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PS Reyes (T&T)1 Inter-American Development Bank Education Regional Policy Dialogue Meeting CRITICAL EDUCATION ISSUES IN THE CARIBBEAN Thecla Reyes – Permanent.

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Presentation on theme: "PS Reyes (T&T)1 Inter-American Development Bank Education Regional Policy Dialogue Meeting CRITICAL EDUCATION ISSUES IN THE CARIBBEAN Thecla Reyes – Permanent."— Presentation transcript:

1 PS Reyes (T&T)1 Inter-American Development Bank Education Regional Policy Dialogue Meeting CRITICAL EDUCATION ISSUES IN THE CARIBBEAN Thecla Reyes – Permanent Secretary Republic of Trinidad and Tobago July 10, 2003


3 PS Reyes (T&T)3 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL Over 40 units in wide range of subjectsOver 40 units in wide range of subjects Finally, Grenada and Trinidad and Tobago are preparing students for CAPEFinally, Grenada and Trinidad and Tobago are preparing students for CAPE Support in capacity building from COLSupport in capacity building from COL Increased revenue for CXC from 2005Increased revenue for CXC from 2005 CXC and CARICOM celebrate their 30 th anniversaryCXC and CARICOM celebrate their 30 th anniversary

4 PS Reyes (T&T)4 PROPOSALS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A REGIONAL HUMAN AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY Tertiary EnrolmentTertiary Enrolment –Barbados reported enrolment rates of 28% –Quality of education at secondary and tertiary levels should be given priority –Data capture on students following alternative routes e.g. Distance Education needed –UNESCO to continue to support the region in the area of Education Statistics

5 PS Reyes (T&T)5 PROPOSALS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A REGIONAL HUMAN AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY Universal Secondary EducationUniversal Secondary Education –CARICOM secretariat to: Re-commence work on Common Standards at the primary levelRe-commence work on Common Standards at the primary level Trinidad and Tobago cautioned countries about USE and students with special needsTrinidad and Tobago cautioned countries about USE and students with special needs Review and reform of Teacher Education for management of student needsReview and reform of Teacher Education for management of student needs

6 PS Reyes (T&T)6 PROPOSALS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A REGIONAL HUMAN AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY Early Childhood EducationEarly Childhood Education –Trinidad and Tobago paying significant attention to ECE Draft Legislation preparedDraft Legislation prepared Standards prepared and out for stakeholder consultationStandards prepared and out for stakeholder consultation –OECS countries also prepared standards for ECE which are to be presented for stakeholder feedback –Caribbean Early Childhood Education Association was launched in 2000

7 PS Reyes (T&T)7 PROPOSALS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A REGIONAL HUMAN AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY Early Childhood Education cont’dEarly Childhood Education cont’d –Teacher Education for ECED to ensure quality implementation of programmes –Teacher Education to deal with the problem of children with special needs at ECE centres –National action plans and plans of action to be developed in each country –Member states may source educational statistics from UNESCO

8 PS Reyes (T&T)8 MAINSTREAMING GENDER EDUCATION The COHSODThe COHSOD Agreed to promote the inclusion of gender education as a mandatory component of Teacher EducationAgreed to promote the inclusion of gender education as a mandatory component of Teacher Education Follow-up workshops for teachers – May 2003Follow-up workshops for teachers – May 2003 Baseline study is being conductedBaseline study is being conducted

9 PS Reyes (T&T)9 MAINSTREAMING GENDER EDUCATION The following were highlighted:The following were highlighted: –Differing behaviour patterns for boys and girls –Growing sexual aggression by girls –Technology subjects motivate boys to learn –Teacher Education to change attitudes of teachers to dealing with gender in the classroom

10 PS Reyes (T&T)10 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CSME: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE EDUCATION SECTOR Regional Accreditation AgencyRegional Accreditation Agency –Clarification of the role of the regional agency sought Establishment of National BodiesEstablishment of National Bodies –In Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis –Establishment in progress in The Bahamas, Grenada, Guyana, St. Lucia, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago –For some countries: not cost-effective to establish a separate national body

11 PS Reyes (T&T)11 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CSME: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE EDUCATION SECTOR Establishment of National COHSODS is becoming a pre-requisite for accessing financial assistance for the sectorEstablishment of National COHSODS is becoming a pre-requisite for accessing financial assistance for the sector Harmonisation of curriculum, policies and programmes at all levels is a necessity (includes Teacher Education)Harmonisation of curriculum, policies and programmes at all levels is a necessity (includes Teacher Education)

12 PS Reyes (T&T)12 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CSME: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE EDUCATION SECTOR Facilitation of travelFacilitation of travel –Concerns  Capability/capacity of receiving states to meet increased demand for school places and other social services  Possible brain drain to states with higher wages

13 PS Reyes (T&T)13 THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE CARIBBEAN HEALTH EDUCATION ACCREDITATION BOARD ConcernsConcerns –UK’s membership of the European Union –The need for compliance with the EU’s accreditation regulations ResultResult –General Medical Council could no longer provide accreditation for overseas qualifications

14 PS Reyes (T&T)14 MIGRATION OF TEACHERS Savannah AccordSavannah Accord –Over a three year period migration of teachers from Jamaica, Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago estimated at 1 357.

15 PS Reyes (T&T)15 MIGRATION OF TEACHERS Critical Issue: Migrating teachersCritical Issue: Migrating teachers –Better trained –Costly to replace Need to identify strategies for retention of skillsNeed to identify strategies for retention of skills Needs more structured approach to recruitmentNeeds more structured approach to recruitment Professional support for new teachersProfessional support for new teachers

16 PS Reyes (T&T)16 MIGRATION OF TEACHERS Interventions should:Interventions should: –Consider the operation of market forces –Include programmes for attracting and retaining more people in teaching –Establish improved conditions of service –Develop new and improved Teacher Education policies to create an over supply –Factor cost of training into discussion with developed countries

17 PS Reyes (T&T)17 MIGRATION OF TEACHERS Savannah Accord was adopted as a Commonwealth ProtocolSavannah Accord was adopted as a Commonwealth Protocol –A Draft protocol was developed then discussed in Seychelles in March 2003 –Draft protocol is to receive feedback from stakeholders in the Caribbean –Draft protocol with amendments is to be presented at the CCEM in October, 2003

18 PS Reyes (T&T)18 HEALTH AND FAMILY LIFE EDUCATION IN THE REGION Countries reporting on their programmes:Countries reporting on their programmes: –Guyana –Jamaica –Barbados –Suriname –Trinidad and Tobago –Turks and Caicos Islands –Antigua and Barbuda –Belize

19 PS Reyes (T&T)19 HEALTH AND FAMILY LIFE EDUCATION IN THE REGION The COHSOD agreed that;The COHSOD agreed that; –Emphasis should be placed on skills development –A regional framework should guide the preparation of national curriculum –HFLE should be included in all Teacher Education programmes –UNICEF should continue to support production of creative materials for use in schools

20 PS Reyes (T&T)20 HEALTH AND FAMILY LIFE EDUCATION IN THE REGION –Continuous training should be provided for teachers and senior officials –Special attention should be given to parent education –Teachers Education for all teachers to deal with children with difficult behaviour problems –All countries should beware of curriculum overload at the secondary level

21 PS Reyes (T&T)21 CURRICULUM ISSUES - COHSOD SPANISH Countries reporting:Countries reporting: –Barbados, Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago The COHSODThe COHSOD –Supported the initiatives taken to develop enhanced curriculum at the primary level –Adopted the strategy for ensuring the implementation of the mandate from the Commonwealth Heads of Government

22 PS Reyes (T&T)22 CURRICULUM ISSUES - COHSOD Technology EducationTechnology Education –TE should remain at the lower secondary and upper primary levels –TE should be properly field-tested across the region –Cautioned against Curriculum overload.

23 PS Reyes (T&T)23 CURRICULUM ISSUES - COHSOD Tourism EducationTourism Education Tourism studies should not be offered as a separate subjectTourism studies should not be offered as a separate subject It should be infused into other subject areasIt should be infused into other subject areas CXC is considering its introduction at the CAPE levelCXC is considering its introduction at the CAPE level More warnings about curriculum overloadMore warnings about curriculum overload

24 PS Reyes (T&T)24 CURRICULUM ISSUES OECS Meeting OERU has begun to work with British Virgin Islands and Antigua on harmonisation of the curriculumOERU has begun to work with British Virgin Islands and Antigua on harmonisation of the curriculum OERU will facilitate a forum for sharing with other countriesOERU will facilitate a forum for sharing with other countries Discussion will continue with French cooperation for French in schoolsDiscussion will continue with French cooperation for French in schools

25 PS Reyes (T&T)25 EDUCATION SECTOR RESPONSE TO HIV/AIDS The COHSOD: Noted the importance of developing a co-ordinated education sector response to HIV/AIDSNoted the importance of developing a co-ordinated education sector response to HIV/AIDS Recognised the importance of a coherent programme, in conjunction with the HFLE programmeRecognised the importance of a coherent programme, in conjunction with the HFLE programme Agreed to support the Joint Programme Identification study.Agreed to support the Joint Programme Identification study.

26 PS Reyes (T&T)26 EDUCATION POLICY DIALOGUE OF THE IADB The COHSODThe COHSOD –Agreed that CARICOM, OECS and IADB should continue dialogue to identify information sharing mechanisms on the outcomes of IDB Policy Dialogue initiative and support for priority areas.

27 PS Reyes (T&T)27 Meeting of OECS Ministers Decisions takenDecisions taken –International Benchmarking –OERU and St. Lucia will review requirements for participation in PISA for Jan. 2004 –OERU will work with member states and CARICOM states to develop a comprehensive framework for Teacher Development –They will also conduct research on the feasibility of pre-service teacher education

28 PS Reyes (T&T)28 CARICOM and OECS COL Virtual University general support from all territoriesCOL Virtual University general support from all territories Research on school violence recommendedResearch on school violence recommended Trinidad and Tobago asked to share its School Intervention Strategies programme with all territoriesTrinidad and Tobago asked to share its School Intervention Strategies programme with all territories

29 PS Reyes (T&T)29 OAS Hemispheric Projects OECS Meeting OAS presented the Teacher Education hemispheric project and information related to the Caribbean Workshop, Miami and the Meeting of Ministers of Education, MexicoOAS presented the Teacher Education hemispheric project and information related to the Caribbean Workshop, Miami and the Meeting of Ministers of Education, Mexico Sub-regional coordinator for Teacher Education project – Trinidad and TobagoSub-regional coordinator for Teacher Education project – Trinidad and Tobago T&T and St. Lucia to represent the Caribbean on the Inter-American Committee on Education (CIE)T&T and St. Lucia to represent the Caribbean on the Inter-American Committee on Education (CIE)

30 PS Reyes (T&T)30 OTHER CURRENT ISSUES IN QUALITY TEACHING IN THE CARIBBEAN Recruitment PolicyRecruitment Policy –Who should teach our children? A Vision for Teacher EducationA Vision for Teacher Education –Power of the classroom to shape society –Conviction that teachers can make a difference –Development of human resource is critical

31 PS Reyes (T&T)31 OTHER CURRENT ISSUES IN QUALITY TEACHING IN THE CARIBBEAN A Professional Position for the development of the policyA Professional Position for the development of the policy –A bureaucratic position can lead to failure of the system –Policy must be aimed at attracting and keeping the best teachers I.e. it must aim at making teaching a career of choice

32 PS Reyes (T&T)32 OTHER CURRENT ISSUES IN QUALITY TEACHING IN THE CARIBBEAN Sustainability Local personnel trained must have conceptual understanding of Teacher Education and, of Teacher Education for the National ContextLocal personnel trained must have conceptual understanding of Teacher Education and, of Teacher Education for the National Context –If not, leads to no real capacity building –Leads to reversal or regression of the efforts to educate –Mentoring, supervision and monitoring must be included

33 PS Reyes (T&T)33 OTHER CURRENT ISSUES IN QUALITY TEACHING IN THE CARIBBEAN Sustainability Gap between Teacher Education Institutions and the many new initiatives finding their way into the curriculumGap between Teacher Education Institutions and the many new initiatives finding their way into the curriculum –Leads to inadequate preparation of teachers –Increases level of attrition of new teachers –Leads to poor quality teaching

34 PS Reyes (T&T)34 OTHER CURRENT ISSUES IN QUALITY TEACHING IN THE CARIBBEAN “The education of a society can rise no higher than the qualifications of its teachers. To ignore or neglect the role of teacher education is to ignore the intellectual future of the hemisphere itself” Dean Corrigan

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