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November 2013 Shane Dikolli Associate Dean, Faculty Engagement The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University.

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Presentation on theme: "November 2013 Shane Dikolli Associate Dean, Faculty Engagement The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University."— Presentation transcript:

1 November 2013 Shane Dikolli Associate Dean, Faculty Engagement The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University

2 Why create DKU? What is DKU? Facilities @DKU Programs @DKU Tasks Ahead @DKU

3 Why create DKU? What is DKU? Facilities @DKU Programs @DKU Tasks Ahead @DKU

4 Duke has long recognized that we cannot be a great university without being an international university. … We operate in an interdependent world, where what were once hard and fast borders are now permeable, where individuals are part of an increasingly global community, and where problems transcend traditional boundaries Duke University strategic plan “Making a Difference” 2006

5 “Building on the best of Chinese and Western traditions, DKU will draw the brightest students from China, the U.S., and other countries and train them to be constructive contributors to their world. DKU will train students who will be hard working, inquisitive, versatile, innovative, and eager to use their intelligence for the social good. We will train creative problem solvers for all the needs of the world. And we will train students with global perspective and imagination.” Duke University President Richard H. Brodhead, DKU Celebration Ceremony, December 19, 2012

6 Aspirations for DKU An “open” educational space in which to develop new modes of education to bring back to Duke campus A research base for faculty and students interested in China and East Asia and in working with scholars from China and the region A base for deep faculty and student engagement with global challenges profoundly tied to Chinese and regional development A highly inter-cultural space for learning and teaching

7 Why create DKU? What is DKU? Facilities @DKU Programs @DKU Tasks Ahead @DKU

8 Collaboration of Duke University and Wuhan University to create new joint venture university in Kunshan, China. 8

9 DKU formally established as a university in China under the supervision of the Jiangsu Education Bureau Establishment approval granted by China’s Ministry of Education in September 2013 Separate legal entity and not a branch campus of Duke Campus development proceeding “step-by-step”. Phase 1 includes first five years of instruction. Can begin recruiting and accepting applications for admission to programs that begin fall 2014 9

10 Liberal Arts Education Meets Chinese Tradition A Sino-American partnership between Duke University and Wuhan University, supported by Kunshan, Jiangsu Province Enroll outstanding students from all around the world o 50% PRC Nationals o 50% International Initially focused on graduate programs and non-degree undergraduate programs in first 5 years)

11 DKU governed by 7-member Board of Trustees; Duke with 3 seats, Wuhan & Kunshan each with 2 seats. 5 votes needed to pass most resolutions. Wuhan University nominates the Chancellor of DKU, in consultation with Duke University Duke University nominates the Executive Vice Chancellor in consultation with Wuhan University Duke University is responsible for proposing DKU policies & procedures – Based on policies and procedures at Duke University and other world-leading education institutions – Aimed at promoting world-leading admissions, teaching & research at DKU Under this governance structure: – Students enrolled at DKU are admitted using the same process as used for Duke students – All degree requirements are the same as those at Duke University – Graduating students will receive a Duke University degree - Governance

12 Why create DKU? What is DKU? Facilities @DKU Programs @DKU Tasks Ahead @DKU

13 600,000 permanent residents 1,200,000 migrant laborers County level municipality reporting to Suzhou City (prefectural) Wealthiest County level municipality in China GDP per capita (including migrants) is equal to Shanghai Kunshan

14 YangCheng Lake Science Park DKU will be an “Anchor Tennant” to attract research & science oriented companies to Kunshan Kunshan is currently in negotiations to develop a Xintiandi-like residential, retail, commercial zone in the center of the park

15 DKU Site – Phase 1 – 200 acre site within 1,700 acre Kunshan Yangcheng Lake Science Park – Six buildings Phase I, 750,000 Sq. Ft – First five buildings ready in 2014 Conference Center Academic Center Innovation Center

16 DKU Site – New Construction Site rendering of the Academic Building and photo of actual building taken in summer 2013 LEEDS Silver Sustainable campus Integrates elements of local water town architecture with state- of-the-art design On campus housing for both faculty and students Technology enabled classroom, work & living space

17 Why create DKU? What is DKU? Facilities @DKU Programs @DKU Tasks Ahead @DKU

18 Phase 1 Focus on Duke degree-granting graduate programs &non-degree undergraduate programs in first 5 years Phase 2 Undergraduate degree programs New graduate level and research programs Phase 3 Continued development of undergraduate, graduate and research programs 18 DKU Programs: A 3-Phase Approach

19 Graduate Degrees Undergraduate Global Learning Semester Research Centers Executive Education & Conferences Management Studies Global Health Medical Physics Liberal Arts Global Health Others under development Opening Fall 2014 Phase 1 (2014-18) Programs

20 Near-Term Milestones SeptemberJulySeptember August Establishment Approval by MOE Student Recruiting Begins DKU Conference Center Opens DKU Academic Building Opens First Intake of DKU Undergraduate Students Begin classes 201520142013 October MMS: DKU Students begin in Durham MMS: DKU Students arrive in China January MMS: DKU Students Graduate May

21 DKU Recruiting Materials

22 DKU Website in English and Chinese

23 DKU Student Recruitment/Admissions Recruiting Activities managed cooperatively by Duke program staff and DKU staff Academic Program and Admissions details online at – Master Science Global Health – Master Management Studies – Undergraduate Global Learning Semester

24 Master in Management Studies MMS: FOB All five terms completed at Duke University in Durham, NC Optional Global Academic Travel Experience (GATE) in China Provides a longer US-experience for international students Tuition approximately 300,000 RMB + living expenses in the US Limited scholarships for international students Application fee of US$125 MMS: DKU First three terms completed at Duke University in Durham Final two terms completed at Duke Kunshan University in China Provides better access to the China employment market Tuition currently under review by the Jiangsu Pricing Bureau Substantial scholarships for PRC citizens No Application Fee Same Admission Standards and Application Process Same Start Date in July in Durham NC Same Curriculum and Teaching format Combined Teams and Cohorts for first three terms

25 Plans for Student Life @DKU Unique international environment All students live together on campus Integrated orientation activities begin prior to arrival and blend with co-curricular activities throughout the semester Focus on cultural assimilation and development of intercultural awareness Student services specific to the DKU student needs

26 Why create DKU? What is DKU? Facilities @DKU Programs @DKU Tasks Ahead @DKU

27 Marketing & recruiting Enrollment & program delivery Infrastructure planning & implementation DKU Faculty Hires for undergraduate courses Continued program planning

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