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Microbiology: A Systems Approach

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1 Microbiology: A Systems Approach
PowerPoint to accompany Microbiology: A Systems Approach Cowan/Talaro Chapter 21 Infectious Diseases Affecting the Respiratory System Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.

2 Chapter 21 Topics - Defenses - Diseases

3 Defenses Respiratory tract system Normal flora Protection

4 Respiratory tract system
Most common entry point for infections Upper tract Mouth, nose, nasal cavity, sinuses, throat, epiglottis, and larynx Lower tract Trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles in the lungs

5 Anatomy of the respiratory tract.
Fig The respiratory tract.

6 Normal flora Commensals Limited to the upper tract
Mostly Gram positive Microbial antagonist (competition) Immunocompromised individuals are at risk

7 Protection Nasal hair Cilia Bronchi Mucus
Involuntary responses (coughing, etc.) Immune cells

8 Diseases Upper Respiratory tract Both Upper and lower tract
Lower Respiratory tract

9 Upper respiratory tract
Common cold Sinusitis Ear infections Pharyngitis Diphtheria

10 Common cold Viral infection Rhinitis Prevalent among human population
Over 200 viruses are involved Rhinitis Prevalent among human population Prone to secondary bacterial infections No vaccine No chemotherapeutic agents Costly

11 Features of rhinitis. Checkpoint 21.1 Rhinitis

12 Sinusitis Bacterial infection Viral infections Rare fungal infection
Inflammation of the sinuses Noninfectious allergies are primary cause of most sinus infections

13 Features of sinusitis. Checkpoint 21.2 Sinusitis

14 Ear infection Bacterial infection Acute otitis media
Common sequela of rhinitis Effusion Biofilm bacteria may be associated with chronic otitis media

15 Bacteria can migrate along the eustachian tube from the upper respiratory tract, and a buildup of mucus and fluids can cause inflammation and effusion. Fig An infected middle ear.

16 Features of otitis media.
Checkpoint 21.3 Otitis media.

17 Pharyngitis Bacterial infection Viral infection
Streptococcus pyogenes – most serious type Scarlet fever Rheumatic fever Glomerulonephritis

18 Streptococcus pyogenes
Group A is virulent Streptolysins - toxin (hemolysins) Erythrogenic – toxin Toxins can act as superantigens Overstimulate T cells Tumor necrosis factor

19 Scarlet fever S. pyogenes is infected with a bacteriophage
Erythrogenic toxin - rash Sandpaper-like rash Neck, chest, elbows, inner thighs Children are at risk

20 Rheumatic fever M protein
Immunological cross-reaction (molecular mimicry) Damage heart valves Arthritis, nodules over bony surfaces

21 Glomerulonephritis Bacterial antigen-antibody complexes
Deposit on the glomerulus of the kidney Kidney damage

22 Streptococcus infection causing inflammation of the throat and tonsils.
Fig The appearance of the throat in pharyngitis and Tonsilitis.

23 Group A streptococcal infections can damage the heart valves due a cross-reactions of bacterial-induced antibodies and heart proteins. Fig The cardiac complications of rheumatic fever.

24 The surface antigens of group A streptococcus serve as virulence factors.
Fig Cutaway view of group A streptococcus.

25 Dr. Lancefield developed the Lancefield classification, which distinguishes the different cell wall carbohydrates (A,B,C, etc.) Fig Rebecca C. Lancefiedl, M.D.

26 The agglutination test and the zone of inhibition test are used to identify Streptococcus pyogenes, the causative agent of pharyngitis. Fig Streptococcal test

27 Features of pharyngitis.
Checkpoint 21.4 Pharyngitis

28 Diphtheria Bacterial infection Vaccine
Membrane formation on tonsils or pharynx A-B toxin

29 Corynebacterium diphtheriae, the causative agent of diphtheriae, has a unique club-shape appearance.
Fig Corynebacterium diphtheriae

30 Inflamed pharynx and tonsils marked by a grayish pseudomembrane formed by the bacteria are characteristic signs of diphtheria. Fig Diagnosing diphtheria

31 The mechanism of the A-B toxin of Corynebacterium diphtheriae.
Fig A-B toxin of Corynbacterium diphtheriae

32 Features of diphtheria.
Checkpoint 21.5 Diphtheria

33 Upper and lower respiratory tract
Whooping cough Respiratory syncytial virus Influenza

34 Whooping cough Bacterial infection Pertussis Vaccine
Catarrhal stage – cold symptoms Paroxysmal stage – severe coughing Convalescent phase - damage cilia Toxins A-B toxin, tracheal cytotoxin

35 Features of whooping cough.
Checkpoint 21.6 Whooping cough

36 Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
Virus infection Children are at risk Dyspnea No vaccine

37 Features of RSV disease.
Checkpoint 21.7 RSV Disease

38 Influenza Viral infection Prevalent during the winter season
Glycoproteins Hemagglutinin (HA) Neuramindase (N) Antigenic drift Antigenic shift

39 The influenza virus is an enveloped virus with two important surface glycoproteins called hemagglutinin and neuraminidase. Fig Schematic drawing of influenza virus.

40 Glycoproteins Hemagglutinin
Specific residues bind to host cell receptors of the respiratory mucosa Different residues from above are recognized by the host immune system (antibodies) Residues are subject to changes (antigenic drift) Agglutination of rbc

41 Hemagglutinin is a viral glycoprotein that is involved in binding to host cell receptors on the respiratory mucosa. Fig Schematic drawing of hemagglutinin of influenza Virus.

42 Glycoproteins Neuraminidase (N) Breaks down protective mucous coating
Assist in viral budding Keeps viruses from sticking together Participates in host cell fusion

43 Antigenic shift involves gene exchange, which encode for viral glycoproteins, between different influenza viruses, thereby the new virus is no longer recognized by the human host. Fig Antigenic shift event.

44 Features of influenza. Checkpoint 21.8 Influenza

45 Lower respiratory tract
Tuberculosis Pneumonia

46 Tuberculosis Bacterial infection Types Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Mycobacterium avian Disseminated tuberculosis that affects AIDS patients Types Primary Secondary Disseminated

47 M. tuberculosis Slow growing (generation time 15-20 hrs)
Mycolyic acid and waxy surface Primary Tubercles, caseous, tuberculin reaction Secondary (reactivation) Consumption Dissemination Extrapulmonary TB (lymph nodes, kidneys, bones, genital tract, brain, meninges)

48 A tubercle in the lung is a granuloma consisting of a central core of TB bacteria inside an enlarged macrophage, and an outer wall of fibroblasts, lymphocytes, and neutrophils. Fig Tubercle formation

49 The tuberculin reaction enables skin testing for tuberculosis.
Fig Skin testing for tuberculosis.

50 Acid-fast staining is a means of identifying Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Fig A fluorescent acid-fast stain of M. tuberculosis.

51 Colonies of M. tuberculosis have a characteristic granular and waxy appearance, which enables the bacterium to survive inside macrophages. Fig Cultural appearance of M. tuberculosis.

52 An example of a secondary tubercular infection.
Fig Colorized X-ray showing a secondary tubercular Infection.

53 The Ziehl-Neelson staining is a an acid-fast staining technique used to identify Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Fig Ziehl-Neelson staining of M. tuberculosis.

54 Features of tuberculosis.
Checkpoint 21.9 Tuberculosis

55 Pneumonia Bacterial infection Viral infection Fungal infection
Inflammation of the lung with fluid filled alveoli Community-acquired Nosocomial

56 Bacterial pneumonia Streptococcus pneumoniae Legionella
Mycoplasma pneumoniae

57 Streptococcus pneumonia
Pneumococcus 2/3 of all pneumonia are community-acquired pneumonia Cannot survive outside its habitat High risk - old age, season, underlying viral infection, diabetes, alcohol and narcotic use Variable capsular antigen Consolidation

58 Gram staining reveals unique pairing, and blood agar cultures shows alpha-hemolysis, which are characteristic of S. pneumoniae. Fig Streptococcus pneumoniae

59 Consolidation is when the bronchioles and alveoli are blocked by inflammatory cells and exudate formation. Fig The course of bacterial pnuemonia.

60 Legionella Less common but still a serious infection
Survives in natural habitat (tap water, cooling towers, spas, etc.) Opportunistic disease

61 Legionella is an intracellular organism that can live in amoebas and in human phagocytes.
Fig Legionella living intracellular

62 Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Smallest known bacteria No cell wall Walking pneumonia – atypical pneumonia

63 Viral infection Hantavirus
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)-associated coronavirus

64 Hantavirus Emerging disease Acute respiratory distress syndrome
Hantavirus antigen become disseminated throughout the blood stream Loss of fluid from blood vessels

65 The number of hantavirus cases is increasing in the western part of the U.S.
Fig Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome cases.

66 SARS Concentrated in China and Southeast Asia
Few cases in Australia, Canada, and the United States. Symptoms can resemble influenza and RSV viruses Viral genome has been fully sequenced

67 Fungal infection Histoplasma capsulatum Pneumocystis jiroveci

68 Histoplasm capsulatum
Associated with many names – Darling’s disease, Ohio Valley fever, spelunker’s disease Array of manifestations Benign or severe Acute or chronic Intracellular AIDS patients are at risk Endemic

69 Evidence of the prevalent nature of the disease.
Fig Sign in wooded area in Kentucky.

70 Pneumocystis jiroveci
Formerly called Pneumoncystis carinii Opportunistic infection in AIDS patients Healthy individuals ward off the infection Intracellular and extracellular Cyanosis

71 Nosocomial pneumonia Multiple bacterial species
Pneumonia acquired by patients in hospitals and other health care residential facilities Second most common nosocomial infection

72 Features of pneumonia caused by bacteria, virus, and fungi.
Checkpoint Pneumonia

73 Summary of the diseases associated with the respiratory tract.
Toxonomic organization of microorganisms causing Disease in the respiratory tract

74 Infectious Diseases Affecting the Respiratory System.
Fig. 21.p683

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