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Preparations for CITES COP 17 1 CONFIDENTIAL. OUTLINE Background information Hosting of CITES CoP 17 Possible agenda items & proposals to the 17 th CoP.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparations for CITES COP 17 1 CONFIDENTIAL. OUTLINE Background information Hosting of CITES CoP 17 Possible agenda items & proposals to the 17 th CoP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparations for CITES COP 17 1 CONFIDENTIAL

2 OUTLINE Background information Hosting of CITES CoP 17 Possible agenda items & proposals to the 17 th CoP to CITES

3 BACKGROUND INFORMATION CITES aims to ensure that international trade in CITES listed species is sustainable and not detrimental to the survival of the species in the wild. CITES listed species are categorized in three Appendices (Appendix I, II and III) according to the extent to which they are threatened. CITES member countries and observers meet approximately every three years to review the implementation of the Convention. At such meetings, member countries also consider and adopt amendments to the lists of species in Appendices I and II. South Africa ratified CITES in 1975 and is one of the 182 current signatories to CITES.

4 BACKGROUND INFORMATION CITES is a powerful tool for biodiversity conservation – regulation of international trade in wild fauna and flora Regulates international trade in over 35 000 species of plants and animals (including their products & derivatives) Benefits – ensuring survival of species, facilitate sustainable use & support economic development and livelihoods First CoP hosted on Africa continent since the year 2000 (Previous host countries in Africa: Botswana, Zimbabwe and Kenya) 182 Parties are signatories to CITES & 2000 participants expected to attend the CoP

5 HOSTING OF CITES COP17 Host city – City of Johannesburg Venue: Sandton Convention Centre Date – 17 th CoP to CITES: 24 September 2016 – 5 October 2016 Standing Committee Meetings: 23 September 2016 & 5 October 2016

6 POSSIBLE PROPOSALS Proposals to amend the Appendices – Not initiated by South Africa: – Kenya indicated that it will submit a proposal to list lion in Appendix I – African grey Parrot: App I (Ghana) – African elephant – African elephant coalition: Amendment to Annotation – Shark proposals to list sharks in Appendix II (Silky shark & Thresher shark) South Africa: Proposals to be submitted by South Africa (subject to Cabinet approval) – Cape mountain zebra – Proposed to downlist to Appendix II (Based on non-detriment finding: Scientific Authority) – Siphonochilus aethiopicus (wild ginger) – Proposed listing Appendix II (Based on work done by SANBI) – Pangolin: Proposed listing in Appendix I

7 POSSIBLE RESOLUTIONS Trade in hunting trophies of species listed in Appendix II – Seeks to clarify the uniform interpretation of the Convention with regards to hunting trophies, – Emphasising “the contribution of hunting to conservation, socio- economic beneficiation and to provide incentives for people to conserve wildlife Illegal Wildlife Trade Highlights the need for – International cooperation, – The sharing of best practices and enforcement resources, – The mobilisation of funds for sustainable interventions in order to combat illegal wildlife trade in CITES listed species – While emphasising the important role played by local communities

8 POSSIBLE AGENDA ITEMS: COP 17 Chairs, Agenda, Working programme, Rules of Procedure, Credentials, Observers, Financing & budget Administrative matters – Committee reports Cooperation with other biodiversity related conventions Multilateral measures CITES & livelihoods Wildlife trade policy reviews Capacity building Strategic matters Review of Resolutions & Decisions Compliance and enforcement (trade in App I specimen, pangolin, review of significant trade, cheetah) Reporting Trade control & marking (Purpose codes) Interpretation and implementation

9 POSSIBLE AGENDA ITEMS Exemptions and special trade provisions Captive bred & ranched specimens Production systems & application of definitions Species trade and conservation (Bushmeat, Elephants, Rhinoceros, sharks and rays) Interpretation and implementation (Continue) Nomenclature Periodic review Decision-making mechanism for a process of trade in ivory Extinct / possibly extinct Review of Res. Conf. 10.9 (Down- listing) Proposals Maintenance and amendment of the Appendices


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