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Since 2012, researchers from the University of Alabama in Huntsville‘s Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research (CSPAR) and NASA Marshall Space Flight.

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Presentation on theme: "Since 2012, researchers from the University of Alabama in Huntsville‘s Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research (CSPAR) and NASA Marshall Space Flight."— Presentation transcript:

1 Since 2012, researchers from the University of Alabama in Huntsville‘s Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research (CSPAR) and NASA Marshall Space Flight Center have been hosting a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) site to engage in cutting edge heliophysics research. For the past 4 years we have hosted a diverse group of 10 undergraduate students. The objectives of this REU are to increase minority participation in science, technology and mathematics (STEM) fields in general, and heliophysics in particular, and decrease the STEM attrition rate in first and second year students. This REU is unique because of our focus on recruiting talented students that may not otherwise participate in a research program. In addition to the usual criteria a consideration of need" was also given to underrepresented groups. In our 3 years, we have increased minority participation to 60 percent,, admitted 3 REU students into graduate school at UAH in heliophysics related fields, and submitted a myraid of papers and presentations (including Science magazine). Personnel: Dr. Jacob Heerikhuisen-UAH Faculty (PI), Dr. Amy Winebarger NASA Scientist, Ms. Samaiyah Farid-UAH Staff. Abstract The attrition rate in the STEM areas are greater than than in other fields (~60% by sophomore year), particularly among minorities and women (National Research Council 1993). One proven method to mitigate this is early exposure to research (Russell 2007) and mentoring (Seymore & Hewitt 1994,). However, Research Experience for Undergraduates (REUs) have become increasingly competitive, often leaving students at small universities and under-represented groups without an opportunity to complete research during the most critical years. In our program we specifically recruit early students from small and/or minority serving institutes, women, minorities, and those from intuitions without large research facilities. We select ten students to participate in Heliophysics research with either a UAH or NASA mentor for 10 weeks in Huntsville, AL. REU Goal: Provide meaningful research experience to students from under-represented groups, and 1 st and 2 nd year students and encourage their matriculation in the STEM fields. What Makes Our Program Different? Proactive recruitment of first and second year students, minority students, women, students from small universities, and non-research intensive universities. Focus on ‘need’. In addition to the more common selection criteria (GPA, letters of recommendation, etc. ), we evaluate the ability of the student to be involved in research at their home institutions and if they have prior research experience. We call this factor ‘need’ and it is heavily weighted in the selection process. Late application deadline. Our deadline is after the notification deadline for other Heliophysics REU’S so that students that have been rejected from other programs are still be able to apply to our program. Recruit not just physics majors. We also actively recruit mathematics and engineering students. Advisor placement. We place students with advisors after evaluating academic level,level of project, personality, etc. Effective Recruitment Strategies We utilize traditional methods, such as NSF listings, and emailing flyer to over 50 universities, however this method is not very effective in reaching non- traditional groups. To reach our goals we have to consider that many students do not use the internet in the same way as upper classmen, non-minority, and non-first gens. Knowing what’s out there and where to look is a challenge. Personal contacts. Personal are established researchers in their perspective fields. Using their contacts, we notified colleagues and asked them to recruit for our program. Use Other Programs: We contact other Heliophysics REU programs and ask that they refer any unselected students to our program. The Most Effective methods in reaching minority and first-gen groups: In Person Visitations: We visit 5-6 HBCUs yearly. Give short presentations, pizza lunches,and discuss the program. This is also a good opportunity to discuss letters of interest and letters of recommendation. Establish Long-Term Relationships: Since we visit the same schools each year we try to establish relationship with the mentors and advisors at the targeted universities. We also forward other opportunities to these same contacts. Recruiting and Supporting Targeted Groups: Creating a Positive Cohort Among Undergraduate REU Students: Efforts and Results National Research Council. 1993, National Academy Press. Russel,S.H.,Hancock,M.P. and McCullogh,J.,Science,316,548,2007. Seymour,E. & Hewitt,N.M,Boulder: University of Colorado, Bureau of Sociological Research, April,1994. This work is supported by a grant by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. AGS-1157027 with additional financial support from the University of Alabama in Huntsville and GEO-1203018. S.Farid 1,2 ¹University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL 52899, United States ²Vanderbilt University,Nashville,Tn 37221, United States Metrics for Success REU Contact: Introduction References and Acknowledgments\ REU Webpage: Almost doubled the total number of minority applications each year since first year. Increased minority participation from 20% to 60% after the first year. Since then we have maintained ~ 40-60% minority. ~ 50-60% women, and ~50-60% sophmores, 30% first generation. Most students had no prior research experience. We find that a balance of experienced and un-experienced students creates an ideal learning environment. Last year most students attended AGU, all students submitted posters. REU student co-author on Science paper(see reference) and several journal papers and presentations at other conferences. Creating An Effective Support Networks Students receive traditional NSF package: $5,000 stipend, travel allowance, shared on-campus housing, meal card, and travel allowance to AGU to present their research. Work space is in shared area to encourage peer collaborations. Most Critical Two weeks of introductory lectures. Students attend introductory Heliophysic lecutres and programming workshops specific to their project (Interactive Data Language, Unix, Matlab). Multiple Student Laisons. Graduate and undergraduates students. And coordinator serve as liaison to support the needs of the students. Advisor placement. We place with student need in mind, rather than the needs of the project. REU Coordinator and Shared Mentors: Becomes familiar with all projects and assists students in writing code, conducting research and creating presentations. Contact:

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