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CCLI# 2897150 Holy Holy Holy. 2 “There is none holy like the L ORD : for there is none besides You; there is no rock like our God. - 1 Samuel 2:2 (ESV)

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Presentation on theme: "CCLI# 2897150 Holy Holy Holy. 2 “There is none holy like the L ORD : for there is none besides You; there is no rock like our God. - 1 Samuel 2:2 (ESV)"— Presentation transcript:

1 CCLI# 2897150 Holy Holy Holy

2 2 “There is none holy like the L ORD : for there is none besides You; there is no rock like our God. - 1 Samuel 2:2 (ESV)

3 CCLI# 2897150 Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee

4 CCLI# 2897150 Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty God in three Persons blessed Trinity!

5 11 “Who is like you, O L ORD, among the gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders? - Exodus 15:11 (ESV)

6 CCLI# 2897150 Holy, holy, holy! Though the darkness hide Thee Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see

7 CCLI# 2897150 Only Thou art holy there is none beside Thee Perfect in power, in love, and purity

8 10 All your works shall give thanks to you, O L ORD, and all your saints shall bless you! - Psalm 145:10 (ESV)

9 CCLI# 2897150 Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! All Thy works shall praise Thy name in earth and sky and sea

10 CCLI# 2897150 Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty, God in three persons Blessed Trinity

11 7 Ascribe to the L ORD, O families of the peoples, ascribe to the L ORD glory and strength! 8 Ascribe to the L ORD the glory due his name; bring an offering, and come into his courts! 9 Worship the L ORD in the splendor of holiness; tremble before him, all the earth! - Psalm 96:7-9 (ESV)

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