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Geography + International Relations Objective: Understand the concept of geopolitics. Analyze the similarities and differences between the theories of.

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Presentation on theme: "Geography + International Relations Objective: Understand the concept of geopolitics. Analyze the similarities and differences between the theories of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geography + International Relations Objective: Understand the concept of geopolitics. Analyze the similarities and differences between the theories of Wallerstein, Ratzel, Mackinder and Spykman.

2 1. I believe that America should try and gain more land around the world. 2. I believe that weak countries should be taken over by stronger countries. 3. I believe that every state should make attempts to expand their borders. 4. I believe that each state is doomed to fail no matter what resources they have. 5. Like all great states in history, I believe that America will fall to a greater state.

3 Geography + power + politics + international relations Helps us understand the arrangements and forces that are transforming the map of the world Classical geopolitics German School – sought to explain why certain states are powerful and how to become powerful British/America School – sought to offer strategic advice for states and explain why countries interact at the global scale the way they do Most geopoliticians today fall into the British/American school of thought and offer geostrategic perspectives on the world

4 Immanuel Wallerstein Explains how the Capitalist World Economy was created Connections between economic & political factors of states Change bottom section to “Relationship between economic and political power”

5 Core Periphery Semi-periphery Colonialism Capitalism

6 How does each country fit into the big picture today? Key Assumptions: 1. The world economy has one market (Capitalism) and a global division of labor. 2. Although the world has many states, almost everything takes place within the context of the world economy. (Colonialism set this up…& every state is interdependent now.) three-tier structure. 3. The world economy is a three-tier structure. It is about processes…but they occur in places.

7 Europeans laid ground rules for state system Europeans laid ground rules of capitalist world economy – interdependence that persists today Concentration of wealth brought to Europe during colonialism is the reason for today’s uneven global distribution of power Each state fits in somehow Need to understand spatial and functional relationships within world economy to understand any state Political independence is possible not economic independence Core – high education/salaries/technology Periphery – low education/technology/salaries Semi-periphery – combination of core and periphery processes

8 Wealth allows for ability to influence others or achieve political goals Often, political power is lacking where there is no wealth

9 Overemphasizes economic factors in political development Very state-centric No consideration of internal factors No clear identification of core/semi-periphery/periphery

10 Periphery Semi- periphery CORE Low Technology Lack of Education Little Wealth Both Core and Periphery processes occur. Technology Education Wealth

11 What do you notice about the location of Core / Semi-Periphery / Periphery? How does this connect to previous units on:  Population  Migration  Religion  Colonization  Globalization


13 German 1844-1904 German 1844-1904 – What’s going on then? Why are some states powerful? How do states become more powerful? Organic State Theory Organic State Theory : State must grow! Must “Feed the State”…but what can it eat? Lebensraum Lebensraum = Living Space Borders are Temporary! What forces drive this?

14 Nationalism for People Loyalty to Nation (not state?) Desire for sovereignty? Nationalism for the State Government becomes nationalistic Promote a Nation within the State (Nation-State) Identify with us or Identify–Against others

15 Main Idea: States must grow, they can only thrive when they attain more territory Details: Explains why certain states are powerful and how states can become powerful State resembles a living organism & goes through the life cycle To thrive, state needs nourishment through lebensraum (living space) If state is confined, it will die Borders are temporary Colonialism/imperialism drive this theory

16 Criticisms Based on speculation Ultimately led to Nazi expansionism, Hitler embraced geopolitics to justify the right for lebensraum because of racial superiority 1:10 Min.

17 "Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland; Who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island; Who rules the World-Island controls the world." The World-Island hold over 50% of the World’s Resources!

18 Q. Where would the conflicts be? A. The Rimland…also called the Shatterbelt.

19 Main Idea: Whichever state controls the Heartland could eventually dominate the world Details: Determination of most strategic places on Earth Land-based power, not sea-based will ultimately rule the world Heartland = eastern Europe – eastern Siberia World Island = Europe, Asia, Africa – contains 50% of the world’s resources “Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland, who rules the Heartland commands the World Island, who rules the World Island commands the world

20 Emergence of Soviet Union and control over Eastern Europe gave theory more attention Mackinder issued advice before he died: Keep Soviets in check by creating alliance around North Atlantic Shortly after, US began containment (policy to stop spread of communism) and NATO formed Domino Theory – if one country falls to communism, many more will

21 1:45 Min.

22 Must control the Heartland…but how? CONTAINMENT! Creates NATO…Warsaw Pact response. Who controls the Rimland rules Eurasia; Who rules Eurasia controls the destinies of the world.

23 Main Idea: The Eurasian Rimland (Western Europe, North Africa, Asia), not the Heartland would be key to global power Details: Response to Heartland Theory Rimland is important in containing the Heartland “Who controls the Rimland rules Eurasia, who rules Eurasia controls the destinies of the world Known as the godfather of containment https://www.yout =rF1BvsTMxqU 2:45 Min.






29 Relative Military Spending by the nations of the world, ca. 2003: Distribution of American Forces in the Unipolar World

30 How can you explain IRAQ in Political Geography terms? Think about: Heartland Theory Rimland Theory Organic Theory Deconstruct and focus on explaining the spatial assumptions and territorial perspectives. Don’t try & control the world, just try and understand it. What are the intellectual of statecraft saying?

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