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Orifera Training Programme. Our body rebuilds itself in less than 365 days Our body rebuilds itself in less than 2 years and 98% in less than 365 days.

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1 Orifera Training Programme

2 Our body rebuilds itself in less than 365 days Our body rebuilds itself in less than 2 years and 98% in less than 365 days. Every cell in the body eventually dies and is replaced by new cells. Everyday is a new opportunity to build a new body.

3 Taking the right nutrients can help rebuild the body and make you healthier than ever before

4 Your food is your medicine For new cells to be programmed properly by our DNA and for our cells to function correctly, our body requires an extensive array of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

5 We need essential nutrients Some vitamins and amino acids are produced in the body. However, there are about 90 minerals, vitamins and amino acids referred as “essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids” which our body does not produce and thus it needs to get them from outside sources.

6 We lack essential nutrients Most of the food we eat today severely lack essential nutrients due to harsh manufacturing processes and thoroughly depleted soils.

7 Non bioavailable Naturally, elements are held together by very strong bonds. The scientific terms for the strong, inorganic, natural mineral bonds are “electrovalent” or “ionic”. By consuming inorganic minerals, our body will either store them or eliminate them.

8 PLANTS CONVERT INORGANIC MINERALS INTO USABLE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS We do not have the physiological capabilities of easily converting inorganic minerals into useable organic materials, but plants do. Plants can take minerals from the soil, break the strong bonds and incorporate the minerals into them.

9 Plants make them bioavailable Once the minerals become a part of the plant, the bonds are no longer strong; in fact they become very weak. As such, our metabolic systems can use these plant minerals easily and effectively.

10 Nutrient families Research has shown that nutrient “families” work together to support and maintain good health. Nutrient deficiencies, imbalances and destructive side effects occur when we do not give our body the complete package

11 Nutrient antagonism Too much magnesium depletes calcium. Too much vitamin C depletes Vitamin B12. In most cases, the body flushes out these supplements from the system without even absorbing them. In other cases, unnecessary deposits may build up in the tissues only to cause new problems.

12 Why we need wholefoods? Wholefoods are whole complete foods that contain no additives, preservatives or chemicals. They are natural or organic foods in their original state the way Mother Nature intended.

13 Freshwater and marine algae are complete wholefood supplement Both freshwater and marine algae are complete and powerful wholefood that has supported all water life forms on planet Earth millions of years. It is super rich in chlorophyll essential for many normal body functions.

14 A complete cell food Algae has also two thirds protein. It also contains all the essential vitamins, minerals, minerals and amino acids the body needs. It is the ideal cell food for the human body.

15 What is Natgreens? Natgreens provides a broad spectrum of plant extracts that are high in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fibre and enzymes needed for proper detoxification and optimum nutritional status. It is indicated for fatigue, nervousness, irritability, hypoglycemia, diabetes, stomach and duodenal ulcers, cell toxic overload and irritable bowel syndrome, including colitis and Crohn’s disease. Natgreens is vegetarian, 100% natural, free from preservatives and artificial colours or flavours.

16 Natgreen Ingredients Chlorella Spirulina Wheat Grass Barley greens Alfafa Raw wheat Buckwheat Raw oats Raw millet Black rice Black sesame seeds Quinoa Multivitamins and minerals

17 Health Benefits Increased and sustained energy levels all day long Emulsifies cholesterol and fat Strengthens the immune system Helps you to lose weight by bringing your body back to its natural balance Detoxifies the intestinal tract and cleans / purifies the colon Helps control hunger and cravings. Its all natural nutrients ensure that you get good absorption, compared with synthetic and non organic nutrients that only provide 5 – 15% absorption.

18 Health Benefits Oxygenates your cells, helping skin cells to regenerate efficiently Improves blood purification and aids in detoxification Helps to slow down the aging process caused by over- acidification Healthier skin, unhealthy skin is often caused by poor digestion Promotes and strengthens healthy hair and nails

19 Plant Chlorophyll Natgreens contains the whole range of plant chlorophyll. Chlorophyll has been studied for its potential in stimulating tissue growth and stimulating red blood cells in connection with blood supply. The most remarkable fact is the similarity between chlorophyll and the red pigment in our blood. Research in the 1940’s demonstrated that the two pigments even react the same during breakdown.

20 Natgreens and Cancer An article in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Jan 4, 1995) reported that chlorophyll fed to laboratory animals reduced absorption of 3 dietary carcinogens: heterocyclic amines (found in cooked muscle meats), polycyclic hydrocarbons (found in smoked and barbecued foods), and aflatoxin (a mold on peanuts). The chlorophyll formed complex compounds with the carcinogens in the digestive tract, limiting their absorption. Chlorophyll has also been found to reduce fecal, urinary, and body odor in geriatric patients.

21 Natgreens for Cell Regeneration Your body continuously regenerates new cells. Skin cells are regenerated every 30 days, while bone cells regenerate at a rate of about 120 days If our cells do not receive proper nutrition, then they fall into a state of degeneration. Nutrition in Acai Greens helps in this process, slowing down cellular degeneration

22 Natgreens Alkalizes Your Body Over-acidification of the blood and body tissues is a primary contributor to sickness and disease Yeast, fungi, mold, bacteria and viruses need an acidic environment to thrive and grow Our modern diet and lifestyle are not conducive to combating these diseases and sicknesses Natgreen is alkaline and helps to reduce blood and tissue acidity and for better health and well being

23 Natgreens for Healthy Skin Natgreens eliminates toxins and improves digestion. Most skin problems are associated with poor digestion and build-up of toxins in the digestive tract Natgreens provides ideal nutritional balance for the body’s beneficial gut bacteria, which keeps harmful bacteria count low, aids digestion and provides valuable nutrients Its antioxidants protect from harmful effects of free radicals, preventing premature aging of skin. Antioxidants promote healthy blood flow and healthy skin depends on good blood flow

24 Natgreens for Detoxification Optimal health depends on both getting the right nutrition and daily detoxification. People today are experiencing an increase in exposure to toxins from pollution and from production of toxins in the body due to stress. Natgreens provides an ideal health, beauty and anti-aging supplement solution. Natgreens promotes efficient digestion by supporting the growth of healthy intestinal bacteria, enhancing nutrient absorption, providing anti-oxidant protection and supplying critical support nutrients

25 Natreens – The Perfect Diet Natgreens is a potent source of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, fibre and essential amino acids It helps to alkaline and balance the body, increase energy levels, improve stamina, sharpen mental activity, and deodorize and cleanse the colon Natgreen ingredients are all packed with nutrients that strengthen the immune system and neutralize toxins. Natgreens is a return to the basics of the food chain


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