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By: Madelyn Wilder, Amber Winterbottom, Lydia Sawyer, Gabriella Soliz, and Emily Murray.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Madelyn Wilder, Amber Winterbottom, Lydia Sawyer, Gabriella Soliz, and Emily Murray."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Madelyn Wilder, Amber Winterbottom, Lydia Sawyer, Gabriella Soliz, and Emily Murray

2 INTRODUCTION: We are the Honey Dew group, Madelyn Wilder, Amber Winterbottom, Lydia Sawyer, Gabriella Soliz, and Emily Murray, and in this lesson we will be discussing how technology impacts the classroom. More specifically we will be discussing education tools it provides, problems that could occur when using technology, the rules of using technology, and a teacher’s role in monitoring each students use of it.

3 BREAKING DOWN TECHNOLOGICAL TERMS This term is basically the coming of a new age. The rebirth of all of the generations and the era of digital media, technology and electronics It's like we've birthed into a whole different world Natives are people that are from somewhere or have grown up somewhere People who have grown up using the digital "language" of computers, video games and the Internet Divide between people that have access to technology and the people that do not

4 FLAT CLASSROOM VS. TRADITIONAL CLASSROOM Flat Classroom:Traditional Classroom: The idea of a flat classroom is that students have just as much knowledge as the teacher because of access to technology and research sites The teacher used to be in a traditional classroom where he or she was the one that knew all the information and held the truth and the answer to everything

5 EDUCATIONAL TOOLS Simulation: A simulation is a computer program or other procedure that imitates a real-world experience. Model: A model is a representation of a system or an object, such as a small physical structure that imitates a larger structure or a computer program that parallels the workings of a larger system. WebQuest: A WebQuest is a learning activity in which students investigate a question or solve a problem with information they gather from websites. Blog (short for weblog): A blog is an online journal using software that makes it easy for the user to create frequent entries; typically, visitors can add their own comments and responses. Wiki: Wiki is an online site that allows visitors to add, remove, and otherwise edit or change the available content.

6 WEB 2.0 3 Key Aspects: Web 2.0 is a term that loosely refers to a second generation of Internet services that are leading us toward even more open communication. One example of Web 2.0 is social networking sites such as MySpace 1.Data and software are continuously and seamlessly updated, often very rapidly. 2.User interfaces are rich and interactive. 3.There is an “architecture of participation” that encourages user contributions

7 THE 5 AREAS OF CONCERN 1. Young people may accidently stumble onto websites that are violent, pornographic, or objectionable due to inappropriate language and content. 2. “Cybertalking” and threats from online predators pose threats to children and teenagers safety. 3. Online marketing aimed directly at children and teens influence young peoples’ decisions about products and brands. Internet advertising is not regulated by the government, and exposure is often more intense. 4. The interactive, two-way nature of the Web gives marketers the ability to collect data about individual computer users. 5. Cyber bullying also called “online bullying” is when a person or a group of people uses the internet, email, online games or any other kind of digital technology to threaten, tease, upset or humiliate someone else.

8 ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY Assistive Technology – A device or service that increases the capabilities of people with disabilities 3 Examples of Assistive Technology: 1. A disabled student whose fine motor skills doesn’t allow them to write easily and without pain, note taking is a difficult task. 2.A student with visual impairments, there is a keyboard available to them with large symbols that makes it easier for the student to type. 3.The use of SMART board in a classroom with special education students, so they can use a pointer device and direct to different images that is interactive

9 GUIDELINES FOR INTERNET RESEARCH  Filtering websites so the students to help manage information and time management, and prevent infrmation overload  Research shouldn’t just be about answering questions. Students research should focus on finding the information they need to solve a problem or complete a project.  As they use technology, students need to stay focused on the problem they are trying to solve or area that they are exploring.  Guide students in interpreting data they might find.  Guide students in finding creative and innovative ways to present their information.  Encourage students to use the information they gather by on the internet to futher other students understanding on the topic.  Invite students to collaborate with other students in designing a final product.

10 HOW TECHNOLOGY AFFECT LEARNING? How the Author Feels It Promotes Learning: Allowing students to deal with real world problems as part of the curriculum By expanding the possibilities for simulations and modeling By creating local and global communities of learners. How Gabrielle Feels it Promotes Learning: Allowing students to get engaged in learning by exposing them to multiple outlets and programs to express and build on their own learning styles. An instance where I felt technology supported my learning was when I was in elementary school and read nonfiction books on people and places. My interest in history grew as I was able to research online and come to my own conclusions on how I understood about the person or era I was reading about

11 TECHNOLOGICAL FLUENCY & NETS Technological Fluency: Proficiency in the use of technology, including an understanding of the way technology systems operates and the ability to use technology to access information from a wide variety of sources. The NETS guidelines, describing what students should know and and be able to do, was developed by The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), which has over 85,000 members. In terms of these standards, although I feel as though I have at least a steady foot in each section, I have a lot more work to do in each area before I qualify as technologically fluent teacher.

12 CONCLUSION  In this lesson we discussed how technology impacts the classroom. More specifically we discussed education tools it provides, problems that could occur when using technology, the rules of using technology, and a teacher’s role in monitoring each students use of it. We hope you learned more about technology in the classroom, and can improve your classroom based on the information we provided.

13 SOURCES:  Slide 4:  Slide 6: 2-216/ 2-216/  Slide 7:  Slide 8: clipart.html#gal_post_98069_special-needs-students-clipart-1.jpg clipart.html#gal_post_98069_special-needs-students-clipart-1.jpg  Slide 9: 1371053 1371053  Slide 10:

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