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Cut flow for A/H  tau tau  lh. Overview We present an overview of the cuts used for the neutral MSSM A/H  tau tau  lh analysis for 1 fb -1 The statistical.

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Presentation on theme: "Cut flow for A/H  tau tau  lh. Overview We present an overview of the cuts used for the neutral MSSM A/H  tau tau  lh analysis for 1 fb -1 The statistical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cut flow for A/H  tau tau  lh

2 Overview We present an overview of the cuts used for the neutral MSSM A/H  tau tau  lh analysis for 1 fb -1 The statistical analysis is based on the shapes of the backgrounds and the signal. We don’t want to cut completely the background. We include the W+jets background

3 Cut review Lepton preselection Hadronic tau candidate identification MET > 20 GeV Opposite charge between lepton and hadron E T (hadron) > 40 GeV Number of Jets < 2 Momentum fraction [0,1]


5 Charge

6 E T (hadron)

7 Jet multiplicity Obtained new jet multiplicity plots. Overlap removal reviewed. Removing all jets which match any electron or muon inside ΔR<0.3 Removing all jets which match a non-overlapping tau in ΔR<0.3 All datasets are based on Athena 12 release except W+jets

8 Momentum fraction Using the collinear approximation we compute the momentum fraction (x) of the lepton and the hadron. We cut all events that have 0 < x < 1.


10 Delta phi Dashed lines represent the distribution of the events that are rejected with the momentum fraction cut. Probably not an ideal cut?

11 Cut flow Cut [fb] A150 A300 A450 A600 Ttbar Wenu Wmunu Wtaunu Z Total 67041 0 1020 0 269 0 176 0 461000 0 12420856 0 12416754 0 1374170 0 451440 0 Leton 34745 48 489 52 142 47 95 45 233573 49 7188650 42 9311901 25 492485 64 66622 85 Tau ID 8684 75 122 75 31 77 18 80 6284 97 19493 99 25458 99 2231 99 8633 87 MET>20GeV 4181 51 89 26 26 17 16 12 5696 9 15755 19 21672 14 1657 25 2817 67 Charge=0 4121 1 85 4 25 3 15 4 4514 20 11576 26 16188 25 1226 26 2518 10 ET(tau)>40GeV 3227 21 77 8 23 4 15 3 3025 32 7143 38 9863 39 886 27 1227 51 #jets<2 2647 17 57 25 17 27 10 29 474 84 7000 2 9689 1 860 3 899 26 0<x<1 1210 54 30 47 9 44 6 41 117 75 723 89 935 90 175 79 469 47 Could we do a smarter cut instead of the momentum fraction? What about requiring Δ ϕ >1.5? What about a cut that took into account the MET without collinear approximation?

12 The zeta cut Used in similar search in CDF We define a bisection axis (ζ) in the transverse plane that splits the angle between the lepton and the hadron in two. We can compute: the projection of the transverse visible momentum over the zeta axis (P ζ vis ), and The projection of the transverse momentum over the zeta axis (P ζ ). Following we present the distributions of P ζ vs P ζ vis for signal and background datasets before the momentum fraction cut.


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