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Project Maths – a curriculum and assessment initiative in Ireland Bill Lynch, NCCA (Director, Curriculum and Assessment)

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Presentation on theme: "Project Maths – a curriculum and assessment initiative in Ireland Bill Lynch, NCCA (Director, Curriculum and Assessment)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Maths – a curriculum and assessment initiative in Ireland Bill Lynch, NCCA (Director, Curriculum and Assessment)

2 2 Summary  Overview of NCCA structures  Review of mathematics - summary  Proposals for curriculum revision in mathematics  Project Maths –Rationale, structure and timelines of the project –Curriculum and assessment development –Supporting change

3 3 The NCCA Council Senior Cycle Committee specialist committees Junior Cycle Committee specialist committees EC and Primary Committee specialist committees Executive teams x 8

4 4 Overview and background  Previous developments in maths education  Issues in mathematics education; consultation  Research – international trends in maths education  Proposals for change; implications

5 5 Issues and concerns in mathematics education  Student uptake for different syllabus levels  Low student achievement in national examinations and in international assessments (PISA, TIMMS)  Lack of understanding and the ability to apply mathematics in unfamiliar contexts  Emphasis on rote learning of procedures  Nature of assessment and its effect on teaching and learning  Student and cultural attitudes to mathematics

6 6 Discussion and consultation Review to consider  Nature and purpose of mathematics education at second level  The need for syllabus and assessment change  Requirements of third-level education  Role of ICT in mathematics education  Teacher professional development needs  Cultural attitudes towards mathematics

7 7 Consultation (2005)  Documents circulated –NCCA discussion paper + Response questionnaire –Research paper (Conway and Sloane) –Information leaflet for schools  Main response points –Curriculum, Assessment –Contexts and applications for mathematics –Teaching and learning; teacher qualification –Negative attitudes towards mathematics

8 8 Focus issues  How students encounter mathematics  The kind of mathematics they might experience  New approaches to teaching and learning  How mathematics might be assessed  Supporting the change - a new model of curriculum development

9 9 Changing the change process  Traditional model of curriculum change –centralised development and implementation/support  Project Maths approach –school-based initiative; teachers involved in the change –lesson development and adaptation/refinement –feedback to curriculum development process –incremental revisions to syllabuses –assessment reinforcing the changed approach

10 10 Emphasis on understanding and skills  Building on existing knowledge and skills  Progression and continuity; from the concrete to the abstract, from the informal to the formal  Developing learner confidence and competence  Focus on problem-solving skills and strategies  Applying knowledge and skills to familiar and unfamiliar contexts/problems

11 11 Developing the proposals  Committees and Board of Studies (September 2006)  Outline proposal to Council (December 2006)  Strands and sequence proposed (March 2007)  Final proposals and indicative costs (June/July 2007)  Revised timescales (December 2007)  DES approval in principle (March 2008)

12 12 Project Maths  Phased syllabus change; strands  Working with an initial group of schools  Simultaneous implementation at lower and upper second level  Bridging with primary school mathematics  Incremental change to examinations  Ongoing teacher professional development

13 13 Aims of Project Maths  Improve mathematics education at second level  Increase student uptake of Higher level mathematics  Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills  Broaden the focus of assessment  Support teacher professional development

14 14 Junior Certificate mathematics  Common introductory course –progression from the primary mathematics curriculum –building on the knowledge, understanding and skills developed at primary school –delayed choice of syllabus levels  Two syllabus levels, Ordinary and Higher –at least 60% of cohort at HL

15 15 Leaving Certificate mathematics  Three levels, Foundation, Ordinary and Higher –target of 30% at Higher level –upward progression of levels possible  Flexibility and choice –emphasis, context, applications  Assessment –balance of theory and applications/context –removal of choice in the examination

16 16 Phasing of developments  Bridging framework to link primary and post- primary mathematics  Phased syllabus changes at junior cycle and senior cycle – 5 strands over 3 years  Increased emphasis on contexts and applications  Focus on higher-order mathematical skills

17 17 Syllabus strands 1.Statistics and Probability 2.Geometry and Trigonometry 3.Number 4.Algebra 5.Functions

18 18 Wider context of change  School completion targets  Access to and participation in third level  Junior cycle and senior cycle changes –focus on the learner, on understanding and skills –Key Skills –role of assessment; recent developments  Needs of society –Ireland and the knowledge economy

19 19 Senior Cycle Key Skills Framework

20 20 Comments and challenges  General support for the proposed developments  Focus on the purposes of mathematics education, the kinds of mathematics required to fulfil these, and then a provision structure that best suits  Some concern around the implications for schools and students  Need to consider the feasibility of mixed class groups and workability of choices/options  Teacher professional development to address prioritised needs

21 21 Doing change differently  Involving teachers –school-based initiative; lesson development –feedback to curriculum development –immediate start-up and ongoing involvement –changing the mind-set of teachers  Change in parallel with senior cycle developments –incremental revisions to syllabuses and assessment

22 22 Supporting the change  Teacher Education Section of DES to administer the project –Project Maths Support Team –Funding  NCCA responsible for –directing curriculum and assessment development –advising on teacher professional development –review and evaluation

23 23 Resource implications  Resources to support teachers  Resources for student use and research  Web-based materials  Relevant contexts and applications of mathematics  Communication; public awareness  Information on careers

24 24 External support for change  National Centre for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching and Learning  Professional development and support for teachers  Collaboration with other agencies and groups  Building capacity to sustain change  Promotion and communication

25 25 Progress to date  Syllabus strands development and refinement  Teacher professional development  Resources for teachers and students  Introduction in all schools; Sept. 2010 start-up  Assessment –Sample examination paper (SEC) –Pre-Leaving Certificate (NCCA)

26 26 Challenges  Macro level –Maintaining and improving standards –Responding to feedback –Scaling up to all schools  Micro level –Teachers and students moving from certainty to uncertainty –Supporting students with special educational needs –Supporting students who are exceptionally able at mathematics

27 27 Information on Project Maths and resources for teachers and students URL: Email:

28 28 For discussion  System level –Purpose of the change –Driving and managing the process –Challenges and impediments –Timeframe for development/implementation –Measuring and evaluating progress; assessment  School level –Resources for mathematics –Professional development of teachers –Support for students

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