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3 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY Two NPP sites with four operating reactors and one being constructed Spent nuclear fuel: ~ 1800 tU LILW from NPPs: ~ 10 000 m3 No other fuel cycle facilities Waste from small users of radio- isotopes around 50 m 3 in central storage NORM waste variable amounts from metal industry uranium production envisaged

4 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY Operating waste repository In future Interim storage of spent nuclear fuel Final disposal of spent nuclear fuel Teollisuuden Voima OyFortum Power and Heat Oy Posiva Oy Operating waste repository Olkiluoto power plantLoviisa power plantInterim storage of spent nuclear fuel

5 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY Classification of nuclear waste Classification for predisposal management purpose Cleared waste has activity concentration levels 10, 1 or 0,1 Bq/g depending on nuclide Low level waste can be treated without any special radiation protection arrangements; activity concentration generally less than 1 MBq/kg Intermediate level waste need effective radiation protection arrangements when treated: activity concentration generally from 1 MBq/kg to 10 GBq/kg High level waste needs very effective radiation protection arrangements and cooling; activity concentration generally more than 10 GBq/kg Classification for disposal purpose Short-lived waste has, after a time period of 500 years, activity concentration less than 100 MBq per kg of each disposal package and less than 10 MBq per kg on the average in each emplacement room Long-lived waste has, after a time period of 500 years, activity concentration more than 100 MBq per kg of each disposal package and or more than 10 MBq peg kg on the average in each emplacement room


7 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY Evolution of the spent fuel management policy 1970’s Spent fuel was regarded as an asset and reprocessing was the only option –Contract on return of spent fuel from the Loviisa NPP to Soviet Union –Reprocessing of the Olkiluoto NPP spent fuel was negotiated but never contracted 1980’s - mid 1990’s Government Decision of 1983 –Primary objective: irrecoverable transfer abroad, central repositories were preferred –Secondary objective: preparedness for final disposal in Finland Mid-1990’s – the present Amendment of Nuclear Energy Act of 1994 –Permanent disposal in Finland, no export or import of spent fuel Once-through option is less expensive and complex than reprocessing-recycling Inadequate reliance on foreign or international waste management solutions The future New fuel cycle approaches may be adopted –Start of disposal in 2020 but permanent closure of repository not until next century –Retrieval of waste canisters from the repository is technically feasible

8 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY 8 21.10.2010/ER Prior to disposal, the decay heat of spent fuel is decreased by interim storage for 30 - 50 years in on-site pool facilities

9 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY 9 21.10.2010/ER Spent fuel elements are inserted into iron-copper disposal canisters in an encapsulation facility Lo 1&2Ol 1&2Ol 3

10 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY 10 21.10.2010/ER The waste canisters, surrounded by bentonite buffer, are deposited into bedrock holes at about 0,5 km depth Vertical deposition Horizontal deposition Canister Bentonite Backfill Canister Bentonite Hostrock

11 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY 11 21.10.2010/ER Confirmation in-situ investigations are being made in the underground rock characterization facility (brown/yellow) prior to the construction of the repository

12 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY 12 21.10.2010/ER Progress in spent fuel disposal program PeriodImplementationRegulatory activity 1983 - 1999 Technical planning Site investigations R&D Government’s Policy Decision STUK’s safety reviews in 1987, 1994 and 1997 1997 - 2001 EIA program and report Decision in Principle application Safety regulations EIA review/judgement STUK’s preliminary safety appraisal Government’s Decision in Principle 2000 - 2012 Confirming site investigations including the URCF Research and technical development Construction license application Oversight of site investigations Review of the status of and plans for RTD at three years interval 2013 - 2020 Construction of the facilities Operating license application Review of the CL application Oversight of construction 2021 - Operation of the facilities Review of the OL application Oversight of operation


14 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY Management of LILW at the NPPs Treatment –Evaporation (Lo1&2, Ol1&2&3) –Nuclide removal (Lo1&2) –Ion-exchange (Ol1&2&3, Lo1&2) –Decanter centrifuging (Ol1&2&3) –Compaction (Lo1&2, Ol1&2&3) –Segmentation (Lo1&2, Ol1&2&3) Conditioning –Bituminisation (Ol1&2) –Cementation (Lo, under comm.) –In-drum drying (Ol 3) Storage –Buffer storages (Lo, Ol) –Tank storage for wet waste (Lo) Disposal –On-site rock cavern repositories

15 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY Clearance of VLLW Very low level waste (e.g. trash, metal scrap oil) is cleared from regulatory control at the Finnish NPPs Unconditional clearance is based on fixed activity limits (e.g. 1 Bq/g for Co-60 and Cs-137) and is limited to 100 t per year and NPP Conditional clearance with case-by-case activity limits and knowledge of fate of material for higher waste amounts

16 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY Centrifuge - decanter The centrifuge decanter system is used for separation of radioactive particles in low active liquid waste

17 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY In-drum drying system Liquid waste Air Exhaust air Waste water Buffer tank Condenser Vacuum Unit In-Drum Drying Station Scrubber Very effective volume reduction conditioning method for liquid waste

18 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY Joint Convention 18.5.2006 18 Cement solidification facility Under commissioning at the Loviisa NPP

19 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY Disposal of LILW The Olkiluoto repository, taken into operation in 1992, consists of rock silos at 60-95 m depth in tonalite bedrock The Loviisa repository, taken into operation in 1998 (LLW caverns) and in 2011 (ILW cavern), consists of rock caverns at 110 m depth in granite bedrock The ILW disposal units have reinforced concrete structures as containment barrier while the LLW units are shotcreted rock caverns Active institutional post-closure control is not required Future enlargements for decommissioning waste and for new NPPs foreseen Also small-user radioactive waste will be disposed of in the LILW repositories


21 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY Management of small user radioactive waste Main options for the management of disused sealed sources are return to the supplier or transfer to the national interim storage Interim storage for small-user radioactive waste is located in conjunction with the Olkiluoto LILW repository The storage receives waste, mainly disused sealed sources, upon compensation from small users and conditions them as necessary The waste drums with a total volume of about 50 m 3 and total activity around 30 TBq are stored in concrete boxes. Waste packages which meet the acceptance criteria, will be disposed of in the Olkiluoto repository in near future

22 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY NORM waste A uranium mining and milling pilot plant site, operated some 50 years ago, was remediated in mid 90’s 0.25 km2 area of M&M waste were covered with till and soil A mining shaft was closed with rock Re-ditching was done in the area Restrictions were set for future land use An application for recovery of about 350 tonnes of uranium per year as byproduct in nickel mining and milling has been submitted Other NORM waste arise mainly from conventional mining and metals processing industry; in most cases on-site landfill disposal of NORM waste with other residues from the practice is feasible


24 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY 24 PVM/NN Legislation Nuclear Energy Act and Decree, Decree on the State Nuclear Waste Management Fund (1988) General principles and obligations Licensing procedures Regulatory control and enforcement Nuclear waste management Financial liabilities for future WM Radiation Act and Decree (1991) General radiation protection principles Licensing system Regulatory control and enforcement Management of small-user radioactive waste Management of spent sealed sources Environmental Impact Assessment Act (1994) EIA process, preceding licensing of major nuclear facilities

25 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY 25 PVM/NN Main bodies in nuclear waste management Government MEE STUK TVO FPH Posiva Research Institutes Consultants Licensing Regulations Supervision

26 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY 26 PVM/NN Regulatory responsibilities The Government Grants licenses for major nuclear facilities Issues general safety regulations Ministry of Employment and the Economy (MEE) Makes decisions on national nuclear waste policy Oversees nuclear waste management and related R&D Oversees financing for future nuclear waste management Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) Controls radiation and nuclear safety (including emergency preparedness, physical protection and safeguards) Makes technical and safety related reviews of license applications and other safety documents Issues detailed safety regulations

27 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY 27 PVM/NN Implementing responsibilities The NPP utilities FPH and TVO Interim storage of spent fuel Conditioning and disposal of LILW from the operation of NPP Planning for the decommissioning of NPP Posiva (owned by FPH and TVO) Research, development and design for spent fuel disposal Later on, implementation of spent fuel disposal

28 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY 28 PVM/NN Regulatory functions Regulatory instruments Licensing obligations Mandatory regulations Control of licensed waste management activities reviews/approvals of safety documents on-site inspections Oversight of preparations for waste management Review of triennial RTD programme Review and assessment of topical reports Supporting activities Independent research and external review teams International collaboration Communication

29 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY 29 Authorization steps for major nuclear facilities Decision-in-principle Proponent’s application, appended by an EIA report STUK’s preliminary safety judgement Request for host municipality’s consent Government’s decision Parliament’s ratification Construction license Proponent’s application, appended by PSAR and other safety documents STUK’s safety review Government’s decision Operating license Proponent’s application, appended by FSAR and other safety documents STUK’s safety review Government’s decision

30 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY 30 PVM/NN Licensing of nuclear facilities STUK Government MEE ParliamentHost municipality Acceptance/rejection of DiP Applicant Public Review Application/ decision Judgement of safety Opinions Info Other authorities Standing advisory committees Expert bodies StatementsInfo Reports

31 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY Safety regulations General safety regulations Government Decree on the safety of Nuclear Power Plants; covers also interim storage of spent fuel and treatment and conditioning of LILW from operation of NPP Government Decree on the Safety of Nuclear Waste Disposal, covers disposal of spent fuel and other types of nuclear waste Government Decree on Emergency Preparedness Government Decree on the Security of Nuclear Facilities Government Decree on the Production of Uranium and Thorium (to be issued in 2011) STUK’s YVL Guides Guide YVL D.3: Handling and storage of nuclear fuel Guide YVL D.4: Processing and storage of low and intermediate level waste from a nuclear facility, and decommissioning of a nuclear facility Guide YVL D.5: Disposal of nuclear waste Guide YVL D.6: Production of uranium and thorium

32 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY R&D and technical support Nuclear waste generators’ RTD-programme Generators of nuclear waste have full responsibility for the research and technical development (RTD) needed for the implementation of nuclear waste management The volume of the programme is a few tens of million euros per year and its key areas include –Site confirmation investigations at Olkiluoto –Encapsulation and disposal technology development, in collaboration with SKB –Safety research, e.g. within EU integrated projects The utilities’ RTD programme is subject to regulatory review every three years Support for the regulatory authorities The Public Sector’s Research Programme (KYT) –Aims at maintaining national expertise and supporting the authorities in the waste management –Is financed from a fund augmented by the utilities (volume about 1,7 M€/year) STUK has no regulatory research staff but STUK relies on external domestic or foreign experts to obtain adequate support for its regulatory activities –The costs of these activities are charged directly from the utilities (volume about 1 M€/year) –The activities aim at deepening the regulatory reviews conducted by STUK, follow-up of the Olkiluoto site confirmation activities, developing STUK’s independent assessment capabilities and resolving key issues related to the safety of nuclear waste disposal

33 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY International collaboration International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) STUK participates actively in the development of safety standards (WASSC) Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of OECD countries Issues collective opinions, expert group reports, member country status reports… Focal areas safety case for disposal, decommissioning, stakeholder involvement Western European Nuclear Regulators’ Association (WENRA) Develops common approach for nuclear safety e.g. by issuing safety reference levels Has a Working Group for Waste and Decommissioning European Nuclear Safety Regulator Group (ENSREG) Created by European commission and composed of member state regulators Aims at common approaches and continuous improvement in nuclear safety and in radioactive waste management Directive on spent fuel and radioactive waste management under development Bi- and trilateral co-operation Regular collaboration meetings are held between STUK and SSM (Sweden) aa well as with STUK, SSM and ASN (France)

34 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY 34 PVM/NN Financial liability system Basic goals To ensure that costs of future waste management waste management and decommissioning costs are born by waste generator and included in the price of nuclear electricity can be recovered even in case of insolvency of the waste generator Funding system Licensees submit at three years interval for regulatory review the technical plans and cost calculation on which the liability estimates are based After confirmation of the financial liabilities, the licensees pay fees to a state controlled segregated fund and provide securities for the liability not yet covered by the funded money Licensees have the priority to borrow assets from the Fund up to 75 % against securities The whole liability was around 2100 M€ in 2010 (about 10 % of the production costs of nuclear electricity) and about 90 % of the liability has been funded

35 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY Spent fuel and radioactive waste management policies and strategies

36 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY Policy - 1 Legislative basis Nuclear waste is regulated by the Nuclear Energy Act and is defined as radioactive waste, including spent fuel, arising from the use of nuclear energy. Other radioactive waste, often called as small user waste, is subject to the Radiation Act. Political decision-making and public consultation Construction of a major nuclear waste facility shall be in line with the overall good of the society, as judged by the Government and the Parliament. Consent of the proposed host municipality is required for the construction of such facility. An environmental impact assessment shall be conducted prior to the first authorization step of a major nuclear waste facility

37 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY Policy - 2 Responsibilities Licensee of a nuclear waste management facility shall ensure its safe use including physical protection and emergency preparedness Producer of nuclear waste is responsible for –waste management and decommissioning, including related RDD work, –financing the costs of future waste management and decommissioning The State is responsible for nuclear waste after its approved disposal User of radioactive substances must render harmless the radioactive waste arising from his operations, including NORM practices A financial security shall be furnished for a sealed source or other radioactive waste with substantial liability. The State has the secondary responsibility in case a producer of nuclear or radioactive waste is not capable to fulfil his management obligation

38 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY Policy - 3 Waste management and decommissioning principles Nuclear waste –generated in Finland shall be handled, stored and permanently disposed of in Finland. –generated elsewhere shall not be handled, stored or permanently disposed of in Finland A long-term schedule for the implementation of nuclear waste disposal has been issued by the MEE Disused sealed sources –the preferable management option is return to the supplier/manufacturer. –if not feasible, can be transferred to STUK’s central storage Decommissioning –shall be considered already in the design of a nuclear facility –plans shall be updated regularly during the operation of the facility –implementation shall not be unjustifiably postponed

39 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY Policy - 4 Safety principles and control Safety of nuclear waste management facilities –shall be kept as high as reasonably achievable –shall be enhanced by all actions justified by safety research and the progress in science and technology Nuclear waste shall be disposed of so that –no radiation impact exceeding the currently acceptable level will occur in the future –ensuring long-term safety does not depend on the surveillance of the disposal site STUK is responsible for –the judgement of safety in authorization processes –the control of the safe management of nuclear and other radioactive waste

40 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY Strategy - 1 Responsibilities Producers of nuclear waste (NPP utilities TVO and FPH) take care of –interim storage of spent fuel, –conditioning and disposal of low and intermediate level waste –planning for the decommissioning of the NPPs A joint company by FPH and TVO, Posiva, is responsible for the preparations for and later implementation of spent fuel disposal Producers of other radioactive waste manage their waste within the limits of their technical capability and ensuring safety and security Small user waste can be handed over to STUK against a fee that covers the interim storage and later disposal of the waste.

41 SÄTEILYTURVAKESKUS STRÅLSÄKERHETSCENTRALEN RADIATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY Strategy - 2 Waste management and decommissioning objectives Disposal of low and intermediate level waste –LILW that meets the acceptance criteria for the repositories at the NPP sites will be disposed of without unnecessary delays –LILW that cannot yet be disposed of, is stored safely –also decommissioning waste and some small user waste is envisaged to be disposed of in the rock cavern repositories at the NPP sites Spent fuel disposal programme –is conducted with the goal for starting the disposal operations is the year 2020. –is subject to comprehensive regulatory reviews at three years intervals. Strategy for decommissioning of the NPPs –is optimized taking into account technical, radiological, workforce and future site use aspects –takes advantage of options for clearance of waste and buildings and for on- site disposal of decommissioning waste.


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