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How the Business-To-Business (B2B) Program Helps Implement Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Brianna Durkin B2B Program Administrator Pacific.

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Presentation on theme: "How the Business-To-Business (B2B) Program Helps Implement Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Brianna Durkin B2B Program Administrator Pacific."— Presentation transcript:

1 How the Business-To-Business (B2B) Program Helps Implement Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Brianna Durkin B2B Program Administrator Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (509) 371-7742 PNNL-SA-66600

2 Agenda PNNL Introduction PNNL’s Emphasis on Green Purchasing What is B2B? Implementation of EPP into the B2B Program Questions

3 PNNL Introduction Our Scientific Mission Strengthen U.S. Scientific Foundations for Innovation Increase U.S. Energy Capacity and Reduce Dependence on Imported Prevent and Counter Terrorism and the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Reduce Environmental Effects of Human Activities and Create Sustainable Systems Our Vital Stats 4,200 staff members with locations in Richland, Sequim, Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, and Washington D.C. $881 million in business volume Operated by Battelle Memorial Institute for the U.S. Department of Energy since 1965 Total of 78 R&D 100 Awards, 1,664 U.S and foreign patents since 1965

4 PNNL currently has six core competencies: Microbial and Cellular Biology Environmental Sciences Analytic and Interfacial Chemical Sciences Radiological Sciences Computational Sciences and Information Analytics Sensing and Measurement Technologies

5 PNNL’s Emphasis on Green Purchasing Comply with Federal Regulations Executive Order 13423 and DOE Order 450.1A & 430.2B PNNL’s Environmental Stewardship Policy “At the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, we are committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for all staff; protecting the general public and the environment from unacceptable environmental, safety and health risks; and operating in a manner that protects and restores the environment.” ISO 14001 Certification Identify and manage hazards and environmental impacts Prevent pollution Abide by applicable requirements Monitor and continually improve Communicate

6 PNNL’s Emphasis on Green Purchasing Commitment to reducing purchases and reusing products Free products available through materials exchanges: PNNL Office Product Exchange PNNL ChemAgain DOE Complex Wide Materials Exchange

7 What Is B2B? Limited number of suppliers providing high-volume, low- risk Commercial Off-the-Shelf Goods via E-Commerce office products janitorial supplies laboratory supplies chemicals computer hardware and software electrical supplies electronics vacuum products fluid systems technologies Purchased through PeopleSoft

8 What Is B2B? Preference to products meeting specific environmental attributes as required by Federal law and Executive Orders (EO 13423, DOE 450.1A & 430.2B, FSRIA, RCRA, etc.) Recycled Content Post-Consumer Energy Star® EPEAT FEMP Non-Ozone Depleting

9 What is B2B? Benefits of B2B: 100% Electronic from Start to Finish - Paperless! Additional Supplier Discounts Minimal or No Shipping and Handling charges (including hazardous material handling fees) Appropriate Tax Application Costing Occurs Within Two Weeks Requires Pre-Approvals Control of Catalog Content Allows for Emphasis on Environmentally Preferable Products Control of Catalog Content Allows for Designated Items to be Blocked

10 Implementation of EPP into the B2B Program Overview Compliance Requirement - B2B Agreement Catalog Content Control Encourage Suppliers to Have “Green” Business Practices Annual Business Reviews Quarterly Usage Reports Highlight Compliant Products in Newsletters, Internal Website “Green Purchasing” Page on Internal Website EPP B2B Training Sample Distribution Promote In-House Recycling Programs BioBased Products

11 Implementation of EPP Into The B2B Program Compliance requirement- B2B Agreement Clause within Agreement requires compliance and outlines reporting requirements “Environmentally Preferable Purchasing: In order to comply with our Environmental Stewardship Policy and meet federal requirements, certain designated products must be purchased with specific environmental attributes. A current list of designated products and required attributes are listed in Attachment A (Specifications for Products with Required Environmental Attributes). Seller will only offer those products that contain recovered materials as specified in Attachment A, Part 1, unless the specified products cannot be sold at a comparable price (Cost), delivered within a comparable time (Availability), or have performance deficiencies (Performance) (CAP exceptions). The Seller shall only offer those products listed in Attachment A, Part 2, that have the energy/water efficiency attributes specified.” Agreement contains “Specifications for Products with Required Environmental Attributes” (see example)

12 Example From Our B2B Agreement PART 1: PRODUCTS CONTAINING RECOVERED MATERIALS Required Environmental Attribute Criteria Total Recovered Materials Content (%) US EPA Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) EPA Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines OFFICE PRODUCTS Binders – 3-ring Paperboard75-100% post-consumer paper90-100% Binders – 3-ring Plastic Covered--25-50 Binders – Solid Plastic 90% post-consumer HDPE 30-50% post consumer PE 100% post-consumer PET 80% post-consumer miscellaneous plastics 90 30-50 100 80 Boxes – Storage/Magazine40-80% post-consumer fiber100 Cards – Index20% post-consumer fiber50 Clipboards – Solid Plastic 90% post-consumer HDPE 50% post-consumer PS 15% post-consumer miscellaneous plastics 90 50 15-80 Covers – Coverstock/Report (no exceptions allowed) 30% post-consumer fiber30 Desktop Accessories - Plastic25-80% post-consumer polystyrene-- Implementation of EPP Into The B2B Program

13 Example Cont. PART 2: PRODUCTS EXHIBITING ENERGY/WATER EFFICIENCY CHARACTERISTICS Required Environmental Attribute Criteria Energy Consuming Products IDENTIFIED BY FEMP AT Energy Star as required by FEMP quirements.html.. Low Power Standby Mode Products 1 Watt or recommended by FEMP. ndby_power.cfm BioBased Requirements and Facts USDA Biobased Purchasing Program Specifications for Biobased Products March 2009 Contact: Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Coordinator (, 509-371-7842) Product CategoryProduct Description Minimum Biobased Content (%) Round One- Effective March 16, 2007. Bedding, Bed Linens, and Towels (1) Bedding is that group of woven cloth products used as coverings on a bed. Bedding includes products such as blankets, bedspreads, comforters, and quilts. (2) Bed linens are woven cloth sheets and pillowcases used in bedding. (3) Towels are woven cloth products used primarily for drying and wiping. 12% Diesel Fuel Additives (1) Any substance, other than one composed solely of carbon and/or hydrogen, that is intentionally added to diesel fuel (including any added to a motor vehicle's fuel system) and that is not intentionally removed prior to sale or use.(2) Neat biodiesel, also referred to as B100, when used as an additive. Diesel fuel additive does not mean neat biodiesel when used as a fuel or blended biodiesel fuel (e.g., B20). 90% Mobile Equipment Hydraulic Fuels Hydraulic fluids formulated for general use in nonstationary equipment, such as tractors, end loaders, or backhoes. 44% Penetrating Lubricants Products formulated to provide light lubrication and corrosion resistance in close tolerant internal and external applications including frozen nuts and bolts, power tools, gears, valves, chains, and cables. 68% Roof Coatings Coatings formulated for use in commercial roof deck systems to provide a single-coat monolith coating system. 20% Water Tank CoatingsCoatings formulated for use in potable water storage systems. 59%

14 Implementation of EPP Into The B2B Program Catalog content control Work closely with the Pollution Prevention (P2) program at PNNL to: Review existing catalog items on a regular basis Review marketplace availability of EPP compliant products Work with suppliers to source and add compliant products and delete the non-compliant products when a comparable substitute is available Indication of recycled compliant products on website catalogs Universal recycled symbol by contract items meeting minimum requirements Recycled Content, EPA, and Environmentally Preferable Catalogs within supplier websites

15 Implementation of EPP Into The B2B Program Pre-screened catalog of products so staff do not have to research and plan for a purchase to be EPP compliant. Office products and computers and peripherals mandatory through B2B Majority of paper products have at least 30% post-consumer fiber (unless there is no direct substitution available) All computer equipment meet Energy Star® and EPEAT requirements (desktops, laptops, and monitors) Contributed to receipt of 2007 Federal Electronics Challenge Gold Award Majority of janitorial products purchased through B2B BioBased cleaning supplies Compliance with FSRIA - being worked into all supplier Agreements At PNNL, the majority of EPEAT purchases fall into the Silver category

16 Implementation of EPP Into The B2B Program Encourage suppliers to have “green” business practices Manufacturing, packaging, disposal Recycling programs Alternative fuel transportation Small order initiative Annual Business Review agenda item Agenda item- major discussion point Review what suppliers are doing, have done, and evaluate compliance Currently emphasizing BioBased products

17 Implementation of EPP Into The B2B Program Require usage reports from all suppliers, reporting on specified products Submitted quarterly All designated products purchased reported as compliant, non- compliant, or non-compliant with CAP exception B2B Office review to ensure products reported correctly Designate one item per quarter as focus Highlight EPP compliant products in quarterly newsletters and on internal B2B website Recycled office products 100% recycled sorbents Energy efficient products such as the WattStopper®

18 Implementation of EPP Into The B2B Program “Green Purchasing” page on B2B internal website Highlight EPP products Highlight what our suppliers are doing in an effort to “Go Green” EPP discussed during B2B training Facilitate the distribution of product samples Promotion of in-house recycling programs Toner cartridges Office Products Exchange Excess furniture and laboratory supplies ChemAgain

19 Implementation of EPP Into The B2B Program BioBased products designated by the USDA provided on B2B BioBased cleaning products available Hand cleaners and sanitizers Glass Cleaner All Purpose Bathroom Cleaner Discussed at Annual Business Reviews with all suppliers Working to add lubricants (68%) and sorbents (89%) Writing BioBased requirements into B2B Agreements

20 Any Questions?

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