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“The Odyssey” Background Information. Author Homer, a blind minstrel or bard Homer, a blind minstrel or bard Wrote two epics: Wrote two epics: – The Iliad;

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Presentation on theme: "“The Odyssey” Background Information. Author Homer, a blind minstrel or bard Homer, a blind minstrel or bard Wrote two epics: Wrote two epics: – The Iliad;"— Presentation transcript:

1 “The Odyssey” Background Information

2 Author Homer, a blind minstrel or bard Homer, a blind minstrel or bard Wrote two epics: Wrote two epics: – The Iliad; a war epic – The Odyssey; a long journey epic Written about 800 bc – told about events that happened in 1200 bc Written about 800 bc – told about events that happened in 1200 bc

3 Author Minstrel: an entertainer who told stories and sang songs; also called a bard, rhapsode, epic singer or song stitcher. Minstrel: an entertainer who told stories and sang songs; also called a bard, rhapsode, epic singer or song stitcher. – They were both historians and entertainers. – Borrowed material from legends, epics and myths already known. – Made stories as uncomplicated as possible. – Stories told repetitively. No written history. No written history. Minstrels traveled from place to place. Minstrels traveled from place to place. Audiences never tired of them. Audiences never tired of them.

4 Author Homer outshone other minstrels in his day… Homer outshone other minstrels in his day… – Because of his originality of ideas. – Because of expression and the effect he had on his audience.

5 The Iliad Tells of war between Greece and Troy (present day Turkey) Tells of war between Greece and Troy (present day Turkey) Provides the background for The Odyssey and Odysseus’ journey Provides the background for The Odyssey and Odysseus’ journey Lasted 10 years long (10 years in Troy, 10 years to get home) Lasted 10 years long (10 years in Troy, 10 years to get home)

6 The Iliad Events of the Trojan War: Events of the Trojan War: – Possibly began because Greeks tried to control trade routes. – According to myth, Paris, a prince of Troy, kidnapped Helen, queen of Sparta and wife of Menelaus, king of Sparta. – The Greek kings banded together and sent armies in 1,000 ships across the Aegean Sea to attack Troy. – Gods and goddesses took sides in the war. – Finally, Odysseus devised a plan: the Trojan Horse. – The Greeks conquered Troy; the Trojans were slaughtered and the city was destroyed.

7 The Iliad Events of the Trojan War (CONTINUED): Events of the Trojan War (CONTINUED): – The Greeks set out for home in their ships. – Many gods and goddesses were offended when Greeks desecrated temples and did not make offerings.

8 The Odyssey An epic poem of the long journey. An epic poem of the long journey. – The Odyssey tells of many adventures of Odysseus trying to sail home after the Trojan War. – It took 10 years for him to get home.

9 The Odyssey Characters: Characters: – Odysseus: hero from Ithaca – Penelope: Odysseus’ wife – Telemachus: Odysseus & Penelope’s son – Athena: Goddess of wisdom – Poseidon: God of the sea; Odysseus’ enemy – Zeus: king of the gods

10 The Epic Oldest literary form or genre Oldest literary form or genre Long poem involving the following: Long poem involving the following: – A great hero having supernatural qualities – The gods and goddesses take an active part in helping or hindering (ex: Poseidon is Odysseus’ enemy and Athena helps Odysseus) – The fate of an entire race of people is often at stake – Heroes found their greatest glory in battle – Involves a struggle that the culture of the hero values – Written in elevated style (format)

11 The Epic CONTINUED… CONTINUED… – Begins with invocation (prayer to the muse of poetry Muses: 9 daughters of Zeus who were in charge of the arts Muses: 9 daughters of Zeus who were in charge of the arts – Calliope was the main one

12 Greek & Roman Mythology Polytheists: believed in many gods Polytheists: believed in many gods Gods had many human qualities: Gods had many human qualities: – They were conniving (plot against someone) – They were quarrelsome (fought) Many of the gods lived on Mt. Olympus Many of the gods lived on Mt. Olympus Ambrosia: the food of the gods Ambrosia: the food of the gods

13 Greek & Roman Mythology Nectar: the drink of the gods Nectar: the drink of the gods Gods interfered in human affairs Gods interfered in human affairs Gods were immortal (they lived forever) Gods were immortal (they lived forever)

14 Greek Values & Beliefs Greeks believed it was wrong for any man to have hubris (arrogance or excessive pride) Greeks believed it was wrong for any man to have hubris (arrogance or excessive pride) The character of a man was very important: The character of a man was very important: – One important quality was to have courage – Loyalty to both home (country) and family was the most important quality Man was not master of his own fate or destiny; he was like a “pawn in a chess game” Man was not master of his own fate or destiny; he was like a “pawn in a chess game”

15 Greek Values & Beliefs Man could not control his own fate, but he could control how he reacted to the gods’ meddling. Man could not control his own fate, but he could control how he reacted to the gods’ meddling.

16 Greek Life During the Bronee Age Era ruled by tribal chiefs Era ruled by tribal chiefs Violent life; hard times Violent life; hard times Greece consisted of small city-states: Greece consisted of small city-states: – Ithaca: Odysseus’ home was an island city-state – Athens (named after Athena) was a larger city- state

17 The Characteristics of an Epic Hero He possesses supernatural abilities or qualities He possesses supernatural abilities or qualities He is charged with a quest He is charged with a quest He is tested often to prove the worthiness of himself and his quest He is tested often to prove the worthiness of himself and his quest He receives help by divine beings along the way He receives help by divine beings along the way He encounters numerous mythical beings, magical and helpful animals and human helpers and companions He encounters numerous mythical beings, magical and helpful animals and human helpers and companions His travels take him to a supernatural world, often one that normal human beings are barred from entering (aka Underworld/Hell) His travels take him to a supernatural world, often one that normal human beings are barred from entering (aka Underworld/Hell) He reaches a low point where he nearly gives up his quest of appears defeated He reaches a low point where he nearly gives up his quest of appears defeated He gains restitution: this often takes the form of the hero regaining his rightful place He gains restitution: this often takes the form of the hero regaining his rightful place

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