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PREM NARAYAN, Director(JnNURM), Ministry of Urban Development Government of India September, 2013 Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JnNURM)

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Presentation on theme: "PREM NARAYAN, Director(JnNURM), Ministry of Urban Development Government of India September, 2013 Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JnNURM)"— Presentation transcript:

1 PREM NARAYAN, Director(JnNURM), Ministry of Urban Development Government of India September, 2013 Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JnNURM)

2 Presentation Outline India & Urban Growth Urban Infrastructure Investment-HPEC JnNURM-Introduction JnNURM-Statistics Infrastructure Achievements Reforms Achievements City Development Plan Technological Initiatives Lessons Learned Glimpses of Completed Projects

3 Urban Growth Urban population is increasing at a rapid rate, so is the gap between demand and supply of urban services Urban population likely to increase from present 377 million to 600 million by 2030 & 900 million by 2050 53 Million Plus cities Urban cities and towns have increased from 5,161 in 2001 to 7,935 in 2011

4 High Powered Expert Committee (HPEC) Urban Infrastructure Investment Requirement for 20 years (2012- 2031) HPEC $603 Billions (39.2 lakh cr.) Excluding O&M expenses ($400 Billions) Investment Requirement *$=65 INR

5 JnNURM J awaharlal N ehru N ational U rban R enewal M ission (JnNURM) was launched by the Government of India on 3 rd December 2005 To encourage reforms and fast track planned development of identified cities as prioritized by States Focus is to create economically productive, efficient, equitable and responsive cities The program was planned to operate on a mission mode by facilitating large scale investments in the urban sector, policy change and institutional reforms for strengthening Policy Framework Institutional Framework Financial Framework Project Development Monitoring & Evaluation

6 JnNURM Objectives Integrated development of infrastructure services Establishment of linkages between asset-creation and asset management Ensure adequate funds to meet infrastructure deficiencies Planned developm ent of identified cities including peri-urban areas, outgrowths and urban corridors Scale-up delivery of civic amenities and provision of utilities with emphasis on universal access to the urban poor Enhancement of urban service delivery and urban governance through the implementation of reforms Special focus on urban renewal programme for the old city areas to reduce congestion Reform driven, fast track programme to ensure planned development of identified cities with focus on efficiency in urban infrastructure/service delivery mechanisms, and through community participation and enhanced accountability of ULBs towards citizens. JnNURM

7 JnNURM at a Glance From 2005-06 to 2011-12, extended up to March 2014 for completion of ongoing projects and achievement of reforms Duration Around 765 Cities/Towns Coverage INR 80,725 crore ( USD 12.4 Billion )* Infra. Investment INR 42,900 crore ( USD 6.5 Billion)* Central Allocation 1356 Sanctioned 604 Completed Projects 78% achievement of 23 reforms implemented 23 reforms Reforms *$=65 INR

8 Admissible Components Water supply & Sanitation Sewerage & Solid Waste Management Storm Water Drains Urban Transportation (Roads /Flyovers, MRTS,) Parking lots and spaces on PPP basis Development of Heritage Areas Urban Renewal Soil erosion & Landslides Preservation of Water Bodies

9 Infrastructure Achievements Glimpses Water Supply 24X7 Water Supply Reduction of Non Revenue Water (NRW) Sea water desalination Plants Enhanced to provide 135-150 LPCD Sewerage & Storm Water Drainage Improved Sewerage Network Generating Electricity from treatment plants Recycling and Reuse of treated sewage effluent Reduced flooding and consequent economic loss Solid Waste Management Door to Door Collection Semi-closed type transfer stations Treatment plants and sanitary landfill sites Material recovery in form of Compost & RDF Urban Transport BRTS 15000+ new city buses Flyovers/ROBs Ring Roads Traffic and Transit Management Centre (TTMC )

10 Reforms Implementation Glimpses Financial Reforms Property Tax Reforms 100% O&M Cost recovery in Water Supply & SWM Shift to accrual based DEAS e-Governance services (online payments) Land Reforms Stamp duty rationalizatio n to 5% Computerized process of Registration of land and property Simplification of conversion of agricultural land for non- agricultural purposes Administrative Municipal Cadre Administrativ e reforms District Planning Committees Metropolitan planning committees Development Building Byelaws Public Private Partnership Provision of Basic Services to Urban Poor

11 Reforms Implementation Glimpses All the Mission Cities/towns have prepared City Development Plans (CPDs) 30 out of 31 States/UTs have constituted the District Planning Committees (DPCs) 21 States/UTs have State Municipal Accounting Manual for implementation of Accrual based DEAS 25 States/UTs have Rent Control Acts for Balancing obligations of Landlords and Tenants 25 States/UTs have reduced stamp duty to 5% for land registration 15 States/UTs have Municipal Cadre with various in house professional experts in accounting, urban planning, finance, municipal engineer etc,.

12 Reforms Implementation Glimpses Credit Rating for Urban Local Bodies Volumetric Tariff system for water supply – 100% O&M cost recovery Building Byelaws for rainwater harvesting and reuse of recycled water State level policies on Public Private Partnership Non-discretionary method for determination of Property Tax Earmarking of funds for urban poor

13 City Development Plan City Assessment City Vision, Development Goals and Strategies Service Level Benchmarking Sector Plans Land Resource Leveraging Public Transport & Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Financial Assessment Financial Operating Plans(FOP) Finalisation of CDP and It’s Time Frame Toolkit for CDP preparation provides comprehensive framework, and guidelines for CDP preparation (prepared in 2006, and subsequently revised in 2009 and 2013)

14 Technological Initiatives Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition- SCADA Piping technology- (e.g. Strap Saddle) to reduce leakage Trenchless Technology for laying of Pipelines Water Supply Energy technology to meet auxiliary consumption of plants Recycle and Reuse Technology SCADA Sewerage Vehicle Tracking system in SWM Transportation Semi-Closed mechanized transfer Stations Treatment using composting, vermi-composting, RDF Engineered Sanitary Landfill SWM GPS & ITS in City buses/BRTS Traffic and Transit Management Centre (TTMC) Transport

15 Learnings from JnNURM ULBs needs to be strengthened as third tier of governance by improving the governance structure and sustenance of citizens centric services The Pan-India character of reforms is inflexible and should keep into view the local diversities and complexities. Closer collaboration between States, ULBs & GOI will help better implementation Greater focus needed on inclusive and transparent governance

16 Learnings from JnNURM Strengthen Urban Governance structures to encourage greater accountability and empowerment of the ULBs in terms of mobilization of resources and capacity to deliver civic services efficiently Creation of Management Information Systems at the Central, State and local levels, so as to facilitate efficient urban management. Establish regular avenues for Participatory Planning to consult communities, solicit feedback, and generate consensus on projects. Creation of a Regulatory System for ensuring efficient service delivery with appropriate pricing and with arrangement for grievance redressal

17 Glimpses of Completed Projects

18 Water Supply Water Supply Project for Vesu Urban Settlement, Surat Cost :Rs. 19.19 cr. ($ 3.84 mn) Date of Completion :August, 2009 Outcome: Able to provide 35 MLD treated water Ensured piped water supply for a projected population 2.20 Lacs for the year 2019 and 4.41 lakhs for the year 2036. Facilitated better public health and reduced chances of water borne diseases Water Supply Project for Vesu Urban Settlement, Surat Cost :Rs. 19.19 cr. ($ 3.84 mn) Date of Completion :August, 2009 Outcome: Able to provide 35 MLD treated water Ensured piped water supply for a projected population 2.20 Lacs for the year 2019 and 4.41 lakhs for the year 2036. Facilitated better public health and reduced chances of water borne diseases Energy Audit Projects for Water Supply System in Nagpur Sanction Cost: Rs.25.04 cr. ($ 5.01 mn) Date of Completion : March, 2010 Outcome: Increase in pump operating efficiency from 40% to 75 %, Reduction in energy consumption per unit to lift of water to 202 KWH per Mld against 285 per Mld in Pench-I reservoir and 224 KWH per Mld against 250 KWH per Mld in Pench-II reservoir. Energy Audit Projects for Water Supply System in Nagpur Sanction Cost: Rs.25.04 cr. ($ 5.01 mn) Date of Completion : March, 2010 Outcome: Increase in pump operating efficiency from 40% to 75 %, Reduction in energy consumption per unit to lift of water to 202 KWH per Mld against 285 per Mld in Pench-I reservoir and 224 KWH per Mld against 250 KWH per Mld in Pench-II reservoir.

19 Sewerage Sewerage Disposal Network and STP for Vesu Area Sanction Cost : 34.37 Cr. ($ 6.87 mn) Date of Completion: June, 2009 Outcome: Improved conveyance capacity of sewage by another 25.25 MLD for the future 4.4 lakh population for the year 2034. The project will eliminate the dependence on secondary disposal systems such as septic tanks or private drainage networks in the project area. Sewerage Disposal Network and STP for Vesu Area Sanction Cost : 34.37 Cr. ($ 6.87 mn) Date of Completion: June, 2009 Outcome: Improved conveyance capacity of sewage by another 25.25 MLD for the future 4.4 lakh population for the year 2034. The project will eliminate the dependence on secondary disposal systems such as septic tanks or private drainage networks in the project area. Development and Management of Sewerage System at Sector-V (Part-II Sewerage system) under Naba Diganta Industrial Township Authority (NDITA) at Salt Lake in Kolkata Sanction Cost : 34.07 Cr. ($ 6.81 mn) Date of Completion: December, 2010 Outcome: 1.73 is covered under sewerage network Improvement of sanitary condition and reduce environmental burden 2.27 lakh population has benefited Project taken up through PPP by JUSCO & VOLTAS Development and Management of Sewerage System at Sector-V (Part-II Sewerage system) under Naba Diganta Industrial Township Authority (NDITA) at Salt Lake in Kolkata Sanction Cost : 34.07 Cr. ($ 6.81 mn) Date of Completion: December, 2010 Outcome: 1.73 is covered under sewerage network Improvement of sanitary condition and reduce environmental burden 2.27 lakh population has benefited Project taken up through PPP by JUSCO & VOLTAS

20 Solid Waste Management Solid Waste Treatment/disposal Plant, Nashik Sanction Cost: Rs.59.99 cr. ( $ 12 mn) Date of Completion: September, 2009 Outcome: Taken care of 500 ton waste per day 120 vehicles to collect the waste generation in the city Separate system for collection of animal incineration, Leachate treatment facilities to absorb 0.4 Mld/ 10 TPD Solid Waste Treatment/disposal Plant, Nashik Sanction Cost: Rs.59.99 cr. ( $ 12 mn) Date of Completion: September, 2009 Outcome: Taken care of 500 ton waste per day 120 vehicles to collect the waste generation in the city Separate system for collection of animal incineration, Leachate treatment facilities to absorb 0.4 Mld/ 10 TPD Municipal Solid Waste Management for Kanpur Municipal Corporation Sanction Cost: Rs. 56.24 Cr. ($ 11.24 mn) Date of Completion: May 2012 Outcome: About 3 lakhs people residing on north and south of this flyover are greatly benefitted. Municipal Solid Waste Management for Kanpur Municipal Corporation Sanction Cost: Rs. 56.24 Cr. ($ 11.24 mn) Date of Completion: May 2012 Outcome: About 3 lakhs people residing on north and south of this flyover are greatly benefitted.

21 Roads/Flyovers Flyover at Rajiv Gandhi Circle, Hyderabad Sanction Cost: Rs. 33.00 Cr. ( $ 6.6 mn) Date of Completion: June, 2007 Outcome: Construction of the Flyover at Rajiv Gandhi Circle has enabled free movement and signal free access. The FOB has reduced traffic congestion, air and noise pollution, travel time resulting in saving fuel cost. It has improved access for pedestrians and also reduced accidents. Flyover at Rajiv Gandhi Circle, Hyderabad Sanction Cost: Rs. 33.00 Cr. ( $ 6.6 mn) Date of Completion: June, 2007 Outcome: Construction of the Flyover at Rajiv Gandhi Circle has enabled free movement and signal free access. The FOB has reduced traffic congestion, air and noise pollution, travel time resulting in saving fuel cost. It has improved access for pedestrians and also reduced accidents. Construction of flyover at Perambur at Chennai Sanction Cost: Rs. 32.88 Cr. ($ 6.58 mn) Date of Completion: March 12, 2010 Outcome: About 3 lakhs people residing on north and south of this flyover are greatly benefitted. Construction of flyover at Perambur at Chennai Sanction Cost: Rs. 32.88 Cr. ($ 6.58 mn) Date of Completion: March 12, 2010 Outcome: About 3 lakhs people residing on north and south of this flyover are greatly benefitted.

22 Urban Transport Bus Rapid Transport System- Construction of 12 Km. long stretch (Stretch- 1 of first phase) BRT Roadway, Ahmedabad Sanction Cost: Rs. 87.60 Cr. ( $ 17.52 mn) Date of Completion: October, 2009 Outcome:. Large mode of travelers shifted from private vehicle to Mass rapid transit system. More than 57% BRTS users are new bus users as earlier they used to travel 2 wheelers, 3 wheelers or car. Through BRT, petrol and diesel consumption has been reduced and Air quality has been improved. Bus Rapid Transport System- Construction of 12 Km. long stretch (Stretch- 1 of first phase) BRT Roadway, Ahmedabad Sanction Cost: Rs. 87.60 Cr. ( $ 17.52 mn) Date of Completion: October, 2009 Outcome:. Large mode of travelers shifted from private vehicle to Mass rapid transit system. More than 57% BRTS users are new bus users as earlier they used to travel 2 wheelers, 3 wheelers or car. Through BRT, petrol and diesel consumption has been reduced and Air quality has been improved. Development of Traffic and Transit Management Centre at Jayanagar in Bangaluru Sanction Cost: Rs. 8.90 Cr. ( $ 1.78 mn) Date of Completion: December, 2009 Outcome: The facility has eased and improved the traffic movement in and around junction of Jayanagar 4th Block. Park & Ride facility provide for the better convenience and relief to commuters and encourage modal shift from private two-wheelers/cars to public transport, thus in the long run addressing the issues of traffic congestion and environment concerns (air pollution). Development of Traffic and Transit Management Centre at Jayanagar in Bangaluru Sanction Cost: Rs. 8.90 Cr. ( $ 1.78 mn) Date of Completion: December, 2009 Outcome: The facility has eased and improved the traffic movement in and around junction of Jayanagar 4th Block. Park & Ride facility provide for the better convenience and relief to commuters and encourage modal shift from private two-wheelers/cars to public transport, thus in the long run addressing the issues of traffic congestion and environment concerns (air pollution).

23 Heritage River Front Development North Bank Zone 3 in Nanded Sanction Cost: Rs. 43.13 Cr. ( $ 8.63 mn) Date of Completion: December, 2009 Outcome: Nanded is an important Sikh pilgrimage center along the river Godavari. After implementation of this project there are 9 Ghats with promenade and submerged bathing platform. Besides, other pilgrimage convenience facilities include terrace Garden, Utility Complex, Toilets, hard scaping for paths, wall seating, lighting, Water Spot facilities. The project has enabled easy access for physical challenged persons River Front Development North Bank Zone 3 in Nanded Sanction Cost: Rs. 43.13 Cr. ( $ 8.63 mn) Date of Completion: December, 2009 Outcome: Nanded is an important Sikh pilgrimage center along the river Godavari. After implementation of this project there are 9 Ghats with promenade and submerged bathing platform. Besides, other pilgrimage convenience facilities include terrace Garden, Utility Complex, Toilets, hard scaping for paths, wall seating, lighting, Water Spot facilities. The project has enabled easy access for physical challenged persons

24 Thank You

25 Jn NURM JnNURM Reforms 1.Implementation of 74 th CAA 2. Integration of City Planning & Delivery Functions 3.Reform in Rent Control 4.Stamp duty rationalization to 5% 5.Repeal of ULCRA 6.Enactment of Community Participation Law 7.Enactment of Public Disclosure Law 1.e-Governance 2.Shift to Double Entry Accounting 3.Property tax – (85% coverage &– 90% collection efficiency) 4.100 % O&M cost recovery – (Water Supply & SWM) 5.Internal Earmarking of Funds for Services to Urban Poor 6.Provision of Basic Services to Urban Poor State LevelULB Level

26 Jn NURM JnNURM Reforms 6.Introduction of computerized process of Registration of land and property 7.Byelaws on Reuse of Recycled Water 8.Administrative Reforms 9.Structural Reforms 10.Encouraging Public Private Partnership 1.Property Title Certification System 2.Building Bye Laws – streamlining the Approval Process 3.Revision of Building Bye laws - Rainwater Harvesting in all buildings 4.Earmarking 25% developed land in all housing projects for EWS/LIG 5.Simplification of legal and procedural framework for conversion of agricultural land for non-agricultural purposes Optional

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