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1 Smart and innovative solutions to increase productivity and enhance the quality of government services.

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1 1 Smart and innovative solutions to increase productivity and enhance the quality of government services

2 2 Vision and goals of the Federal Government Human Resources Information Management System, ‘Bayanati’ Providing a unified and integrated database for all federal government employees to support decision-making Planning Assisting in the planning and management of human and financial resources Integrated and smart system for the management of human capital in the Federal Government ‘Bayanati’ is a smart electronic platform for many of modern HR services, procedures and systems, designed to keep pace with the vision of our leadership, and rapid development in the Federal Government’s work. It encompasses: DataOperations Facilitating administrative procedures and financial operations related to human resources according to international best practices Statistics Providing accurate and timely statistics that reflect the exact position of the federal government in areas to do with HR

3 3 ‘Bayanati’ platform and its strategic pillars The best governmental service 2015 GCC e-Government award 01 Operations automation Developing smart, electronic systems to facilitate human resource procedures in the Federal Government 02 Service provision Developing services provided to employees as per international standards and clients’ needs 03 Enabling users Raising awareness and coaching users to ensure safe usage and accuracy of the government’s statistical database. 04 Value added to the clients Engaging the clients in decisions related to developing HR information systems 05 Upgrading electronic systems and services Upgrading systems to cope with the latest developments and leveraging of smart technologies to provide a host of service channels

4 4 Laws and Legislations Electronic Transformation Smart Transformation ‘Bayanati’ platform: e-transformation, smart transformation The FAHR app includes the ‘Bayanati’ HR gateway ‘Bayanati’ means transformation to e-laws and regulations Issuance of regulations and legislation

5 5 Smart and innovative solutions to increase service efficiency and productivity: HR smart app on the UAE Federal Government portal ‘Bayanati’ has led to the shift in HR management processes from routine procedures to a strategic role in increasing the efficiency of human resources and improving the delivery of government services. The shift to self-service and then smart service has contributed to reducing procedure costs, improving the service quality and speeding up transactions significantly. Automation of human resource procedures in the Federal Government The shift to employee self-service led to a 78% reduction of the daily HR routine work in the Federal Government Moving the services to the smart device app has decreased the time taken for self- service procedures by 50%

6 6 1. Performance planning stage 2. Periodic reviewing 3. Final assessment for performance management course 1,000 Smart Goals for 201 jobs The orientation towards increased employee productivity by shifting to ‘Smart Government’ in performance management Establishing of Smart Goals Bank for more than 200 jobs More than 84% of Federal Government employees were assessed by the Performance Management System The total number of goals set by the employees reached 142,000 goals in 2015 Performance has been linked to achievement and outstanding results A culture of continuous learning and increasing career progress through integration with the Electronic Training System has been developed Implementation of the unified Performance Management System led to a qualitative leap in institutional excellence based on goals that are compatible with the strategic plan. Improvement plans that link performance assessment by training needs through the Electronic Training System

7 7 Smart statistical reporting (business intelligence) Tracking improvement points and goal- reaching percentage based on government indicators Using Balanced Scorecard, a strategy performance management tool Creating the unified database for 94,000 Federal Government employees Providing more than 700 statistics and in- depth report of HR data in the Federal Government Issuing the Statistical Review of the Federal Government workforce App-enabled self-service cut the workload of HR departments and let them invest more time in assessing performance and preparing smart statistical reports

8 8 The Next Step Prediction and future planning for human capital in the Federal Government Providing a strategic planning mechanism for the workforce in the Federal Government, based on facts and historical data. This will be achieved through implementation of systematic and innovative approaches and defining future trends. Increasing the efficiency of HR departments in the Federal Government in planning and preparing more precise budgets through five main dimensions: right scale; right form; right skills; right place; and right cost. The electronic system of strategic planning for the workforce was prepared and approved by the UAE Cabinet Services Council. The goals are:

9 9 Customer satisfaction surveys Results of customer surveys on self-service and the smart app show that customer satisfaction levels far exceed targets. FAHR smart appGeneral satisfaction on the self-service system General satisfaction on the statistical data reporting system Targeted Achieved 70% 79% 70% 75% Targeted Achieved 70% 72% Targeted Achieved

10 10 The most important elements of success and experience gained The importance of investing in smart device apps for internal service (within government institutions), especially in the area of human resources, as adopting smart solutions will lead to big savings of time, effort and cost. This, in turn, will lead to a qualitative leap in government institutions’ productivity and the level of services they provide. Raising awareness among HR personnel on the importance of adopting innovative solutions for routine tasks, and concentrating more on strategic planning to improve the performance and productivity of employees. Attracting and retaining top talent, training employees in innovation skills, encouraging suggestions and spreading a culture of excellence.

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