Commodore – Need Support. – 2/3 rds majority.

8 Timetable 1st March 2014: Committee agrees outline proposals for revisions to UYC structure 16 th March: Management Review Group to publish outline proposals in members' area of website and email to members. Printed copies available in Clubhouse 22 nd March to 26 th April: Consultation with members, individuals or groups. 3rd May: Committee agree clear proposals for EGM. 31 st May: preliminary notice of EGM sent to members with proposed revisions to Memarts and invitation to propose or second formal amendments by 5 th July. 5 th July: deadline for Club members to submit amendments to proposed Memarts. By 19 th July: Final proposals sent to members with formal notice of EGM and any formal amendments that have been proposed and seconded. Committee having negotiated composite amendments where appropriate. Club solicitor checks proposals and any proposed amendments.

9 EGM Saturday 2 nd August 1 resolution only: to change Memarts as proposed by the committee after first discussing and voting on any amendments which were submitted before the deadline. No other proposals or amendments can be considered. Prior notice could be required from members wishing to speak. Limited time slots to be allocated by ballot. Vote after the meeting has had a short recess to allow time for informal discussion. AGM Saturday 5th October - Members elect directors, officers and committee members according to revised Memarts. If so agreed, newly elected Directors take office immediately alongside current Directors, who hold office until the end of the year.

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