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By Mr Mohammed. Objectives Describe what a client/server network is Some students will be able to explain the difference between the two networks along.

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Presentation on theme: "By Mr Mohammed. Objectives Describe what a client/server network is Some students will be able to explain the difference between the two networks along."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Mr Mohammed

2 Objectives Describe what a client/server network is Some students will be able to explain the difference between the two networks along with the advantages and disadvantages of each network. By end of this session all students will be able to Describe what a peer to peer network is

3 Client Server The client server network has a powerful computer known as a server. This provides all of the services required on the network These can include directing traffic around the network. managing disk drives and network peripherals such as printers and scanners

4 A Sample Client Server Network

5 Client Server Network When you are working on a client server network Your machine is a client Your documents are stored and internet access is managed through the server. Username and Password required to access the network.

6 To identify you to the server so that it knows which files belong to you and it can fetch them for you. So that the security systems can check that you are actually who you say you are and that the account belongs to you. Why do we require a username and password to log on to a Client Server Network?

7 Client Server Network AdvantagesDisadvantages All files are stored in a central location A specialist network operating system is needed Network peripherals are controlled centrally The server is expensive to purchase Backups and network security is controlled centrally Specialist staff such as a network manager is needed Users can access shared data which is centrally controlled If any part of the network fails a lot of disruption can occur

8 Task 1 Client-server network Explain what client server is? Explain how client server works Explain the advantages of client server Explain the disadvantages of client server Research the internet to help you in the above task. Use Pictures and reference your work.

9 Peer to Peer (P2P) This type of network is where two or more computers are connected together without needing a file server to be part of the network. A peer to peer network can be as simple as two people in the same room temporarily connecting their computers via a Universal Serial Bus (USB) to enable them to transfer or share files directly with one another.

10 A Sample of a Peer to Peer Network

11 Peer to Peer (P2P) It can also include a more permanent network where say half- a-dozen computers in a small office are connected together with copper cables. This type of network means that every PC, once connected to the network is acting both as a server and a client. There is no need for a special network operating system.

12 Peer to Peer Network (P2P) Access rights to files, folders and data is controlled by setting the sharing permissions on individual machines. So for example, if User A wants to access some files from User B's computer, User B must set their permissions to allow this. Otherwise, User A won't be able to see or access any of User B's work.

13 AdvantagesDisadvantages No need for a network operating system Because each computer might be being accessed by others it can slow down the performance for the user Does not need an expensive server because individual workstations are used to access the files Files and folders cannot be centrally backed up No need for specialist staff such as network technicians because each user sets their own permissions as to which files they are willing to share. There is little or no security besides the permissions. Users often don't need to log onto their workstations. Much easier to set up than a client- server network - does not need specialist knowledge Ensuring that viruses are not introduced to the network is the responsibility of each individual user Peer to Peer (P2P)

14 Task 2 Peer-to-Peer Network Explain what Peer-to-Peer network is? Explain how Peer-to-Peer works Explain the advantages of Peer-to-Peer Explain the disadvantages of Peer-to-Peer Research the internet to help you in the above task. Use Pictures and reference your work.

15 Objectives Describe what a client/server network is Some students will be able to explain the difference between the two networks along with the advantages and disadvantages of each network. By end of this session all students will be able to Describe what a peer to peer network is

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