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Junior Family College Night Wilsonville High School February 17, 2016 Andre Abraham, Alyson Leatherman, Lucia Meza, Christine Moon & Lyndi Tucker.

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Presentation on theme: "Junior Family College Night Wilsonville High School February 17, 2016 Andre Abraham, Alyson Leatherman, Lucia Meza, Christine Moon & Lyndi Tucker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Junior Family College Night Wilsonville High School February 17, 2016 Andre Abraham, Alyson Leatherman, Lucia Meza, Christine Moon & Lyndi Tucker

2 Evening Agenda Welcome College Planning Timeline College Exploration Standardized Tests Preparing for Senior Year Forecasting Community College Question & Answer

3 To Begin… College planning may seem overwhelming, so it is important to take it one step at a time This evening is the first step in your family’s preparation for college Remember: Preparing for college is a process, not an event

4 College Planning Timeline Junior Year  Research and explore colleges and universities  Attend Oregon Public University (OPU) Night at WHS on Wednesday, April 6 at 6:30 pm  Attend the PNACAC College Fair on Sunday, April 24 at the University of Portland  Prepare for and take the SAT or ACT in the spring  Begin campus visits (perhaps during spring break?)  Prepare for AP exams  Register for NCAA Clearinghouse if you plan to pursue college athletics (  Continue to maintain a challenging academic schedule  Meet with your school counselor to review your transcript and plan a strong senior schedule

5 College Planning Timeline, cont. Senior Year  If necessary, re-take SAT and/or ACT during the fall semester  Finalize list of colleges  Complete applications  Complete the FAFSA in October for financial aid  Conduct scholarship search

6 College Exploration Who am I?  What are my interests?  How do I learn?  What do I want from my college experience?

7 College Exploration What is Important to Your College Experience? Things to Consider  Location and size  Academic majors, educational programs and opportunities  Type of school and degrees offered  Admission programs and requirements  Cost of attendance and financial aid  Campus activities, athletics and extracurriculars  Housing options  Dining facilities  Support services

8 Unsure About a Major? It is common for students to be unsure about their major Inquire about freshman course of studies Inquire about when you have to declare a major Consider a liberal arts college Talk with your school counselor Use Family Connection (personality, interest and skill inventories) or Career Information Systems (CIS)

9 Assessing Majors and Educational Programs Consult publications such as U.S. News and World Report, Peterson’s, Princeton Review and Barron’s for published ratings Investigate the college or university  What courses are required for specific majors  Number of professors with highest degree in field  Research institution vs. teaching institution  Number of students seeking higher education, securing jobs, etc. after graduation  Attend a class  Meet with a professor in that major or program  Meet with a current student in that major or program

10 Collect Information Family Connection  SuperMatch Other Sources  WHS College & Career Center Guide books: The College Board Handbook, Kaplan, Princeton Review, Barron’s, Peterson’s, etc.  College websites  College representatives and college fairs- OPU on April 6 at 6:30 pm and PNACAC on April 24 at The University of Portland  Facebook, Twitter, Blogs  Parents, students, and alumni  Indicate to colleges on PSAT, SAT, ACT and AP registration that you are interested in receiving information regarding their school

11 Campus Visits One of the best ways to learn more about a college or university and to collect valuable information Spring break and spring campus visit days Summertime is not as helpful because students are not on campus Visit several different colleges to get best perspective Visit the admission webpage for tour times and/or contact the campus visit coordinator to arrange your visit Be sure to write thank you notes to anyone that you meet with during your visit

12 Campus Visits, cont. Take a campus tour Attend a class Eat in campus dining facility Talk with students and faculty Meet with an admission counselor  Verify admission requirements  Determine actual college costs  Ask about financial aid opportunities  Investigate academic programs  Discuss your chances for success: Admission Graduation Placement Overnight visit (if offered)

13 Standardized Tests Almost all colleges accept either the SAT or the ACT for admission Some schools will state a preference and you should always check with the admissions office for specific requirements The only sure way to see on which exam you will perform better is to take both tests and compare your scores

14 Standardized Tests, cont. The SAT or the ACT should be taken as early as March of the junior year and no later than December of the senior year To register for the SAT, visit and to register for the ACT, visit You will create a username and password. Be sure to keep it in a safe place as you may need it at a later time Students are required to upload a photo as part of their online registration

15 Standardized Tests, cont. The SAT will be offered on May 7 and June 4 The cost is $54.50  Students should register for the SAT with Essay  WHS will host the May 7 administration- sign up to take it here The ACT will be offered on April 9 and June 11. The cost is $56.50 If you have some schools in mind already, send your scores directly to the schools The WHS CEEB code or school code is 381258

16 Standardized Tests, cont. WHS offers a SAT Prep Course for English and Math that begins on Sunday, March 6 and ends on May 1. Sign up with the Bookkeeper. Another course will be offered in the Fall. Other ways to prepare include: Kahn Academy, Kaplan course, Saturday Academy courses, College & Career Center, free online resources and local library Schools will generally take your best combined score, so it is advisable to take the exam more than once SAT= Math & Evidence Based Reading and Writing  High score = 1600  Essay scored separately, 2 to 8 on each of three traits ACT= English, Reading, Math, Science & Writing  High score = 36

17 Standardized Tests, cont. Some colleges and universities also require SAT Subject Tests for admission You should check with the admissions office for specific test requirements  Requirements and Recommendations It’s advisable to take the SAT Subject Tests as soon as you have completed an advanced placement course in that subject area

18 Preparing for Senior Year College Admission Academic Requirements  Colleges and universities consider the courses taken in 9 th, 10 th and 11 th grade and the grades earned in those courses and the strength of senior schedule  Requirements include: English- 4 years Math- 3-4 years Science- 3-4 years (2 years must be lab science) Social Studies- 3-4 years World Language- 2-4 years of same language  University of California System also requires 1 year of the same visual or performing art and 1 year of World History  ‘D’ Policy

19 Preparing for Senior Year, cont. Meet with your school counselor to review your transcript and discuss your senior schedule AP Forecasting is NOW and students should complete the online forecasting worksheet by Friday, February 19  WHS offers 21 different courses that represent every content area  Two-three AP courses are recommended at most  AP courses will be pre-loaded into students’ schedules for forecasting in March Students should consider taking an AP course during their senior year:  Increases course rigor  Demonstrates to college admission officers that they have sought the most rigorous curriculum available.

20 Preparing for Senior Year, cont. Cumulative Grade Point Averages (GPAs)  Automatic Admit vs. Comprehensive Review  OUS Recommended GPAs U of O – Comprehensive Review OSU – 3.0 PSU – 3.0 OIT – 3.0 Eastern, Western, Southern – 2.75

21 Preparing for Senior Year, cont. Factors in College Admission Decisions  According to the National Association of College Admission Counselors (NACAC): GPA or grades in college preparatory courses Strength of schedule SAT or ACT test scores Essay Teacher recommendation Student’s expressed interest in the school Counselor recommendation Class rank Interview, if applicable Extracurricular activities

22 Preparing for Senior Year, cont. Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)  Filing FAFSA date is earlier for the Class of 2017  Available on October 1, 2016  Will use prior-prior year (PPY) for filing  Purpose is to provide families with more accurate financial aid information earlier in the admission process What can you do now? FAFSA4caster: Provide you with the experience of completing the FAFSA and also give you an early estimate of eligibility Net Price Calculators

23 Categorizing Your Options Safety 50/50 or Good Fit Reach

24 Community College Program Options:  Transfer Degree (to a 4 Year College/University)  Associates Degree (2 Year)  Certificate Program (1 Year) Admission Process  Online application completed in spring of senior year  Placement Tests  Advising Session Oregon Promise A new state program that can help pay for community college. Student will only pay $50 per term, so essentially FREE! 2.5 GPA requirement Community College Event OPU Night on Wednesday, April 6 at 6:30 pm

25 Family Connection: New Best Friend Web-based software purchased by the district to assist in the college planning process or WHS Website/College & Career/Family Connection Username: WHS student email/Password: P+student ID  Example: / Password: Research and explore colleges and careers Create resumes Sign-up for college visits Access college data regarding 2006-2015 WHS graduates

26 Family Connection: New Best Friend Students will use Family Connection during their senior year to:  Communicate where they are applying  Request transcripts  Request teacher recommendations  Access the WHS scholarship database  Sign up for college visits

27 Career Information Systems (CIS) Web-based software purchased by the district to provide a system of occupational and educational information to help students learn about the world of work and education.  Username: Wilsonville  Password: wildcats CIS services include: multiple self assessments, college searches, and career searches Students can maintain an individual career planning portfolio

28 Helpful College Websites WHS : College & Career Center :  Counseling:  Naviance:  SAT and ACT : Financial Aid and Scholarships :

29 Helpful College Websites NCAA Clearing House: Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE): College Search: Family Connection: CollegeBoard: US News Best Colleges: Colleges That Change Lives: Community and Two Year Colleges: U. S. Department of Education Information Site: Career: Oregon Career Information System (CIS):

30 Social Media Contacts Celly:  Text @WHS-2017 to 23559 College & Career Facebook page Follow us on Twitter:  @WilsonvilleHS

31 Question & Answer

32 Thank You for Coming! Please fill out our evaluation before leaving this evening Our next College Night will be the OPU Night which will include all of the Oregon Public Universities as well as Community Colleges on April 6 at 6:30 pm in the WHS Pointe The first College Night of senior year will be in late September

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