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1 2014 key socioeconomic indicators for Greater Austin & Travis County.

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1 1 2014 key socioeconomic indicators for Greater Austin & Travis County

2 CAN is a partnership of governmental, non-profit, private and faith-based organizations which leverage mutual resources to collectively improve social, health, educational and economic opportunities in our community. 2

3 CAN PARTNER ORGANIZATIONS 3  Greater Austin Black Chamber  Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber  Huston Tillotson University  interfaith Action Central Texas  Manor ISD  One Voice Central Texas  Seton Healthcare Family  St. David's Foundation  St. Edward's University  Travis County  United Way for Greater Austin  University of Texas at Austin  Workforce Solutions - Capital Area  Austin Chamber of Commerce  Austin Community College  Austin ISD  Austin Travis County Integral Care  Capital Metro  Central Health  City of Austin  City of Pflugerville  Community Justice Council  Del Valle ISD  Goodwill Industries of Central Texas  Greater Austin Asian Chamber

4 CAN DASHBOARD 4  low-income  food security  housing cost burdened  vehicle miles traveled  homelessness  health insurance  mental health  smoking  obesity  air quality  crime  arrest demographics  voting We are safe, just & engaged Our basic needs are met We are healthy We achieve our full potential  school ready  high school graduation  college success  unemployment

5 PART OF AN ANNUAL PROCESS 5 Dashboard Annual snapshot of how our community is doing. Strategic Framework for Action Strategies to achieve our common vision. Convene Conversations Identify and share what more is needed to turn the curve. CAN Work Plan Connect stakeholders and continue the dialogue to promote collaborative action. Common Vision Our shared aspirations for all people. equity & opportunity

6 Download the 2014 CAN Dashboard Report Find more information for each indicator, including… – Historical trends – More data and maps – Graphs depicting disparities among groups, where available – Information on vulnerable populations – Local efforts to improve the indicators 6 www.CAN COMMUNITY dashboard

7 7 2014 trends & challenges

8 INCOME SEGREGATION From 2007 to 2012, the low-income population grew at almost twice the rate as total population. There are sharpening concentrations of poverty and wealth. Low-income people are moving to outlying areas where transportation and services are limited. 8 73% of children in single-parent households are low-income.


10 GROWING DIVERSITY 10 Travis County 2012 Source: American Community Survey, 1-year Population Estimates Under Age 5 PopulationTotal Population 34% 49% 34% 50% 34% 8% 6% 5% 9%

11 PAIN OF RECESSION LINGERS 11 Source: U.S. Census Bureau Travis County Median Household Income, Adjusted for Inflation Median Household Income, adjusted for inflation, was less in 2012 than in 2007. Hispanic households were earning almost $8,000 less in 2012 than in 2007.

12 Percent of people who are low-income remains higher than pre-recession levels. PAIN OF RECESSION LINGERS 12 Percent of People Who are Low-Income Source: American Community Survey, 1-Year Estimates

13 Percent of people who housing cost burdened remains higher than pre-recession levels. PAIN OF RECESSION LINGERS 13 Source: American Community Survey, 1-Year Estimates Percent of Households that are Cost-Burdened Target

14 PAIN OF RECESSION LINGERS 14 Percent of Who Live in Food Insecure Households Source: Feeding America Target While food insecurity rates have decreased nation-wide since the recession ended in 2009, the rate has increased in Travis County.

15 CHALLENGES A large and growing Hispanic population and a fast-growing, linguistically diverse Asian population bring challenges for providing culturally and linguistically proficient services. A fast-growing aging population will require changes in services including health care and housing. Blacks are persistently overrepresented in jail bookings, homelessness, HS disciplinary referrals and the unemployed. Hispanics are overrepresented among those living in poverty, those without a HS degree and those with no health insurance. 15

16 EDUCATION Challenge: Disparate outcomes for low-income students. 16

17 EDUCATION 17 Source: E 3 Alliance

18 HIGHER EDUCATION SUCCESS 18 Source: E 3 Alliance

19 WORKFORCE Challenge: High unemployment for Blacks, Hispanics, and people with disabilities. 19

20 WORKFORCE 20 Source: American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates

21 HEALTH Challenges: access to mental health and substance abuse services, persistence of obesity, and lack of Medicaid or Medicare for poor adults and undocumented residents. 21

22 HEALTH 22 Source: American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates People Under Age 65 With No Health Insurance Fewer people are going without health insurance. Local rates are significantly lower than the State of Texas, but are higher than the national rate.

23 HEALTH 23 Source: Texas Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Lower income people fare poorly on health indicators Percent of Adults who are Current Smokers in Travis County by Income Percent of Adults who are Obese in Travis County by Income

24 24 2014 solutions

25 SOLUTIONS Enhance capacity for culturally and linguistically proficient services. Ensure that community leadership and the professional workforce mirror populations served. Build on the assets of individuals and communities and empower them to achieve goals. 25

26 SOLUTIONS Take a whole family, wraparound approach to service delivery. Increase collaboration among funding entities. Provide coordinated, community-based outreach. Build our community’s data- sharing capacity to increase efficiency and effectiveness of services. (ECHO is working on this for homeless services.) 26

27 SOLUTIONS Provide transportation-accessible, co-located services in strategic locations throughout the region. Consider housing and transportation together. Approach service delivery across jurisdictions and disciplines. 27

28 28 2014 the conversation continues…

29 THE CONVERSATION CONTINUES Safety Net Forums 29 CAN Community Council CAN retreat – 10/10/14 Housing Employment assistance Health Cultural competency Diverse populations Aging Immigrants Criminal history People with disabilities Veterans Children and youth

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