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Session 22 – 10:45 to 12:15 Introduction o Who am I, what is this talk about o Focus = Cubs in Traditional Units 12 Laws applies here, too Handouts &

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Presentation on theme: "Session 22 – 10:45 to 12:15 Introduction o Who am I, what is this talk about o Focus = Cubs in Traditional Units 12 Laws applies here, too Handouts &"— Presentation transcript:


2 Session 22 – 10:45 to 12:15 Introduction o Who am I, what is this talk about o Focus = Cubs in Traditional Units 12 Laws applies here, too Handouts & door prizes Q&A: What works – theory versus practice

3 WHAT? They’re Leaving?!?

4 1) You Will Always Lose Scouts Get over it! BUT first… o Ensure that it’s unavoidable – ask the “why” o See if there are options Leave the door open for them to return o Stay in touch o Be flexible if possible – make the compromises!

5 2) You Can Always GAIN Scouts Make being a Scout cool o Your Scouts are your best recruiters! Emphasize that Scouting is a YEAR ‘ROUND PROGRAM o If they leave, ensure they know they can come back Don’t be afraid of the Prodigal Scout o Be prepared – they might actually come back!

6 3) Units Must Recruit or DIE! Recruiting is NOT just a once-a-year effort If It Ain’t Broke, Fix it Anyway o Different tactics o Diversity is key Families are your targets, not just Scouts! o Get new parents, you get new energy & ideas o New Parents = New Partners

7 …Some Recruiting Ideas EVENTS – Reptile Guy, Magicians, Policemen, etc. FREEBIES – Picnics, balloons, movies, etc. PARTNER (w/presence) – Good Turns, service project, etc. RHYTHM – Minimum, three recruiting events BE PREPARED – answer questions before they’re asked SCOUTS DRIVEN! – Divide and conquer USE THE TOOLS – Leverage BSA materials


9 4) Get the Lead(ers) Out! Recruit Leaders or lose the new Scouts you gain Be on the looking for Scouting experience Hook them when they’re Cubs, and the families remain engaged… Show off the “greater Pack” family

10 5) Ride those Training Wheels Emphasize importance of Training o Greater retention – of Leaders! o Richer experience for the Scouts Emphasis on availability of material, support circles o Unit leaders/plans o District availability o Council offerings You’re not flying solo!

11 6) Trust – but Verify Trust Your Leaders o Don’t micromanage o Leverage Cub Scouts 2010 program Have quarterly audits, driven by Membership Keep Pack activities strong

12 They Can’t Read Your Mind

13 7) Over Communicate! Parents want to know what’s going on o Provide a clear plan o Utilize tools: websites, evites, calendars, etc. o Get it in writing: schedules, handbooks Provide a consistent & predictable flow of information One message, multiple sources

14 8) Know Your Audience You’re communicating for THEM, not for you! o Websites, web tools o Facebook, Twitter, etc. o Embrace the change – your Scouts will like it! Get to know your families o Reach out and support EVERYONE o Reach out to the edges o Be a resource & library o Create a sense of belonging

15 9) Fly – be free! Best way to recruit = find your replacement Strive for Diversity o Pull in new leaders, expand your own possibilities o This is my Pack, it’s name is George Network Your Brains! o Scouts are the leaders of tomorrow – listen to them o Find the FUN!

16 …Some Sample Tools Handbook Bugle Calendar Flyers Blue & Gold program

17 Keep the OUT in Scouting

18 10) Have a Strong Pulse It’s not just once a month! o Good Turns, Parades, hikes, camping, go-see-its o Frequent activities = Scouts having FUN! o DON’T MAKE THEM MANDATORY!!! Event Committee – good way to make Frog Soup Activities are your second best recruiting tool! o Fun with purpose is fun with contagion! o Keep it open and loose!

19 11) What Outdoor Deficit? Families want to camp – so do it! o Leverage Council, District camps (season & offseason) o Look for non-Scouting camp opportunities Hiking is the quickest way to get outside! o Keep Sir Hillary at bay until July o React to your Scouts o Rotate the point person (Semper Feedme)

20 12) Year is Brought to You by… Scouting is a YEAR ‘ROUND program Summer is the BEST time to be a Scout! o Bolster the Pack event calendar o Hold a Summer of Fun! o Summertime Pack Award, National Den Awards Get OUT!!!


22 Summary: 12 Points of Retention Loss Gain Grow Tell Target Try Leaders Trained Feedback Active Rustic Yearly YOUTHADULTSOUTREACHOUTSIDE

23 Doorprize?



26 Evaluation

27 Resources The Minds of Boys Deficit/dp/1565125223/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1200272288&sr=8-1 Deficit/dp/1565125223/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1200272288&sr=8-1

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