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Working together to promote excellence in Physics SEPnet Phase Two Dr James West – Executive Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Working together to promote excellence in Physics SEPnet Phase Two Dr James West – Executive Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working together to promote excellence in Physics SEPnet Phase Two Dr James West – Executive Director

2 Working together to promote excellence in Physics SEPnet Background (circa 2007): – Long term decline in Physics UGs and financial weakness in Physics departments in SE England – Physics was vulnerable – Closure of Physics at Reading generated panic in others in a similar state Response: £12.5M from HEFCE to fund collective action to form a network of 6 physics departments in the SE to support the discipline regionally Focus: – Outreach: to boost demand and eligibility for UG Physics places – Employability: internship programme to address careers for Physics graduates – New Bologna compliant PGT offering (“Euromasters”) – Research: to underpin teaching and facilitate collaboration

3 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Outcomes of SEPnet Whole greater than the sum of the parts in Outreach and employer engagement 90% growth in UG population and 120% growth in applications (2012 vs 2007) New physics UG provision at Portsmouth and elsewhere Strong demand from employers and students for internships Increased research grant income and outputs Euromasters demand and enrolment disappointing

4 Working together to promote excellence in Physics SEPnet Phase Two SEPnet Phase Two should build on this with new activity in three areas: – A SEPnet strategy for enhancing Research Impact – A SEPnet strategy for Diversity in Research to strengthen the Research Environment – A SEPnet programme for developing research students into the leaders of the future (The SEPnet Graduate Network) And continue the SEPnet 1 programmes in an expanded network

5 Working together to promote excellence in Physics GRADnet SEPnet 2 will develop a regional Graduate Network (GRADnet) built on the strength of current SEPnet research collaborations and Graduate programmes. The primary objectives of GRADnet will be to: – develop and deliver an exemplar programme of PhD transferable and leadership skills training delivered flexibly, on-site and on- screen, to create employment-ready physics doctoral graduates for the economic benefit of the UK; – increase employer engagement with HEIs including PhD internships, visiting studentships, industrially-sponsored CASE studentships and Knowledge Transfer fellowships; – enhance the impact (types, reach and significance) of SEPnet’s research via a clear, collaborative impact strategy; – enhance research environment diversity through engagement with Athena SWAN or the IoP’s Project Juno. – The skills and experience of the expanded network will be marshalled to these goals. The inclusion of the Open University and the University of Hertfordshire broadens the range of postgraduate research in the network.

6 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Employer Engagement and Outreach SEPnet 2 will expand its employer engagement and internship programmes, widening the range of work experiences available to enhance undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) employability and progress to research degrees. The new partners offer increased scope for employer networks across the region. SEPnet 2 will build upon the success of its Outreach Programme, incorporating resources and experience from the OU and Hertfordshire, to disseminate this best practice, apply it to Widening Partcipation and to develop and disseminate effective practices to increasing diversity in the physics UG and PG populations.

7 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Commitment from the SEPnet partners To the long term provision of physics teaching and research builds upon the success of SEPnet Phase One to deliver quality and accessibility of Physics provision in the region as a strategically important subject for the UK science base and economy. It will offer stability for physics provision through a turbulent period for HEIs (and build on the opportunities that such turbulence may create eg through physics becoming a more popular subject choice for students). It will offer regional, and ultimately, national sustainability. Open University and the University of Hertfordshire committed to join, Reading will join as an associate Collectively they are Contributing £10.3m cash and inkind contributions over 5 years (which needs to be accounted for)

8 Working together to promote excellence in Physics The partners have agreed to contribute: Maintenance of the current Outreach officers and their programme costs (~£15K/year each) Committed A defined number of Summer UG internships for the employability programme each year. This proposal advises that the partners contribute to a pool of £50,000 per year to fund internships (£54K Committed) Maintenance of the Academic, Technical and Administrative positions Committed At least one PhD studentship per year for the SEPnet Graduate School (with 2 requested from the larger institutions) 1 PhD per partner Committed Share of the SEPnet Central costs Committed (Average of £30K per year over the 5 years)

9 Working together to promote excellence in Physics HEFCE have agreed to contribute: The SEPnet Graduate Network (£885K) PG Student Representative Body (£50K) SEPnet Research Collaboration, Public Engagement and Knowledge Transfer (£275K) SEPnet Diversity, for enhancing the research environment (£250K) SEPnet Employer Engagement, for graduate employability (£510K) SEPnet Central and shared Costs (£450K) Network expansion to broaden and deepen the reach and impact of the network (£330K) £2.75m over 5 years Matched by ~£10.3m from the SEPnet partners

10 Working together to promote excellence in Physics SEPnet Phase Two

11 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Expanded Network Gr SEPnet Phase 2 Subject Knowledge Outreach Research Employability Graduate Network Expanded Network SEPnet Governance Prize PhD Studentships Workshops and Conferences Placements and Exchanges Diversity Public Engagement Impact Diversity Employer Workshops and training Mentoring Placements and Exchanges Alumni Advanced Taught PhD Programmes Broad Programme Taught Masters Staff Development Knowledge Exchange

12 Working together to promote excellence in Physics GRADnet GRADnet Director 0.5 FTE + staff (£735K) Employer Liaison Director FT (SEPnet) Outreach and PE Director FT (SEPnet) Diversity and Impact Lead 0.4FTE (£50K/yr) Hertfordshire Kent OU Portsmouth QMUL RHUL Southampton Surrey Sussex Subject Specific Skills Academic Skills Overview of Supervision (allocation of Studentships and allocation of supervisors) Oversee Development of online modules working with VB and CH Manage staff (admin and IT) 0.1FTE Academic and 0.1 FTE Admin provided by each partner For PhD Only: Monitor Uni skills offer Leadership and Transferable skills supervisors Monitor student professional skills portfolios Organise skills events working with employers Organise Placements UG: Placements Manage 0.5FTE employer engagement officers provided by SEPnet (£510K) For PhD Only: Offer training in schools Outreach Offer training in broader PE Offer real opportunities for experience working with schools/PE 0.5FTE plus £15K Outreach and PE officers provided by each partner Diversity: Lead Athena/Juno SAT Coordinate meetings Prepare submissions Impact: Advice to academics on impact Pathways to impact and REF Point to Outreach and Employer Engagement Reading0.2 FTE £150K for module development £20K/Year KE fund

13 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Expansion Costs Video Conference suites at OU and Herts: £80K Portable VC Units x10:£50K Upgrade existing facilities:£20K

14 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Diversity and Impact We have agreed 0.5 FTE additional assistance from HEFCE for Diversity & Impact Lead(s), especially to achieve Physics widening participation goals – enhance research environment diversity through engagement with Athena SWAN or the IoP’s Project Juno – to research issues of underrepresentation with IoP and other interested parties – Identify and disseminate best practice within the network – Create a gameplan to address short and long term actions and deliver via the network – enhance the impact (types, reach and significance) of SEPnet’s research via a clear, collaborative impact strategy – Support all departments submitting for or renewing an award by 2016 Agreed funds: £50K per year for 5 years Plus: access to £20K per year for Knowledge Exchange (£100K)

15 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Employability Contribute to the SEPnet employer engagement programme – Each partner contributes to the central Employer engagement Director position an amount of the costs divided by the number of partners – Each partner funds a number of Summer UG Internship placements with employers. These would typically cost £1.5K for each internship. The existing partners provide a fund of £50,000 per annum (£54K Committed) – Each partner provides at least one research summer placement per year to the scheme. Costed: £3K each – Each partner allocates a named resource to join the employer engagement network – We have negotiated additional support from HEFCE to develop the employer engagement strand further in SEPnet 2 (£510K) Around 0.5FTE each for ~2.5 years £180K each in years 1 and 2; £100K in year 3; £50K in year 4 Will be a key foundation of the Graduate Network proposal – Address UG and PG student opportunity for employability Director to initiate hiring of staff and development of a deliverable plan

16 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Governance Each partner will be required to contribute (~£30K/yr) to the central SEPnet governance costs. These include the costs of the independent Chair, executive Director and their associated costs and the shared Outreach and Employability Delivery staff (~£350K/year) HEFCE will contribute £450K to support these costs – £150K each in years 1&2; £100K year 3; £50K year 4 Propose a single Advisory Panel – Composed of scientists, employers, professional societies, other stakeholders and other regional training programmes (physics and non-physics)

17 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Research Continuation of the SEPnet Research network – Facilitated by £50K per year to run thematic workshops – £175K total: £50K each years 1,2,3; £25K year 4 Each partner allocates at least one PhD studentship per year to the network’s system of SEPnet collaborative PhD studentships. – Use to attract more and better applicants for ALL PhD places – GRADnet Director will manage the recruitment and allocation processes in conjunction with each node Expanded role for Public Engagement linked into Outreach and Knowledge Exchange linked to Employability – £20K per year for Knowledge Exchange (£100K) Facilitated under the umbrella of the Graduate Network

18 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Graduate Network We have obtained support from HEFCE for the establishment of a regional cohort based Graduate Network of collaborative teaching for Physics PGT and PGR students This is meant to provide a core subject and skills Graduate programme for all SEPnet Physics Grad students Comprehensive focus on employability skills and attitudes A SEPnet wide programme to attract best PhD applicants for all PhD places Use as a platform to obtain CDTs within the network £885K over 5 years – £195K for first 3 years; £100K year 4; £50K year 5 – Training modules: £75K y1; £50K y2; £25K y3 PG Student Representative Panel: – £20K years 1 and 2; £10K year 3

19 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Student Training Flow UG1UG2UG3UGM MSc PHD1 Taught PhD ResearchPostDoc Economy Employability Training Research and Industry Placements Outreach, Impact, Public Engagement and Knowledge Exchange

20 Working together to promote excellence in Physics New Positions Graduate Network – 50% FTE Director (Academic) – FT Administrator (assume co-located) – 50% FTE IT Support Employability – 50% FTE per partner “careers” Diversity and Impact Lead – 40%-50% FTE Academic

21 Working together to promote excellence in Physics GRADnet Contacts AcademicAdmin HertfordshireTim GledhillLorraine Nicholls KentMichael Smith OUJimena Gorfinkiel PortsmouthDavid BaconHolly Green QMULDavid BermanKaren Wilkinson RHULJon GoffClaire Porter SouthamptonStefano MorettiCeris French SurreyDavid Faux SussexAntonella De- Santo Richard Chambers

22 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Institutional – Per Year Outreach: monetise 0.5 FTE as £20/annum Central costs: averaged over 5 years NEXT Steps: HoDs to commit to financial plans Contracts to be extended for staff

23 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Institutional – Per Year PhD students: assumed to be 3.5 year (increase if longer) Graduate Network: 0.1 FTE Academic 0.1 FTE Admin Contribution Next step: HoDs to identify NAMED INDIVIDUALS

24 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Central Costs – Per Year Next Action: Agree contract extensions for SEPnet Central Staff (done) Agree Financial process for funding transfers (10/10)

25 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Revised Sept 2013

26 Working together to promote excellence in Physics New Costs – Per Year Next Steps: Agree Job specifications for new posts Advertise in June, recruit for Sept start

27 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Revised Sept 2013

28 Working together to promote excellence in Physics New Costs – Per Year Next Steps: Agree Job specifications for new posts Advertise in June, recruit for Sept start

29 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Revised Sept 2013

30 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Expansion - new

31 Working together to promote excellence in Physics HEFCE Profile

32 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Institutional Profile

33 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Summary

34 Working together to promote excellence in Physics HEFCE Payment Profile (Agreed May 2013)

35 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Institutional

36 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Finance Contacts Finance Contacts: Hertfordshire Tracey Cook Kent Melanie Nye Dennis Summers 01227 Open Delia Hodges Oxford Jane Kent01865 Portsmouth Mel Johnson QMUL Anil Joshi02078 RHUL Ross Wilson01784 Southampton (Banker Phase 2) Jean Mills Southampton Sandra Rees02380 Surrey (Banker Phase 1) Jack Grainger01483 Surrey Claire Price01483 Sussex Anne Gearing

37 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Milestones Success criteriaMeasures 1.Recruitment of GRADnet Director.Director in post by September 2013. (Done) 2.Establishment of GRADnet course programme. GRADnet Physics programmes delivered from September 2014. By Sept 2016 each node imports or exports at least 2 modules attended by at least 12 students. 3.Development of Professional Skills Training Programme. At least 1 employer per institution engaged in skills training by 2014; 2 by 2016 4.Membership of SEPnet extended to include Open University, University of Hertfordshire, and University of Reading as an associate member. New members formally part of network by September 2013 (Done) 5.Increased undergraduate internship places. Establish baseline metrics by Dec 2013. SEPnet partners to increase number of industry experiences (eg employer or other funded internships, industrial site visits, employer talks, employer workshops, employer projects) by at least 30% in 2014, 40% in 2015, 50% in 2016.

38 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Milestones cont 6.Deliver industrial placements for postgraduate research students. Deliver industrial placements and other industry experiences eg (e)mentoring support, site visits, work shadowing, pitching to employers: 100% of SEPnet PhD students and 10% of all physics PGRs in 2014; 20% of all PGRs in 2015; 30% in 2016 Establish targets for 2017-18 in 2016. 7.Enhance research environment diversity through engagement with Athena SWAN / IoP ’ s Project Juno. Those with awards successfully renew Minimum 2 departments not currently holding awards, per year, to make submissions. Those holding awards to renew those awards successfully as they become due or to make submissions to higher awards. Continued and consistent engagement with improving good practice through Action Plans All partners to hold or have renewed awards by October 2016 Apply to join early BME pilots 8.Develop SEPnet industry knowledge exchange collaborations Establish significant new SEPnet industry collaborations/projects: 4 by 2014; 6 by 2015; 9 by 2016 9.Enhanced value for money secured from the HEFCE investment by achieving cash and in-kind funding contributions from the partner institutions in SEPnet. Evidence of investment made by partner HEIs to be provided in the final project report.

39 Working together to promote excellence in Physics GRADnet Physics Programme Oct 13 - PhD Recruitment begins Dec 13 – Inventory of all courses Mar 14 – Timetabling of courses Jun 14 - Internal Review Sep 14 – First programme launched

40 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Infrastructure Video – Streaming, recording, hosting SEPnet Portal onto Uni Systems – Advertises modules – Online brochure Don’t replicate student admin systems Provide Skills audits Reuse Systems (eg SUPA, ESRC CDT, Action Planner) Pilot by YE 2013 (dependent on IT staff)

41 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Videoconferencing GRADnet – Visimeet VC Rooms at each partner For broadcasting lectures Receive lectures for largish groups – Visimeet portable unit at each site (incl Reading) For receiving lectures for small groups – Visimeet Individual desktop For individuals to receive lectures Pool of licences in blocks of 25 – Should we equip OU and Herts with high end portable units rather than VC room

42 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Meetings Visimeet – VC Rooms for large gatherings – Desktop licences for individuals Skype – Fine for one-one video calls Google Hangouts – Handles multiple attendees – Ad hoc meetings

43 Working together to promote excellence in Physics PE and Impact Show PE is important in professional development (staff and students) – Not overlap with existing staff devt Researcher in residence type programmes – Links with diversity Media training for academics Enhance awareness of what’s available In large grants, funds for outreach officer can be put in – Case for support template text How to measure impact? Workloading and promotions criteria?

44 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Milestones Summer 2013 - Appoint staff Sep 13 - PE Module for PhD students in place Dec 13 – Define additional requirements and plan

45 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Employer Engagement Meet IOP Programme Directors/SEPnet Appoint Employability Officers Audit/Review evidence for existing programmes Review of EAP and skills needs Benchmark models of programmes such as EngD Identify content of SEPnet bespoke programme

46 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Milestones Dec 13 – PG Student Rep Panel established Dec 13 – Audit of provision and gap analysis with employers Jul 14 – SEPnet supervisor briefings with employers Sept 14 – Workshop Programme Sept 16 – bespoke online and workshop programme

47 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Professional Skills Deliver industrial placements and other industry experiences – eg (e)mentoring support, site visits, work shadowing, pitching to employers: – 100% of SEPnet PhD students and 10% of all physics PGRs in 2014; 20% of all PGRs in 2015; 30% in 2016 1 employer per institution engaged in skills training by 2014; 2 by 2016

48 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Diversity Those with awards successfully renew Minimum 2 departments not currently holding awards, per year, to make submissions. Those holding awards to renew those awards successfully as they become due or to make submissions to higher awards. Continued and consistent engagement with improving good practice through Action Plans All partners to hold or have renewed awards by October 2016 Apply to join early BME pilots

49 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Milestones AY 2013 – Kent, Herts, Sussex new submissions – OU, QMUL Athena Swan Bronze AY 2014 – Surrey, Soton, Portsmouth new submissions – RHUL Athena Swan Gold AY 2015 – Upgrades and renewals

50 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Steering Board PVCs/Deans Strategy Employer Liaison Director Team Collaboration Board (HoDs) Independent Advisory Panel Scientists/Employers Outreach Director Team GRADnet Directorate Diversity & Impact Lead(s) Independent Chair Executive Board Executive Director And reports PG Student Panel Informal Structures DoGS Themes

51 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Governance PVC Steering Board – Meet 2/year HoDs – 4/year Executive/Operations Board – Monthly Independent Advisory Panel – 1/year

52 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Independent Advisory Panel Membership (a pool structure) – Scientists – Employers – Professional bodies – Employee bodies – Other regional networks – Other stakeholders Meet 1/year

53 Working together to promote excellence in Physics PG Student Panel Contacts Hertfordshire Kent OU Portsmouth QMUL Nicholas Attree RHUL Southampton Surrey Sussex

54 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Communications Press Release (Done) – Shortly after formal award letter Need primary PR contact (assume Soton) With IoP, HEFCE, each partner – News item on ALL partner websites Need local PR contacts Parliamentary Reception (Done) – 8 th July Update Websites (Done) – SEPnet with all 9 logos and partners – All Partner physics dept websites to prominently display SEPnet logo and links to websites Other social media: – Facebook, Twitter etc

55 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Mailing Lists Distribution ListsAll hosted on JISCMAIL SEPNET-HODSAll the SEPnet Heads of SEPNET-PVCAll SEPnet PVCs, deputies and assistants RESEARCHSEPnet Research Theme leads SEPNET- SEPNET-ADMINAdmin contacts at each partner (incomplete) SEPNET-FINANCEFinance Contacts at each node SEPNET- SEPNET-GRADNETGraduate Network contacts at each node SEPNET-OUTREACHSEPnet Outreach SEPNET-SEPNETSEPnet central staff SEPNET-VIDEOCON Videoconference Technical contacts SEPNET- SEPNET-GRADNET- DIRECTORATE GRADnet Directorate SEPNETAll the

56 Working together to promote excellence in Physics SEPnet Calendar – Aka Can be viewed: e/66363123/SEPnet%20Events%20C alendar e/66363123/SEPnet%20Events%20C alendar Please add in key events as an optional invitee

57 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Risks (from Proposal) A partner decides to close its physics department or provision. GRADnet fails to appoint a suitable GRADnet Director resulting in a delayed or non-viable programme. Concentration of research funding causes a reduction in research income and staff in some physics departments. Employers withdraw from the placement scheme or too few sign up due to their own financial pressures. Failure to recruit an Impact and Diversity Lead. Individual institutions unilaterally withdraw from SEPnet or reduce their contribution to the central costs or specific programmes.

58 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Independent Review How should this be performed and by whom? How should it be funded? – Allowable expense and propose allocating some “governance” funds

59 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Issues Problem of sustaining costs as HEFCE contribution tapers down Sustainability of: – Research workshops, KE External funding? – Conferences Recommend rotating around network – Employability Absorb into careers offices (but likely to lose impact) – Student Panel Subscriptions? – Grad Network Director Merge role with Exec Director and/or top slice fees We will defer closure of this risk until before the 3 year review point (but start agreeing it from Spring 2014)

60 Working together to promote excellence in Physics Summary SEPnet is to continue and expand The priorities are agreed – Outreach, Employability, Research, Graduate Network, Diversity Graduate Network needs us to converge on a plan to implement The longer term funding environment remains uncertain – SEPnet 2 provides a stable anchor for 3-5 years

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