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Pastoralism in Eastern Africa & Policy Influencing in Europe Food, Livestock and Pastoralism Policies Francis N Chabari, Tufts University USAID-EA / Pastoral.

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Presentation on theme: "Pastoralism in Eastern Africa & Policy Influencing in Europe Food, Livestock and Pastoralism Policies Francis N Chabari, Tufts University USAID-EA / Pastoral."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pastoralism in Eastern Africa & Policy Influencing in Europe Food, Livestock and Pastoralism Policies Francis N Chabari, Tufts University USAID-EA / Pastoral Areas Coordination, Analysis & Policy Support

2 Presentation covers :  East Africa - Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda  EAC – these 3 + Burundi, Rwanda  IGAD Reg: Uganda, Sudan, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti (Eritrea suspended membership)  COMESA: IGAD region (excluding Tz.) + 14 other countries, total 19 Countries. Pop. – 400M pers (incl. 25M pastoralists). Somalia has observer status. Last week signed agreement for Common Trade Tariffs  Proposed REC: COMESA + SADC – Total 26 countries  HoA – IGAD region or Somalia alone???

3 Contributions of Livestock to Agricultural GDPs: Tanzania30% Kenya 47% Ethiopia19% Djibouti82% Sudan26% Uganda14% Eritrea63%

4 Examples : Pastoralist Policies & Institutions Numerous policies, often un-coordinated even within sectors & short on evidence Need for Regional Coordinating (not controlling), Policy setting Fora 1. Institutional Initiatives  Africa Union – Pastoralist Policy Initiatives Initiative of AU, UN-OCHA  AU-NEPAD - Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Dev. Prog. (CAADP), aims to reduce food poverty by 50% by yr 2015, MDG Goal #1. - COMESA Pastoralist Food Security Policy progress under CAADP Pillar3  ASARECA Policy Analysis & Advocacy Programme (evidence targeting)

5 Pastoralist Policies, Institutions … cont’d IGAD-FAO Pro-poor Livestock Policy Initiatives - Focusing on poverty alleviation among livestock- dependent rural poor in IGAD region - Examines: - the roles of livestock in PRSPs of member countries - The regional livestock disease control strategies to promote trade

6 The Existing COMESA Initiatives  Commodity Trade Policies - Meats & Live animals with other RECs in African - Milk markets, with other RECs  Harmonization of COMESA and EAC Maize standards & simplified Tariff Regime

7 COMESA Initiatives (cont’d) The East African Grain Council: Lobbying to harmonize existing laws on maize trade Objective: - to enhance food security in region - to encourage private sector investments Aim: Maize without borders Policy to allow movement of maize from glut to deficit areas

8 COMESA Initiatives (cont’d) Reducing Barriers to trade: COMESA-GCC - seeking framework trade agreement - Livestock & Meat trade from HoA a key target - COMESA Green Pass Policy (SPS Initiative) - Commodity based trade in livestock products COMPETE Programme (USAID-COMESA) - Linking food surplus to food deficit areas - Linking small farmers/producers to markets - Linking businesses to markets (regional/global) - Linking transit to value chains - Linking business to finance - Linking private to public

9 Some Policy Debates A. Emergency Interventions Available Evidence indicate that more livestock die from starvation than from disease in a drought  Debate: - Free vs cost recovery policies… vaccinations, curative treatments, supplementary feed… etc - Humanitarian interventions provide these free, tend to undermine development efforts  NOW GENERALLY ACCEPTED THAT DROUGHTS ARE PREDICTABLE, SLOW ON-SET AND EARLY LIVELIHOODS- BASED INTERVENTIONS CAN AVOID PROGRESSION TO EMERGENCIES

10 B. Food Aid vs Protecting Pastoral Livelihoods Droughts have been rather frequent in HoA Default response has been Food Aid… 94 % of expenditure, only 6% to non-food - 2005-6 Drought in Kenya Protecting livelihoods has huge Benefit/Cost ration cf to Food Aid - Evidence from Ethiopia Commercial de-stocking shows benefit/cost ratio of 41:1 in 2005-2006 drought in Ethiopia - Livestock supplementation benefit cost ratio of 2:1 same period in Ethiopia - Cash transfers to poor/destitute pastoralists have been tried with promising results. Instruments are flexible and evidence shows beneficiaries put these into productive livelihoods - Livestock Insurance is newest instrument, designed for pastoralists, need to be piloted & tested

11 C: Specific Livestock Marketing Policies Animal Health, focusing on trade, Establishment of Disease Free Zones (DFZs) ??? Financial services Feeds Infrastructure Absence of X-border trade policies Absence of / low levels of Value addition processes

12 Specific Livestock Marketing Policies..cont’d Development of Livestock Export ports on the Red Sea Djibouti Berberra, Somaliland Bossasso, Puntland Inland port inside Ethiopia Development of Livestock Export ports.. Indian Ocean Exports of livestock from Kenya to Mauritius

13 D: Policy Debates on Livestock-based Foods Evidence based role of milk in diets of pastoralist children in Africa - how countries deal with seasonal glut milk in pastoral systems (Milk Matters, case for Ethiopia) Adding livestock based foods to National Food Reserves (developing policy with new Ministry of Livestock Development, Kenya)

14 E: Infrastructure  The COMPETE Programme - The Southern Corridor: Cape town into Southern Africa - Central Corridor: Dar es Salaam to Central African Region - Northern Corridor: Mombasa – Kampala  The Great North Road: Cape – Cairo - Missing link ( Isiolo-Moyale Road ) under construction

15 F: Some Land use policies Kenya: - Draft land policy establishing Public, Community and Private ownerships - Numerous hotspots of land alienated against pastoral interest Ethiopia: - State control of land but recognizing user rights for pastoralists - Documented changes of use of grazing lands against pastoral interests Uganda: - Explicit protection of wetlands - Recognizes pastoralism but focus on smallholder and commercial sectors for meat production Tz ??

16 G: Policy Issues of Regional Nature Pastoral drop outs. Question…is piracy an outcome of this?? Eco-systems thinking… for disease control and bio- diversity conservation Sharing of Drought Early Warning/Early response systems info X-border Mobility: Essential for existence of pastoralism Appropriate Education systems for Pastoralists - Universal education - Functional/diversified skills to absorb pastoral drop- outs

17 H. Conflict This is a major concern especially across national borders in East Africa, Livestock rustling as main cause e.g. X-border Livestock rustling incidences – Kenya Source: Ministry of State for Provincial Administration & Internal Security Initiatives for Conflict Early Warning (CEWARN) and Checklists available by other Conflict sensitivity initiatives in Regional programmes Year 2005200620072008 Jan - June Total Incide- nces 23982329158110407348

18 Establishment of Ministry for Development of Northern Kenya and Other Arid Lands in Kenya Lobbyists would like to see this named Ministry for Development of Pastoralists !!!

19 Thank You !

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