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College for All Texans Foundation A non-profit organization supporting the THECB.

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1 College for All Texans Foundation A non-profit organization supporting the THECB

2 History and Purpose Established in 2001 Purpose The corporation is organized specifically to assist and at all times shall be operated exclusively for the benefit of, to perform the functions of, or to carry out the purposes of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, an agency of the State of Texas ("THECB"), in carrying out its authorized purposes as set forth in the Texas Education Code, Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated. The Corporation will be operated, supervised, or controlled by or in connection with the THECB. ̴ Articles of Incorporation

3 Trustees Officers Neal W. Adams Chairman & President Lorraine Perryman Vice President A.W. “Whit” Riter, III Treasurer Elaine Mendoza Secretary Trustees Harold Hahn Fred Heldenfels Woody Hunt Robert “Bobby” Jenkins, Jr. Joseph R. Krier Charles R. Matthews Raymond Messer, P.E. Raymund Paredes, ex-officio

4 Functions Submit proposals to foundations and provide stewardship of funds entrusted to CFAT In 2013, CFAT processed 582 payments, managed 31 vendor contracts totaling $845,000 Amount transmitted to THECB was $661,613 Net assets at end of August 2013 were $3,242,587 Of CFAT expenses in 2013, 92% went directly to program expenses, 6% to administration, and 2% to fundraising

5 Achievements CFAT has raised over $18 million since its inception to assist the THECB in reaching the goals of Closing the Gaps by 2015 through activities such as those listed below. Generation TX Campaign (Previously Education Go Get It! Campaign) Advise TX College Advising Corps Multiple Funders Collegiate G-Force Program Specialty License Plate Scholarships Texas Grants Texas Retailers Association Higher Education Policy Institute Houston Endowment Higher Education Productivity Lumina Foundation Improving Use of Educational Data Gates Foundation Texas Affordable Baccalaureate EDUCAUSE Financial Aid Financial Aid Outreach Funder Interest

6 Current Activities Continue to administer the multi-year $1.9 million grant from Houston Endowment to support the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI). Current projects include: – TSI study – Workforce and Community College Baccalaureate studies – Development of the next statewide strategic plan for Texas higher education – Design and printing of 2013–2015 Higher Education Almanacs Use funds from Lumina Foundation to promote the value of a college degree and to support a study to explore new outcomes-based funding options. Continue to administer the $1 million grant from EDUCAUSE to support the development of an affordable baccalaureate degree program. Continue to administer the multi-year $420,000 grant from Sid Richardson to promote and accelerate improvements in university-based teacher preparation programs. Continue to raise funding for Advise TX. Raised $2,761,490, cumulative from 2011–2014, in grants and pledges from a total of 15 organizations and multiple private donors to support 125 college advisers in high-needs high schools.

7 CFAT Advise TX supporters NuStar Foundation The Zachry Foundation USAA Foundation Amon G. Carter Foundation Rackspace Foundation Hunt Family Foundation Bank of America Foundation AT&T Foundation Ed Rachal Foundation Private Donors National College Advising Corps Kresge Foundation New York Life Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Greater Texas Foundation Meadows Foundation Dell Foundation Total 15,000 15,000 30,000 50,000 51,840 84,840 115,000 200,000 250,000 282,000 290,000 330,750 351,000 696,060 2,761,490 0 3 year 2 year 3 year 2 year 3 year 2 year

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