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Research and perspectives on social exclusion in Russia NGO “Stellit” Olga Levina – Development Director Elena Zabadykina – head of the “Social work” department.

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Presentation on theme: "Research and perspectives on social exclusion in Russia NGO “Stellit” Olga Levina – Development Director Elena Zabadykina – head of the “Social work” department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research and perspectives on social exclusion in Russia NGO “Stellit” Olga Levina – Development Director Elena Zabadykina – head of the “Social work” department Oslo, Norway April 2008

2 The key areas of our work: social research since 1997 we study prevention programs since 1998 social work since 2002 organizational consulting since1997 - addictive behavior - commercial sexual exploitation - studies in HIV and STD – providing education - methodological support - prevention of diseases and social exclusion - evaluation and assessment - organization development and consulting - stress management

3 Main principles that underlie our preventive programs

4 In 2005 we suggested an interpretation of the given concept based on the analysis of Russian and international scientific publications: social exclusion is a social failure of the individual according to the social norms of the given society and understood as a problem by the individual himself

5 What is happening and what can we do Primary prevention Children are not engaged in a deviation conduct. Stage of experiments Risk group Children are engaged in a deviation conduct, but remain socially adaptive Tertiary prevention Children demonstrate a deviation conduct, socially not adaptive School College Child Institute College Drop-in centres Street Outreach ? ? Question ONE Question TWO

6 Problems 1.Specialists work with neglected cases. 2.Information is kept on the school level. 3.Interaction between governmental and non- governmental organizations is difficult. 4.The work with the child is often organized with the principle of unformal links.

7 5. Schools are not inclined to appeal to specialists but try to give help to the child by their own means. 6. There is no possibility of influence on a family. 7. The work of respondented specialists is more focused on children from 12 to 14 years old, than on younger or older age groups. Problems

8 8. Deviations in mental and somatic health of a child are not considered. 9.The work with hard types of deviant behavior (game addiction, drug and toxic- addiction) is the most difficult for the specialists

9 Answers 1.Including specialists of medical and law and order service on the early stage. 2. Wider using of interaction with different specialists and a possibility of influence on the nearest social surroundings.

10 Answers 3. Inclusion of communicative training into the system for children support. 4. Addictive behavior must be the independent aim of intervention in any problem situation

11 Answers 5. To risk groups in present conditions should be taken: - children living in adopted families; -children living in families where one/some of the members is imprisoned.

12 Principles of work of the partners School “The responsibility and activity of efforts” Police «The control and informing» The organizations assisting families and children “ Mutual aid and cooperation”

13 Social work: 6 years ago Sexual Workers (SW) were not considered as a risk group SW didn’t use condoms SW had a high level of abortions There were many minor SW in the streets SW didn’t address to the doctor to be tested for HIV We didn’t know about a level of the use of drugs among SW Specialists considered that SW in St.Petersburg were from other cities Over the 3 years We have worked with more then 950 SW (6960 contacts) Got from abroad about 40 000 condoms, 4680 brochure About 240 times have accompanied SW to the medical and social institutions SW got 120 psychological consultations We have held 120 seminars for SW And 2 round tables for administration of 2 city regions

14 Program “Peer to peer” Provide SW with information about HIV, STI Preparing trainings: “Legal questions” (1 peer consultant) “Commercial SW as security of the national health” (3 peer consultants)

15 Action “Airplane”  SW makes paper airplane and write their dreams on it

16 Action “My Message To The World”  pictures and voice message of sexual workers to the world “All is grey”

17 Action “My Message To The World” “To clean Earth from the drugs”

18 Action “My Message To The World” “ Mama, don't kill me. I’d like to see this world”

19 Action “Why I don’t sell sex without condoms?”  SW wrote what they say when clients ask them to have sex without condoms “I say that if he is assured in himself, I‘m not. After all we both know what my work is”

20 Thank you for your attention! We will be glad to work together! Russia, St. Petersburg, Bumazhnaya st. 9, r.617 Tel: +7 (812) 445 28 93/94


22  Problems 1.Specialists work with neglected cases. 2.Information is kept on the school level. 3.Interaction between governmental and non-governmental organisations is difficult. 4.The work with the child is often organized with the principle of unformal links.  Answers 1.Including specialists of medical and law and order service on the early stage 2. Wider using of interaction with different specialists and a possibility of influence on the nearest social surroundings

23  Problems 5. Schools are not inclined to appeal to specialists but try to give help to the child with their own means. 6. There is no possibility of influence on a family 7. The work of respondented specialists more focused on children from12 to14 ears old, than on younger or older age groups.  Answers 3. Inclusion of communicative training into the sistem of help to children. 4. Adictive behavior must be the independent aim of intervention in any problem situation

24  Problems 8. It’s not considered the deviations in mental and somatic health of a child. 9.The work with hard types of deviant behavior (game adicting, drug and toxico- adicting) is the most difficult for the specialists  Answers 5. To risk groups in present conditions sould be taken: - children living in adopted families; -children living in families where one/some of the members is imprisoned.

25 Social work: figures Over the 3 years: We have worked more then 950 SW (6960 contacts) Get from abroad about 40 000 condoms, 4680 brochure About 240 times have accompanied SW to the medicine and social institutions Got 120 psychological consultations Have held 120 seminars for SW And 2 round tables for administration 2 city regions

26 Interview guide for reporting a social exclusion case 1.Tell (tentatively) the date of the childs’ difficult life situation origin. 2.Tell the main information about the child/teenager in trouble. a)Sex, age and study class. b)Physical and psychological health (occurrence of serious diseases, characteristics of behavior associated with his/her health, physical and psychological development). c)School performance. d)Behavior from the point of view of the teachers. e)Relationship with his/her classmates and age mates. f)Pronounced character features. g)Deviant behavior (absence at lessons, running away from home, smoking, alcohol and drug usage, hyper sexuality, bullying and criminal acts). and so on…

27 Institutional level Design of recommendations, based on our research results; Participation in the realization of the provided recommendations and implementation of the designed projects

28 Community level Design and optimization of preventive work management models; Design of preventive programs, including those with the participation of the executive branch of the government; Preparing recommendations for decision makers on the development, realization and improvement of the help provided to the target groups; Conducting research of hard-to- reach populations and their needs; Outreach work/Work with risk groups

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