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Diversified Agriculture for a balanced nutrition: Constraints and drivers for consumption of diversified diets in rural households - Morogoro and Dodoma.

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Presentation on theme: "Diversified Agriculture for a balanced nutrition: Constraints and drivers for consumption of diversified diets in rural households - Morogoro and Dodoma."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diversified Agriculture for a balanced nutrition: Constraints and drivers for consumption of diversified diets in rural households - Morogoro and Dodoma Nyamizi H Bundala A PhD concept note presentation-Scale N-Kick off meeting

2 Background Good nutrition status is a pre-requisite to a healthy life & a fundamental aspect in food security and economic development of a country. Dietary diversity is essential for nutrient adequacy of a diet because no single food contains all the nutrients (except Breast milk in the first 6 months of infant’s life) Tanzanian economy depends heavily on agriculture and human labor provides much of the power needed for agriculture and farming activities in rural areas. Poor nutrition status affects health, labour productivity, food availability and economic development (WFP 2013; Kinabo et al 2011)

3 Problem statement and Justification Tanzania is experiencing challenges of inadequate diversified agriculture and production practices coupled with poor nutrition. Researches to establish the prevalence of under-nutrition in different regions of the country have not attempted to link it with aspects of production practices ; constraints and enablers of consumption of diversified diets. Therefore this study will attempt to elucidate the linkage between diversified agriculture production and consumption of diversified diet in rural households.

4 Problem statement and Justification Tanzanian rural diets are predominantly monotonous starchy based with little or no animal products and few fresh fruits and vegetables Regions that produce more diversified foods have also high prevalence of under-nutrition 27% of farming households in Kilosa consume fruits 43% of women in Morogoro are not consuming vegetables rich in vitamin A 45% of women in Morogoro are anemic, 29% in Dodoma 59% of children in Morogoro are anemic, 48% in Dodoma (NBS 2011 & Kinabo et al 2014)

5 Main Objective To examine Constraints and drivers for consumption of diversified diets in rural households in the context of Diversified Agriculture production

6 Specific objectives 1.To assess food consumption pattern of households 2.To identify households’ drivers and constraints of consumption of diversified diet 3.To develop an inventory of food production, processing, preparation and cooking practices in the study areas 4.To assess nutrition knowledge, attitude, perception, practices and skills for attaining diversified diet in households 5.To conduct nutrition education in the study areas

7 Approach of the study

8 Phase 2 information collected during baseline phase will determine kind of intervention to be implemented. Among others this phase will comprise designing of nutrition education materials, pre-testing, validation and implementation of designed materials Phase 3 will be an evaluation phase; it will comprise follow-up, monitoring and impact assessment the purpose of phase 1 is to obtain baseline information on socio- demographic, consumption pattern, habitual and production practices. The information received from phase one will inform study design, techniques and specific methods including intervention approaches

9 Data collection methods Study area The study is part of the Scale N-project, It will involve all villages and households where the Scale-N project operate The study will be done in Dodoma and Morogoro regions, it will involve 4 villages, 2 from each region Tindiga and Mhenda-Morogoro Mzula and Chinoje-Dodoma Study population Data will be collected at household level in the selected villages of scale N project. The study population will be all household members

10 Data collection methods Sample size This study will involve a total of 600 households, 150 households from each of the 4 villages, these households will be randomly selected Data collection Data will be collected at household level in the selected villages of scale N project. Anthropometric assessment and dietary assessment will be done to determine nutritional status and food consumption pattern, respectively.

11 Cont... Observation, interviews and focus group discussion will be conducted to identify existing production practices, knowledge, barriers and facilitators of consumption of diversified diet. Furthermore, information on household factors, motivations, and behaviors that facilitate and constraint consumption of diversified diet will be collected.

12 KAPPS??!! 400g 200g 200 300g 300 KAPPS: K= knowledge, A =attitude, P= perception, P= practices, S= skills

13 Expected outputs Information on Consumption pattern of households Drivers and constraints of consumption of diversified diet Food production, processing, preparation and cooking practices in the study areas KAPPS for attaining diversified diet in households Nutrition education materials

14 Proposed Schedule of work

15 Danke fürs Zuhören 16

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