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Dr. Yuying Chris Chang Project Writing ( 專題製作 )

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Yuying Chris Chang Project Writing ( 專題製作 )"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Yuying Chris Chang Project Writing ( 專題製作 )

2 What A Research Paper Looks Like

3 Format 1. Cover (封面) 2. Contents (目錄) 3. Introduction (緒論) 4. Main body (本文) Figures (圖), Tables (表) (If necessary) 5. Conclusion, Suggestion, Implication 6. References (Bibliography) 7. Appendix (If necessary)

4 Research Papers Introduction (e.g. phenomenon, research questions, methods, expected results, significance of the research) Body (Literature review: sources & personal creation) Implication and conclusion

5 Not balance!

6 Types of an Outline The topic outline (word) The sentence outline (sentence) Labeling

7 / Proposal Source: Step by Step

8 Sources Primary, secondary, and combination research sources Original ideas (your hypotheses) and research (reject, modify, or confirm  new findings)

9 Data Collection Know well libraries Find relevant sources Evaluate the sources you found Take notes on index cards Compile a working bibliography (outline with data you found)

10 A Working Bibliography (Data You Found) Source: Step by Step


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