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Your School and You Working with SchoolSpeak. Your School and You Topics –How to use SchoolSpeak –Summary view vs. class/group home page –SchoolSpeak.

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Presentation on theme: "Your School and You Working with SchoolSpeak. Your School and You Topics –How to use SchoolSpeak –Summary view vs. class/group home page –SchoolSpeak."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your School and You Working with SchoolSpeak

2 Your School and You Topics –How to use SchoolSpeak –Summary view vs. class/group home page –SchoolSpeak resources –How to go about adding/modifying content on SchoolSpeak –Resource permissions –Member directory –Email Skills –Decide how to use SchoolSpeak for yourself –Decide what resource is required for each situation –How to navigate SchoolSpeak pages –How to locate users –List class roster –Email class or select users SchoolSpeak Confidential 2 Introduction

3 Your School and You When a user logs in, the first page presented is his/her home page. The home page is personalized for each user and it contains information from each of the groups/class the user is associated with. For example a parent with children in 1 st and 4 th grade sees school, 1 st grade and 4 th grade information on home page. 4 th grade teacher may see, staff, school and 4 th grade information on home page. Standard home page shows a summary of all information relevant for that day. You can change dates and look back and look ahead. SchoolSpeak has various resources like calendar, homework, bulletins for managing content. You decide how you use the system and what resources are needed for your group/class. SchoolSpeak Confidential 3 SchoolSpeak Home page

4 Your School and You The idea is home page shows all information any person needs to know for that day so that user can find the information scrolling down home page without searching or clicking multiple links. To enable this, most information posted on SchoolSpeak has time relevance. For example, an announcement for back-to-school night on Aug 30 th should show up on the home page till Aug 30 th. You can optionally have a group home page in addition to the summary. Group home page can be attractive; but not as effective as summary in quickly finding information. SchoolSpeak Confidential 4 SchoolSpeak Home page (Contd.)

5 Your School and You Post information on SchoolSpeak; Don’t just email –Build the habit to get everyone find any information at all times on SchoolSpeak. Everyone will refer to the same information at the same place. If urgent, information posted on SchoolSpeak can be forwarded by email. SchoolSpeak has email notifications –E.g. email notification when grades are posted. Too much email can turn off recipients. Email can be misplaced or incorrect email can be referred by mistake. SchoolSpeak has daily/weekly summary emails. You can decide what resources should be included in the summary. SchoolSpeak Confidential 5 Publish information; don’t just email

6 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 6 SchoolSpeak home page for a class/group shows summary information for the day. How to effectively use SchoolSpeak Post information using SchoolSpeak resources like calendar, announcements and homework First decide on how you would like to communicate regularly and select resources needed.

7 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 7 Summary view vs. Homepage You can introduce a class/group page above or below summary. Class/group page is created in a bulletin or a webpage.

8 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 8 Locating users Click on members to reveal member list, student list and member search below Search with few letters of name or email. Click on name to see user profile in a new page. Click on email address to email using default desktop email program. Click to email using SchoolSpeak integrated email. (1) (2) (3) (4)

9 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 9 Email If ‘To’ button appears, click to select users and groups to email. Click on Email in the left margin to come to this page. Click to display Cc and Bcc fields. Click to add attachments Like any other email program, enter/select recipients, input subject, message, optionally add attachments and click the send button to send the email instantly.

10 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 10 Selecting Email recipients Hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple groups. Select one or more member types. Hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple users. Go back to email page. Clear To, Cc and Bcc fields Select a group to see its members below.

11 Your School and You Calendar –Calendar, lunch menu, class/sports schedule Reminder –Short messages for few days. E.g. “Class funds due by Friday.” Bulletins –Announcements, newsletters, photo Web page –Policies, classroom pages Homework –Homework, test & special event announcement. Gradebook –Attendance, online gradebook, Gradekeeper grade posting. Report Card –Student report cards Volunteer calendar –Signups for a date and time. E.g. field trip driving, yard duty, parent teacher conference. Signup –Signup without data & time – e.g. volunteer tasks, items to bring for a function Goal tracking –Track volunteer hours, SCRIP purchases Forms –Ask users to enter data online, printable school forms with online data entry. Online Order –Sell school supplies, SCRIP online Daily Order –Order lunch online SchoolSpeak Confidential 11 SchoolSpeak Resources

12 Your School and You To work on a resource, e.g. post homework, you start by clicking the resource name on the left margin. A new page will come up. Options like adding a new homework, deleting or editing existing homework are displayed in the page. While adding content, work on page from top to bottom. To go back to the home page, click home on the top of the page. Most SchoolSpeak content has time relevance. A date filter is provided to select the content you want to see. SchoolSpeak Confidential 12 Navigating SchoolSpeak pages You are viewing details for these dates. By default, for today. Drop down for quick select. Select any date range. Enter from date, to date and click Apply.

13 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 13 Working with resources Click on the resource name to start. Options are given on top of the page as well as with data. Last option typically takes to resource permissions page. Links and options are displayed based on your privilege. For example, if you don’t have edit privilege, [Edit] and [Delete] options are not shown.

14 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 14 Resource permissions Description for the resource shown on the top of all resource pages and home page. Quick link name on the left margin. View list. For gradebooks and report cards, include teacher(s) posting the grade for this subject and anyone who should see all student grades like the homeroom teacher or the principal. Click to edit the view list. Who can come to this page to make permission changes? Resources have 3 levels of permissions: View: Who can view the content. If view list is empty, all users in your SchoolSpeak account can view. Edit: Who can post/modify content in this resource. Admin: Who can come to privileges page and make changes. Admin list can edit content, except for gradebook and report card which require explicitly adding in the edit list. The permission lists can have members or groups.

15 Your School and You Topics –Working with bulletins –Editing bulletins –Tracking options –Working with web pages Skills –Add, modify and delete bulletins and web pages –Email bulletin or webpage –Add/remove attachments –Add a link to another page –Create bulletin using theme template –Upload photos –Request readers to acknowledge an announcement. –Email parents or families who have not read an announcement SchoolSpeak Confidential 15 Bulletins and Web pages

16 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 16 Bulletins Click to create a new bulletin Change permission, modify quick link name, description Remember change view date range. View, modify or delete the bulletin Click to get started

17 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 17 New Bulletin The bulletin summary will be shown on the home page from the start date to the end date The bulletin summary that will show up on the home page. To go back to the bulletin list page. Tools for formatting the bulletin content. Similar to button in a word processor. Bulletin content Click + to increase the size of the bulletin box above. – to reduce the size. Click to change user tracking. Track who has read or acknowledge the bulletin. Remember to click ‘Add’ once you enter the content. Click to add file attachments. Click to upload photos. Once you add the bulletin new options appear here. (1) (2) (3) (4)

18 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 18 Navigation options [List] Go back to the bulletin list page. [View] See how users will view this bulletin. [Delete] Delete this bulletin. You will be asked to confirm. After deleting the bulletin, the list page opens up. [New] Add a new bulletin. [Tracking] If tracking is enabled, view who has seen and acknowledged this bulletin. [Options] Appears only if you have privileges to change the bulletin permission. It takes you to a page where you can change bulletin permission, modify quick link name and description. 1.View the bulletin to be emailed 2.Click on [Email] option on the page heading. This will take you to the email page. The bulletin content and attachments are already added to the email. 3.Enter the recipient addresses, modify the subject, add a message to the recipients and click send to send out the email. Email bulletin

19 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 19 Managing File Attachments (1) (2) (3) Attachment with description. Click on file name to download the file. Attachment without description Click to remove the attachment 1.Enter an optional description of the file. This is particularly useful if you have many attachments and the file name is not very intuitive. 2.Click Browse (‘Choose File’ on Safari). In the window that pops up, navigate to the folder on your computer and select the file to upload. 3.Click ‘Upload’ button. 4.The page will reload itself and you will see a success message below the page heading. To add, click on ‘Click to add attachments’ at the bottom of the page

20 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 20 Tracking who read, request acknowledgement You can track who has viewed the bulletin or ask users to acknowledge the bulletin by clicking on a button. While adding or editing a bulletin, click on ‘Enable Tracking’ just above the ‘Add’ or ‘Update’ button. The page expands to reveal the following tracking options. Select the appropriate tracking option and click Add or Update button. Track who has viewed Track viewing and present acknowledge button to the reader below the bulletin content. Reset tracking will clear the current tracking data and continue tracking. To view who has read and acknowledged, click [Tracking] on the navigation options. For email follow up with users/families not read or acknowledged the bulletin, select the appropriate options from drop down and click Go. Email page with bulletin content will come up with Bcc populated with intended recipients. Who has read the bulletin and when Who has acknowledged the bulletin and when. Appears only if tracking option is ‘Acknowledge’.

21 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 21 Theme templates Template button (1) Clicking the theme folder will show templates under it. Scroll down to see more template folders. Theme folders. (2) SchoolSpeak provides a number of theme templates that you can use to create graphically rich content. Before adding bulletin content, click on the template button in the tools menu to select a template. This will pop up a window where you can see folders with themes.

22 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 22 Theme templates (Contd.) Click to go back to the theme folders. Preview of selected template List of templates (4) (3) Select a template by clicking it. You can see a preview of the template in the right window. Click the ‘Insert’ button to insert the selected template into the bulletin. Replace text in the template inserted with your bulletin content.

23 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 23 Uploading large number of files and photos Check this box for resizing the image for faster upload. (1) (2) (3) The list of files added for upload Status area. Displays the number and size of files to upload, status of upload etc. Click to browse your computer and add files to the list on the left. Selected files from the list and click this button to remove from the list After adding files to the list, click this button to begin upload. Once started, you can stop upload by clicking this button. Click on the ‘Click to upload multiple files & photos’ at the bottom of the bulletin Add/Update page. The new page will download a java applet for file upload. Accept two security warnings to proceed. Once upload is complete, browser will redirect to bulletin edit page.

24 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 24 Adding a link to another page Using the mouse select the text where you want to add the link. (1) Click on the link (chain) button. This will pop up a window where you can input the address of the linked page. (2)

25 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 25 Adding a link to another page (Contd.) Paste webpage address here (3) (4) Click OK to insert the link. To ensure that the destination web address is correct, copy the web page address from the browser address field. Select the entire web address using the mouse (or click anywhere on the web address and press ‘Ctrl’ and ‘A’ keys together on PC or Apple key and ‘A’ on Mac.) Copy the web address by pressing ‘Ctrl’ and ‘C’ keys together on PC or Apply key and ‘C’ on Mac.

26 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 26 Adding an email link You can also link to emails. E.g.: Clicking here open up a email window with email of the person populated. 1.In the bulletin edit page, using the mouse select the text where you want to add the link to email 2.Click on the hyperlink (chain) button. It pops up the following window. Select ‘mailto:’ from the drop down. Enter the email address after ‘mailto:’ (3) (4) (5) Click OK to insert the email link in the bulletin content. Click Update button to save the bulletin.

27 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 27 Web pages List of pages under this web page for easy navigation between pages. The usual left margin menu is moved down to accommodate list of pages above it. Add a new page. Modify permission, link name and description List of pages in the order they appear. Modify, view or delete the page. Use these buttons to reorder the pages. Move this page up, down, to the top of the list or to the bottom of the list. Web pages are very similar to bulletins. Instead of stand and end date, there is a web page name. There is no tracking for web page. Also webpage doesn’t show any content on home page. Click to get started

28 Your School and You Topics –Working with reminders –Working with calendars Skills –How to add/modify/delete reminders and calendar entries. –How to link a reminder/calendar entry to a page with details. –How to enter messages repeat every week in calendar. –How to hide repeat messages on a particular day. SchoolSpeak Confidential 28 Reminder and Calendar

29 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 29 Reminders Date relevance of this reminder message. Link to more details Reminder is used for running a reminder message for few days. Reminder messages can provide a more>> link to a page with details. Click to get started Clink to open edit page.

30 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 30 Editing Reminders Edit area for adding new messages and editing existing messages. Start and end date define How long the reminder should run Message Click to add a link to the message Messages for this date range are shown below. You can change this date range below. Click to edit the message Click to delete this message (1) (2) (3) (4)

31 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 31 Calendar Calendar month Edit permissions List view of calendar items Print this page Email link to this page Printer friendly calendar Edit the calendar Previous month Next month Event repeated for multiple days Message with link to details Occurs every Thursday except 8 th. Special event in red. Gymnastics is cancelled because of this event. Catch attention with red. Footer message

32 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 32 Editing Calendar Message edit area. Enter the date of the event or start date for multi-day event. Enter the ending date of multi-day event. Leave blank for single day event. Calendar message Click to reveal options to make the message red and add link to a page. Messages for this date range is shown below. Change the date range to select messages for editing. Click to reveal fields for entering footer and messages that repeat every week. Does this message hide messages that repeat every week? Delete message Edit message. It will appear on the edit area on the top where it can be edited. Click here to view the calendar after updating it.

33 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 33 Messages that repeat every week This message repeats every Thursday. It can be hidden on a Thursday by adding a message for the day with override flag checked. Shows as footer on monthly view In the edit page, click ‘Edit common messages for each week day, footer:’ to reveal these fields. To specify a message that repeats every week, enter the message in the specific field and click ‘Update’ button.

34 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 34 Calendar – adding link to page New fields revealed by clicking ‘More Options…’ Copy and paste the web page address you want this message to link to. Checking this box will show the message in red and hide any weekly repeat messages. URL: Input a web page address here and the calendar message will link to that page. Override check box: Checking this box will display the message in red as well as hide any weekly repeat messages during the duration of this message. E.g. Mother’s day party on May 8 th hides gymnastics.

35 Your School and You Topics –Assignment types –Adding homework, project, test/quiz and special event announcements –Adding notes and attachments –Controlling when assignments are visible to students and parents. Skills –Decide when a particular assignment type will be used. –Differentiate between homework and project –Understand what will appear on the home page. –Add/modify/delete homework, project, test/quiz and special event –Add/modify/delete file attachments and notes to any assignment. –How to enter assignments in advance without pre- publishing to students and parents. SchoolSpeak Confidential 35 Homework

36 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 36 Homework on homepage Updated in the last 24 hours Newly posted in the last 24 hours Click to modify or post new homework Click for more information You can have a homework resource for each subject. Notes and file attachments are not shown on the home a page. A more>> link will appear in those cases.

37 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 37 Homework list page Click to add new homework This appears only if you can edit more than one homework resource. Use the drop down to switch between resources. Homework for this date range is shown below. Change date range as needed. Edit this entry View this project. Delete this entry. Click here to come to this page.

38 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 38 New assignment Back to the homework list page. Switch to another subject/class you teach. The date when this homework or announcement (test, special event) is published. By default, the assignment will not be displayed to parents and students before the publish date even if they change the view dates. Click here to reveal fields that fine tune when the assignment should be publish to the parents and students. Select the type of the new assignment you are posting from this drop down. Accordingly new fields will be revealed below to input the assignment. (1) (2) In the homework list page, click [New Homework]. Fields below will be shown based on the type chosen. Projects are typically long term assignments and they have name, e.g. “Mission Report”.

39 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 39 New Homework Announcement date of the homework Due date of the homework Select assignment type Quick entry fields. If you plan to use any these verbs, input the description in the corresponding text box and select the reference book from the drop down. If you don’t use any of the common verbs listed above, input the homework description here. Text in the quick entry fields and the ‘other’ box will be shown in the homework summary in the home page. Click here to input more description of the homework (if necessary) or add attachments. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Click to save the homework Enable online submission

40 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 40 Homework – Notes Word processor like toolbar for formatting text below. Enter additional details of the assignment. E.g. project details. Click + or – to expand or reduce the text window. Click to upload new attachment. Remember to click to save changes. Optional description of the attachment. File name of the attachment. Clicking on name will download it. Click to remove attachment click ‘Add notes:’ in the assignment Add/Edit page. It reveals additional fields.

41 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 41 Publishing in advance Additional fields for controlling the display date. By default, an assignment is not shown before its publish date. Assignment is shown from the week (Sunday) of the publish date. Assignment is shown from the previous week (Sunday) of the publish date. You can input any date on or before the publish date and the assignment will be shown only from that date. Click on ‘Do not show this assignment before:’ to reveal the fields for controlling display date. Adding attachment Description of the attachment helpful for viewers to download the right file. Click to browse your computer and select the file to upload. Click to start upload. It can take from seconds to minutes to complete based on the size of the file uploaded. (1) (2) (4) (3) File selected from your computer for upload Click ‘Add attachments: ’ to upload a new attachment. It reveals following fields.

42 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 42 Sample Project published Common operations: [List] – To the homework list page. [Edit] – Edit this assignment [Delete] – Delete this assignment. [New] – Add new assignment. [Email] – email this assignment [Privileges] – Modify permissions. Project publish date, name and due date. From project description and notes.

43 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 43 Publishing Project Enter the start date of the project. By default today. Select project from the type drop down. You must enter a name for the project. Description entered here will be shown on the home page and homework list page. Use notes to enter large description to be accessed by clicking the more link. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) In the homework list page, click [New Homework]. Click to add more description or attach files. (6) Click to save the project. (7)

44 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 44 Announcing Test Date for announcing the Test/Quiz Select Test/Quiz to reveal the following fields Date of the Test/Quiz. Description of the Test/Quiz. It will be shown in the summary. (1) (2) (3) (4) In the homework list page, click [New Homework]. Click to reveal fields for notes and upload file attachments. These will not be shown in the summary, but results in adding a more>> link (5) (6) Save the Test/Quiz.

45 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 45 Announcing Special Event Date for announcing the Special event Select ‘Special Event’ to reveal the following fields Date of the Special Event. Description of the Special Event. It will be shown in the summary. (1) (2) (3) (4) In the homework list page, click [New Homework]. Click to reveal fields for notes and upload file attachments. These will not be shown in the summary, but results in adding a more>> link (5) Save the Special Event. (6)

46 Your School and You Topics –Attendance –Working with gradebook –Viewing published reports –Modifying gradebook parameters –Viewing published reports Skills –Record attendance –Check student attendance for current term, school year or any date range. –Add/modify/update assignments in grade book. –Publish grade report. –View published report. –Exclude an assignment from grade average. –Select method for computing grade average. –View/edit term definition, categories, letter grades, score codes, comment codes and attendance codes. SchoolSpeak Confidential 46 Gradebook

47 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 47 Working with Gradebook Click here to come to this page. Select navigation option (explained below) (1)Click gradebook name on the left margin to get started. (2)Select the navigation options [List of Grade Reports] Click here to view the published grade reports – latest grade report and snapshots (if enabled.) [Attendance]Click to access the attendance book. This will be absent if the attendance book is disabled for your subject. [Grade book]Click here to input student assignments. [Student Summary]Click here to access student grade and attendance summary for all terms. [Settings]Click here to tune your grade book – enable/disable grade report snapshots, enable/disable attendance book etc. [Admin]It appears only if you have administrative privileges for the grade book. Click here to set the view (student and parent), edit (teacher) and administrative privileges on this grade book. You can also modify the quick link name and the subject description. (1) (2)

48 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 48 Attendance - 1 Select [Attendance] in the navigation menu to come to this page. Enter the attendance code and optional comment and click Save. If all students are present, click ‘All Present Today’ to record attendance. To make changes, update the entries and click Save again. Switch to another attendance book. Attendance codes To record attendance for another date, select date and click Go. Attendance recorded for this date. Enter attendance code in Attendance 1 and Attendance 2 Area for optional comment. Gradebook comment codes can be used here. Total absence and tardy for the term.

49 Your School and You Check school policy and process regarding recording attendance. You can record up to two attendance codes per day. E.g. student was tardy in the morning and went out for a doctor appointment in the afternoon. If attendance notification is enabled (see Settings page), an email notification will be sent to parents by when attendance is entered or updated. ‘All Present Today’ will clear any attendance information in the page. It will send email notification if any attendance data was cleared (if attendance notification is enabled.) ‘All Present Today’ button saves data. Term Summary has attendance summary for the term. Student summary – summary for the current school year. Attendance Report – run report for a date range. SchoolSpeak Confidential 49 Attendance - 2

50 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 50 Gradebook main (view) page Click arrows to sort assignments. Edit this assignment. Delete this assignment. Assignments weight if weighted assignment grade calculation used. Click to publish latest grade report. Scroll to right to see rest of the assignments. SchoolSpeak ID of student. Overall grade for the term Select [Gradebook] in the navigation menu to come to this page. To add new assignments, select the number of assignments in the drop down and click here. Select gradebook & term Move mouse over assignment header to see full description. Click display to turn off color bands.

51 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 51 Adding 1 Assignment More information on the assignment can be entered here. It will be shown in parenthesis below the Assignment name in the grade report. Enter student comments for this assignment. Comment codes can be entered here. Overall grade for the term so far, not the grade of this assignment. Select 1 in the drop down and click here to come to this page. Enter student score for this assignment. You can use score codes. If left empty, the assignment will not be counted in the overall grade for the student. Enter assignment date, name, category, max points and whether to include in grade calculation. Assignments weight if weighted assignment grade calculation used. Remember to save or publish after entering data.

52 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 52 Adding multiple Assignments Empty slots for adding new assignments. Select the number of assignments in the drop down and click here to come to this page.

53 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 53 Term summary Overall student grade for the term. Enter comment not related to any assignments. This comment will be shown at the bottom of the grade reports. Total absence/tardy for the term. Move cursor over the value to see the dates absent or tardy. You can see the term summary for another term by changing the term here. Click [Reports] in the navigation menu and select ‘Term summary’ to come to this page.

54 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 54 Viewing published reports Clicking here also takes to this page. Grade reports for this date period are shown below. Change date period as needed. Click to delete this snapshot Click to view this snapshot. A new page will open with links to grade report of each student. Click here to come to this page. If grade report snapshots are enabled and can be viewed.

55 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 55 Viewing published report Operations on grade report. [Edit Grade Report] – edit message to parents/students, prompt date for home page. [Delete] – delete this snapshot. [Notify] – notify by email. [Remind] – email families not signed the grade report. Current grade reports. Click [View>>] next to the student to view his/her grade report. Clicking on name takes to student profile. Also shows when the grade report was published and if parents signed the grade report.

56 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 56 Published student report -1 Identifies subject When was this grade report published? Name of the student For better print layout. Teachers and parents can email link to this grade report. Viewer needs to have permission to see this grade report. Instructions to parents. Term. Teacher who posted this grade report. Overall grade for this term. Grade per category and points earned per category. No assignments with category ‘ Class work ’. Hence empty. Days of Absence (if attendance was taken for this subject.) Points received Max points

57 Your School and You 57 Published student report - 2 Individual assignment scores and grades. Assignment More details of the assignment within parentheses. Comment against this student for the assignment. No score for this assignment, may be student absent. It is not included in the category and overall grade calculation. Parents sign the report by clicking this button. This can be disabled or renamed as Acknowledge. SchoolSpeak Confidential Student comment entered in the term summary. Percentile and letter grade for the assignment. Letter grade can be disabled for assignments in account configuration. Points received Max points

58 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 58 Configure Gradebook Select [Settings] in the navigation menu to come to this page. Click to edit grade book configuration like whether to save grade report snapshots, enable/disable email notification, GPA for subject etc. Define categories and weights. Categories should be defined before adding student scores. Define number of terms and date range of each term. Define the letter grades, their percentile cut off and GPA scale (Optional) Define score codes. (Optional) Define comment codes for use in assignments and attendance. (Optional) Define attendance codes.

59 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 59 Gradebook parameters Select [Settings] in the navigation menu and then click on Gradebook option. Whether to use SchoolSpeak grade book function or upload grades from desktop grade book. Select the type of grade computation. 0 – do not include the subject in GPA calculation. Positive value – weight of this subject in GPA averaging. Can assignment score can be more than its max score (for extra credit?) Enable/disable attendance on this gradebook. Can the teacher save the grade book changes without publishing it? How often the grade report snapshots should be created? To disable snapshots enter 0. Remember to save for the changes to take effect. Should parents be allowed to see the grade report snapshots? ‘No’ means parents can see only the last grade report.

60 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 60 Category Definition Category add/edit area. Enter/modify category name. Enter/modify category weight. A value is required even if you are not planning to use weighted category grade computation. List of defined categories. (1) (2) (3) Relative weight. Need not sum to 100. Select [Settings] in the navigation menu and then click on Edit Categories option.

61 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 61 Term Definition List of defined terms. Fields for adding/editing terms. Click to edit this term. Click to delete this term. Name for the term. Start date of the term. End date of the term. Click to save changes. (1) (2) (3) (4) Select [Settings] in the navigation menu and then click on Edit Terms option.

62 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 62 Letter Grades Select [Settings] in the navigation menu and then click on Edit Letter Grades option. Fields for adding/editing letter grades. (1) (2) (3) (4) Enter the letter grade. Enter the minimum percentile for the letter grade. Enter GPA for this letter grade.

63 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 63 Score Codes Select [Settings] in the navigation menu and then click on Edit Score Codes option. Score codes can be entered in the student score field. Score code description is shown in grade report. Score code. Description of score code to show in grade report. What score should be assigned for score code.

64 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 64 Comment Codes Select [Settings] in the navigation menu and then click on Edit Comment Codes option. Comment codes can be entered in the assignment and attendance comment fields. Comment code. Description of comment code to show in grade and attendance reports.

65 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 65 Attendance codes Select [Settings] in the navigation menu and then click on Edit Attendance Codes option. Select one of Absence, Medical Absence, Excused, Tardy.

66 Your School and You Topics –Input data –Popup selector –Preview & Publish –Disable fields and pop up selector –Publish report card for few students Skills –Input student data for a section –Use pop up selector –Pull data from gradebook –Copy data from previous term –Preview and publish report card –Print report card –Publish for few students –Enable/disable fields –Enable/disable popup selector SchoolSpeak Confidential 66 Report Card

67 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 67 Working with Report Card (1)Click Report Card name on the left margin to get started. (2)Select the navigation options (1) (2) Select navigation option (explained below) Click here to come to this page. Reports for this date period are shown below. Change date period as needed. Click to delete this report Click to edit data and publish again. Click to view this report [List of Reports]Click here to view the reports that have already been published. [Report Card] (term-based report cards) Click here to enter data on students. [New Report Card] (non- term-based report cards) Click here to create a new report and enter data on students. [Settings]Click here to tune Report Card by installing a new Report Card template, or by configuring the Report Card parameters. [Admin]This appears only if you have administrative privileges on the Report Card resource. Click here to set the view (class/grade), edit (teacher) and administrative privileges on this Report Card. You can also modify the Quick Link name and the resource description.

68 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 68 Working with Report Card - 2 Working with report card involves following steps. 1.Entering student data. 2.Previewing the Report Card. 3.Making any data changes. 4.Printing or publishing the Report Card. Student data can be entered directly on the Report Card or pulled from Gradebook The student ’ s overall grades for each subject and/or letter grades. Percentile or letter grade for categories such as homework Percentile or letter grade for individual assignments Count of absences and tardies Term comments Fields allow direct data entry or provide a pop up selector.

69 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 69 List of Report Card Sections Select the term for term based reports. View the report that was last published or previewed. Help messages. View data entered in this section. Click to enter data in this section. Hide/unhide fields or enable/ disable pop-ups for fields. Subject (optional) is not configured. Red arrow means report card doesn’t have latest gradebook data. Click ‘Pull Data’ to update. Buttons are shown based on context. Preview – There are data changes. Click preview to generate report cards. Publish – publish previewed reports. Click here to come to this page. Preview creates report cards. Remember to preview after data changes. Previewed reports are not visible to parents and students. Publish will publish previewed reports.

70 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 70 Input Data Select the correct term for data entry. Field name Same value can be entered for all empty cells of this field by entering the value in the text box and clicking the down arrow. Click to clear all cells below. Pull linked fields from Gradebook. All linked fields will be overwritten with gradebook data. Copy fields in this page from previous term. Click on any cell to enter data. Click to access a page that shows this student’s data for all terms.

71 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 71 Popup selector Select the option and click Select. Clear the field by selecting the blank line. Pop up selector is provided for fields that take up a predefined set of values. ValueRendered on the report card as Outstanding1 Meets Expectations 2 Improvement Needed 3 Unsatisfactory4 You can disable pop up and enter data directly. Outstanding can be entered as “Outstanding” (without the double quotes) or “1” (without the double quotes) directly in the cell.

72 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 72 Preview and Publish the Report Card Download printable report card. Message indicating preview View Report Card for the student. To preview, click [Preview] or [Save & Preview] button located at the bottom of the View and Edit pages. To make corrections in the Report Card, click [Report Card] in the navigation menu. Follow the instructions for entering data. To download the printable PDF version of the Report Card, view previewed or published reports and click the [Save to PDF] button. Once previewed, to publish online, click [Publish] button located at the bottom of the main report card page

73 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 73 Preview/publish Report Card for few students Click on the [Preview] or [Publish] buttons. 1. Select the ‘Preview/Publish for students selected below’ option. A list of all the students appears on the page. 2. Select the appropriate checkbox to specify the name of the students whose Report Cards you want publish again 3. Click the [Preview/Publish] button to preview/publish the Report Card.

74 Your School and You SchoolSpeak Confidential 74 Hiding/un-hiding fields, Disabling/enabling pop-up selector Change report card section. Field is disabled. Pop-up disabled. Click to check/ uncheck all boxes below. Click [Report Card] on the navigation panel. Select the [Enable/Disable] link that appears adjacent to the section that needs to be configured. Choose the section from the Select a section drop-down list. To disable a field, clear the checkbox in the ‘Enable Field’ column. To disable the ‘pop up selector’, select the checkbox in the ‘Enable Popup’ column. Click the Save button to save the settings.

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