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Minneapolis/Hennepin County Continuum of Care for the Homeless 2016 Request for Proposals Pre-applications for potential new projects are being solicited.

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Presentation on theme: "Minneapolis/Hennepin County Continuum of Care for the Homeless 2016 Request for Proposals Pre-applications for potential new projects are being solicited."— Presentation transcript:

1 Minneapolis/Hennepin County Continuum of Care for the Homeless 2016 Request for Proposals Pre-applications for potential new projects are being solicited

2 2016 CoC Introduction Pre-Proposals for new Rapid Rehousing projects serving adults only households experiencing homelessness are requested in preparation for the 2016 CoC NOFA.

3 2016 CoC Funding US Dept of HUD’s FY2016 McKinney-Vento CoC Program funding: FY2016 Notice of Funding Available (NOFA) yet to be released (expected in July 2016) Availability of funding for new projects is yet to be determined, if any. May be new funding through HUD’s NOFA, reallocated funding from the CoC’s renewal amount, or combination of these 2016 funding amount available for new projects in Hennepin County, if any, will be determined by the CoC as part of the McKinney-Vento Funding Committee’s review and ranking process (of both new proposed projects and renewal projects)

4 2016 CoC Funding (cont) No funding will be awarded based on pre-application proposals If available, funding awards will be determined by HUD, based on a full HUD application -- after applicant projects are reviewed, ranked, & invited to apply by the CoC Can be used for Rental Assistance, Support Services, or Administration More information about eligible activities is available at:

5 2016 CoC RRH for adults only households Model of housing assistance designed to assist the homeless, with or without disabilities, to move quickly into permanent housing and achieve stability Time-limited, individualized, and flexible Must serve households living on the streets (unsheltered) or in emergency shelter Rental Assistance and Supportive Services

6 2016 CoC Rental Assistance Funds Tenant-based (TBRA) Short-term (up to 3 months) or Medium-term (4 to 24 months) 25% cash and/or in-kind match required

7 2016 CoC Supportive Service Funds For the eligible costs of supportive services that address the special needs of program participants Supportive Service funding requests must be made in conjunction with other funding: Rental Assistance 25% cash and/or in-kind match required

8 2016 CoC Allowable Supportive Services Supportive services  Case management  Child care  Education services  Employment assistance and job training  Food  Housing search and counseling services, including mediation, credit repair, and payment of rental application fee  Legal services  Life skills training  Mental health services  Moving costs  Outpatient health services  Outreach services  Substance abuse treatment services  Transportation  Utility deposits

9 2016 CoC Supportive Service Funds For list of eligible services, see: /introductory-guide-to-the-coc-program/ /introductory-guide-to-the-coc-program/

10 2016 CoC Administrative costs Up to 10% of grant amount may be for overall project/grant administration These include activities such as management, coordination, monitoring, evaluation, staff training, & environmental review 25% cash and/or in-kind match required

11 2016 CoC Pre-Application proposals For proposals, complete & include: Attachment 2 Proposal Format and Content Attachment 2 Budgets Form Organization name, contact person, mailing address, phone(s), e-mail address

12 2016 CoC Pre-Application proposals (cont.) Description of the project: – target population – proposed capacity (number of households & persons to be served) – proposed housing and support services model – proposed outcomes – strategies on meeting outcome goals & HUD performance measure targets

13 2016 CoC Pre-Application proposals (cont.) Funding categories & proposed amounts: rental assistance, supportive services, administration, required match Plans for obtaining cash and/or in-kind leverage commitments (ideally 150% of request or more) Commitment & capacity to fully participate in this Coordinated Entry system

14 2016 CoC Eligible Applicants Public nonprofit agencies Private nonprofit agencies Units of government Public housing agencies/authorities

15 2016 CoC Coordinated Entry Hennepin County is implementing a Coordinated Entry System for all homeless assistance & housing services (HEARTH Act & CoC Interim Rule) All CoC applicants must describe their commitment & capacity to fully participate in this Coordinated Entry system

16 2016 CoC Leverage Projects should be able to leverage cash and/or in-kind resources of at least 150% of the HUD grant amount Proposals should include plans for obtaining these leverage commitments if a full application is submitted later

17 2016 CoC Resources re-housing re-housing amInterimRule_FormattedVersion.pdf amInterimRule_FormattedVersion.pdf start-up-training-webinars-for-fy-2013-funds/CoC-Program- Startup-Training-FY2013-Recipients-Day2-Slides.pdf start-up-training-webinars-for-fy-2013-funds/CoC-Program- Startup-Training-FY2013-Recipients-Day2-Slides.pdf -Housing_ESG_vs_CoC.pdf

18 2016 CoC RFP Timeline Tuesday, April 28, 2016 Release of RFP Thursday, May 12, 2016 Pre-proposal information meeting at Noon, North Regional Library Tuesday, May 17, 2016 Final deadline for submission of questions regarding the RFP Thursday, January 29, 2015 Answers to questions submitted by deadline to be posted on: opportunities Friday, June 3, 2016 Pre-Application Proposals due by: 3:00 PM, CT Date to be determinedFinal ranking & selection after HUD publishes 2016 CoC Program NOFA, if funding for new projects made available

19 2016 CoC Proposal (Pre-application) Submission Each Proposer must submit one (1) electronic copy of the proposal either via USB drive or email. The County must receive proposals no later than 3 pm on June 3, 2016 at the following address: Tim Hastings Hennepin County HSPHD CMS A-1006 Government Center 300 6th Street South Minneapolis MN 55487 or Submissions due by June 3, 2016 3 pm CST

20 2016 CoC RFP Support Further questions concerning this vendor selection process should be submitted by e-mail to: Timothy Hastings Hennepin County HSPHD Vendor Selection Coordinator Pre-proposal information meeting questions and answers, and any additional questions & answers, will be posted on: opportunities

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