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THANK YOU, STEVE! [STEVE RISSEEUW, INTRODUCES JEN AND GENERAL MCCHRYSTAL] Great to be back in DC; I see many familiar faces in the audience from my time.

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Presentation on theme: "THANK YOU, STEVE! [STEVE RISSEEUW, INTRODUCES JEN AND GENERAL MCCHRYSTAL] Great to be back in DC; I see many familiar faces in the audience from my time."— Presentation transcript:

1 THANK YOU, STEVE! [STEVE RISSEEUW, INTRODUCES JEN AND GENERAL MCCHRYSTAL] Great to be back in DC; I see many familiar faces in the audience from my time as head of RI. Fantastic to catch up with old friends. General – Thank you for joining us, truly thrilled to have you here. We had the opportunity to meet several weeks ago at an event in New York City, and I was struck by several of the topics you covered. I want to start with a bit about your career – I’ve heard you talk about a Parachute Jump that you took in 2001 that figuratively altered the trajectory of your career – can you reflect on that jump and the years that followed – and how specifically how was your career changed? JEN MORGAN / MCCHRYSTAL LEAD IN / BIO

2 I want to touch on your time in Iraq and Afghanistan and our country’s post 9/11 military – our experience in those places changed how our military fought wars and resourced the warfighter – you played a key role in that shift in thinking – can you talk about that at a high level? –Optional Follow-Up: And take us up to current day and the threat of ISIS - to what extent does ISIS require another shift in thinking – by both policymakers and the military? –Note: Jen to focus in on time transforming JSOC in next question, so response here could be higher level / shift in thinking around COIN. JEN MORGAN / MCCHRYSTAL LEAD IN / BIO

3 So let’s talk leadership and innovation – you take over JSOC in 2006 – you’ve got what’s supposed to be a really nimble group inside the largest bureaucracy in the world in DOD – how did you foster a culture of trust, collaboration, and speed? –Optional Follow-up: This is something that clearly is a passion of yours and you’re doing a lot of work with businesses around the world through the McChrystal Group. You just recently joined the board of FiscalNote – a fast- growing start-up here in DC. –Let me ask you this: there’s a saying in start-up land: Good Culture Beats Good Strategy Every time. Do you agree? What’s the right mix of strategic planning and developing a culture. What about empathy in leadership? The military is not known for a “feelings” culture or empathy necessarily – but you touch on its importance in your trainings and your book. Talk about leaders and empathy. JEN MORGAN / MCCHRYSTAL LEADERSHIP / INNOVATION

4 And what about command and control and effective communication. I’m constantly struck by how poorly we communicate in big, matrixed organization. Arguably you had one of the world’s largest – and most important – matrixed organization when you commanded NATO forces in Afghanistan – two parter: 1) how did you communicate effectively across so many different organizations, cultures, and languages and 2) command and control is important – but what’s the right balance between command and control and what I’ll call followership – uniting people around a common set of goals. –Optional Follow-Up: Let me ask you about the power of personal relationships. Everyone in this room knows that in business and politics personal relationships matter a great deal. Can you give us a few examples where a strong personal relationship paid dividends and maybe an example of where it wasn’t enough to drive an outcome you were hoping for? JEN MORGAN / MCCHRYSTAL LEADERSHIP / INNOVATION

5 TECHNOLOGY: We talked earlier about a post 9/11 change in thinking in terms of how we fight and resource wars – that thinking clearly continues today with the recent appointment of Eric Schmidt to head an advisory board on how DoD acquires and procures technology. But let’s be clear: we’re talking about the military industrial complex, not a small thing to change. You’ve now had the benefit of time in the private sector – what are some of the reforms you think would make a difference in driving innovation, quicker time to value, and strengthening the partnership between DoD and its industry partners? JEN MORGAN / MCCHRYSTAL LEADERSHIP / INNOVATION

6 At SAP North America, I talk a lot about trying to build a culture of talent not title, performance, not politics. And I know as a former military man you, with some exceptions, generally try to avoid politics. But we’re in the midst of a presidential election year – so I want to ask: –When you look at the candidates out there vying for the role of Commander in Chief, they’re making the case based on ideology, policy, judgment, and temperament. As someone who has seen the role up close – what is the single most important quality in a President and Commander in Chief? JEN MORGAN / MCCHRYSTAL CULTURE / COMMANDER IN CHIEF

7 Ok, let’s do a bit of a lightning round, does that sound good? –Dinner with one historical figure – who is it and why? –In great leaders, EQ or IQ is more important. –Two parter: Single greatest national security threat facing the country today. Greatest long-term threat to America’s future prosperity. –What advice would you give today to 2 nd Lieutenant McChrystal starting out his career in the army? –What do you miss most about wearing the uniform? JEN MORGAN / MCCHRYSTAL LIGHTNING ROUND

8 General – fascinating conversation. I want to thank you for joining us here at the Federal Forum – and on behalf of SAP North America and all of our employees who have worn the uniform – thank you for your service. How about a round of applause for General McChrystal! Let me welcome back to the stage one of those SAP veterans, Steve Risseeuw. Thank you everyone, look forward to catching up with many of you later on today! JEN MORGAN / MCCHRYSTAL LIGHTNING ROUND

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