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Photo Essays Objective: SWBAT analyze effective photo essays in a publication Tuesday, March 23 rd.

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1 Photo Essays Objective: SWBAT analyze effective photo essays in a publication Tuesday, March 23 rd

2 Photo Essays A photo essay is a set or series of photographs that are intended to tell a story or evoke a series of emotions in the viewer. Photo essays range from purely photographic works to photographs with captions or small notes to full text essays with a few or many accompanying photographs. Photo essays can be sequential in nature, intended to be viewed in a particular order, or they may consist of non-ordered photographs which may be viewed all at once or in an order chosen by the viewer. All photo essays are collections of photographs, but not all collections of photographs are photo essays.

3 Photo Essays When a story can be told better through many pictures and a few words The photo essay serves the same purpose as a copy block – to tell an entire story from beginning to end. Some photo essays may tell one small portion of a much bigger story.

4 Photo Essays For example: –The photo essay could tell the story of one person who has to ride the bus to school all the way across town even though she lives only 5 blocks from another school. The photo essay could show pictures of the girl hanging out with friends in her neighborhood, pictures of her waiting alone for the bus, pictures of her riding the bus, and maybe pictures of her at the other school. Through this series of photographs, the photographer can tell the entire story.

5 Photo Essays A photo essay can take a number of forms, including: –An article in a publication, sometimes a full page or a DPS. Newspapers and news magazines often have multi-page photo essays about significant events, both good and bad, such as a sports championship or a national disaster.

6 Photo Essays A single collage of photographic images, with text or other additions, intended to be viewed both as a whole and as individual photographs. A book or other complete publication. A web page or portion of a web site.

7 Photo Essays An art show which is staged at a particular time and location. A slide show or similar presentation, possibly with spoken text, which could be delivered on slides, on DVD, or on a web site.


9 Group Work Divide into 3 groups Look at the Photo Essay handout Discuss what makes this an effective photo essay. What makes is ineffective? Be ready to share.




13 Test Monday Photography Caption Writing Photo Essays

14 Daily Grade Find an example of a good photo essay in a publication Write at least one paragraph telling why you think this photo essay is effective Write down the title of the yearbook and the page number

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