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Forensic Strategy Psychoactive Substances Act Operational Enforcement Workshop Presented by: Audrey Smith Date: 4 th March 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Forensic Strategy Psychoactive Substances Act Operational Enforcement Workshop Presented by: Audrey Smith Date: 4 th March 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forensic Strategy Psychoactive Substances Act Operational Enforcement Workshop Presented by: Audrey Smith Date: 4 th March 2016

2 Forensic Strategy Document being developed will be published by HO along with other guidance 21 days before commencement Guidance – provided in support of the Act 3 main areas – fundamental science, process, evidential package HO commitment to support initial operation of Act 2

3 Forensic Strategy Specification for psychoactivity testing –Receptor testing available for majority of substances –Alternative means for psychoactivity not excluded Commercial company to undertake testing Banked data Expert Witnesses Process 3

4 Specification Specification Group –Required to translate the advice of ACMD into specification that met the technical and quality requirements –Made up of experts from industry and academia –Draft specification completed –Currently being reviewed by ACMD, Forensic Science Regulator, commercial department 4

5 Commercial company to undertake testing Testing –Commercial department with CAST input have conducted extensive market research –Companies identified who have capability to carry out testing at this stage –Specification will be sent March –Review of tender – commercial, technical, quality –Contract award March 5

6 Banked data 41 reference standards have been ordered –Identified through FEWS, ACMD priority –Include cannabinoids and stimulants Once contract is agreed reference standards will be sent for testing Reference standards have also been ordered for forensic labs (where they have not already received them) Delivery of test results April 6

7 Expert Witnesses Contacted British Pharmacological Society (BPS) Reaching further out –OGDs –Other scientific societies –Interlab Specification Group going back to BPS 7

8 Forensic Process Sample sent to Forensic Service Providers (FSP) for identification If not controlled under Misuse Drugs Act, FSP contact CAST CAST will confirm if drug has been tested for psychoactivity If previously tested, report will be forwarded to Forensic Provider If not previously tested, a decision will be made in consultation with FSPs, police to order reference standard and test for pyschoactivity 8

9 Reporting Simple statistical test to show if binding and activity has taken place Investigating with BPS if group can be set up to evaluate the further data Expert Witness needed to prepare statement and represent results 9

10 Summary Forensic Strategy –Science, evidential package, flowchart Specification for psychoactivity testing Banked data Expert witnesses Reporting 10

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