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Chapter 7 Decision Making. Chapter 7 Vocab Copy vocab into workbook (from word document) Complete the Crossword for the chapter Read vocab words once.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 7 Decision Making. Chapter 7 Vocab Copy vocab into workbook (from word document) Complete the Crossword for the chapter Read vocab words once."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 7 Decision Making

2 Chapter 7 Vocab Copy vocab into workbook (from word document) Complete the Crossword for the chapter Read vocab words once a night for homework To prepare for vocab test at the end of the chapter.

3 alma mater: the school, college, or university someone attended automatic: something done without the need for thought; unconscious issue: to put out or deliver, usually officially logical: capable of reason evaluate: to measure the value of something differentiate: to distinguish between at least two things essential: indispensable; a part so important to a thing that to remove to would destroy the thing itself gratification: satisfaction or enjoyment long-term: taking place over a long period of time pro: an argument for a certain course of action con: an argument against a certain course of action probability: something that is likely to come to pass analyze: to study all the parts of something in order to understand it apprenticeship: someone who is learning through work experience with people skilled in an specific art or trade certification: being certified, as in a trade or skill expedite: to take care of right away agonize: struggle or suffer fret: to worry avoidance: the act of evading something tendency: a inclination toward a certain type of action or behavior

4 Decision Making Making decisions for you life seems difficult, but deciding what to wear is second nature to us. We often make decisions without knowing we are doing it. “Your life is defined by the choices you make” -Mindy Bingham

5 Identifying Choices and Gathering Information Read pg. 168-69 Read pg. 170 Identify Joyce’s choices Read pg. 171 Gather info about Joyce

6 Evaluating Choices Breaking decisions down into pros and cons is a great way to narrow down your choices. Read pg. 172-174 Complete the table for Joyce, Jessica, and John. What would you do if you were in their place?

7 Decision-Making Model Define your goal State the decision to be made Analyze your resources Analyze your wants and needs Identify your choices Gather information Evaluate your choices Make your decision

8 Decision-Making Model Read pg. 175-77 Read and analyze Gloria’s chart Complete Gloria’s chart Complete your own chart with regard to 4 possible career choices you have. Which career would be satisfying to me?

9 Decisions Making a Decision Read pg. 178 Complete the table for your tendencies Be honest with yourself when checking the table Keeping Your Options Open Decisions can be limiting Which decision gives you more flexibility YOU CAN ALWAYS CHANGE YOUR MIND

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