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Human Resource Planning Unit 2.1. Human Resource Planning Anticipating future staffing needs Historical data and trends Sales and income levels Staff.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Resource Planning Unit 2.1. Human Resource Planning Anticipating future staffing needs Historical data and trends Sales and income levels Staff."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Resource Planning Unit 2.1

2 Human Resource Planning Anticipating future staffing needs Historical data and trends Sales and income levels Staff turnover Demographic changes Technology changes

3 Human Resource Management Workforce planning Recruitment Training and development Performance management/appraisals Promotion and relocation Reviewing remuneration packages Disciplinary and grievance procedures Overseeing general welfare of employees

4 Human Resources Supply Net birth rate Net migration rate Retirement age Flexibility of the workforce Women Geographic mobility Internal workforce Competition Cost of living Availability of transportation Unemployment rate

5 Workforce Planning Managers determine labor demand through: Historical data Flexibility and workload Capital intensity Work study Derived demand Other resources to HR managers: Natural wastage Job analysis

6 Recruitment Job analysis Job advertisement Job description Person specification

7 Internal Recruitment AdvantagesDisAdvantages Cost effective Less down-time Less risk Motivation Fewer applicants Time consuming ‘Dead wood’ Internal politics

8 External Recruitment Sources Newspaper advertising Specialist trade publications Internet advertising Commercial employment agencies Job centers Headhunting University visits Direct contacts

9 External Recruitment AdvantagesDisAdvantages New blood Wider range of experiences Larger pool of applicants Time consuming Expensive Greater degree of uncertainty

10 Selection Short-listing Interviews Behavior based questions Situation based questions Testing References

11 Upon Selection Contract of employment Induction

12 Performance Management Assess/record employee performance Identify training and development needs Provide professional development Identify performance barriers Set new targets and goals Personal reflection by staff Opportunity for praise Assess suitability for pay raise/promotion

13 Appraisals AdvantagesDisAdvantages Set targets and make changes that lead to progress Objective praise of staff contributions Constructive criticism focused on improvement Opportunity to receive feedback from staff Time consuming and costly Doesn’t equate to regular monitoring of targets Strains relationship between appraisee and appraiser Subjective by nature Negative reaction by staff when weaknesses are pointed out Lack of experience by appraiser Appraisee stress and anxiety about pay Must be confidential and include follow-up action

14 Appraisal Methods Upwards appraisal Essay appraisal 360 degree appraisal Rating system Management by Objectives (MBO) Peer appraisal Self-appraisal

15 Training Help staff adapt to change Develop a multi-skilled workforce Improve quality of work Enhance efficiency and effectiveness Career and professional development

16 Benefits of Training Better skilled employees leads to increases in quality and improved customer service. Less wastage and reworking leads to reduced operating costs. Improves moral as staff feel valued. Easier to recruit quality applicants. Workers better able to cope with organizational change.

17 Induction Training AdvantagesDisAdvantages Establish good working habits and expectations Understand the corporate culture Quicker adjustment to the organization Improved morale Time consuming to plan and prepare Requires time away from typical duties of key personal Information overload

18 On The Job Training AdvantagesDisAdvantages Relatively inexpensive Relevant directly the needs or requirements of the job Fewer disruptions to daily operations Establish relationships with the team Convenient location Trainees pick up bad working habits of trainer Trainers may lack up to date experience/skills Trainers may be pulled away from duties while training

19 Off the Job Training AdvantagesDisAdvantages Experts provide training Wider range of training No distractions Networking Expensive Loss of output during training Not all skills may be relevant or transferable Time to process or implement learned info may be limited Employees who gain skills may leave for other jobs

20 Termination Dismissal Based on worker incompetence or breach of employment contract Redundancy Employer can no longer afford the employee or the job no longer exists

21 Dismissal Incompetence Misconduct Gross misconduct Legal requirements

22 Redundancy Voluntary redundancy Compulsory redundancy LIFO By merit

23 Flexible Work Structures Teleworking Home working Portfolio worker Part-time employment Flexitime

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