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Mindfulness Put your head down Close your eyes Be Quiet Relax.

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Presentation on theme: "Mindfulness Put your head down Close your eyes Be Quiet Relax."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mindfulness Put your head down Close your eyes Be Quiet Relax

2 College and Career Foundations 2/22/16 College and Career Exploration 2/22 Cover Letter Completion 2/23Verbal Communication TB p. 135-139 Cornell notes HW: TB p. 148 #1-7 2/24Listening Skills TB p. 140-143 CN 2/25Listening Skills TB p. 144-147 CN 2/26Communication Quiz- Written and Verbal

3 College and Career Foundations 2/22 College and Career Exploration Late Work Facebook Profile Project Cornell Notes from TB p. 4-13 TB p. 18 #1-9 Career Comparison Cornell Notes Career Comparison Venn Diagram

4 Missing or late work goes on the teachers desk

5 Date:2/22 Objective: I can complete a cover letter to a company for a career in which I am interested As a class read VM-B Cover letters

6 Date:2/22 Objective: I can complete a cover letter to a company for a career in which I am interested Independently read the “ Experienced Cover Letter Sample” Identified each paragraph as: Closing Introduction Matching Problem Solver

7 Date:2/22 Objective: I can complete a cover letter to a company for a career in which I am interested Research Chicago companies that work with your career interest. Search: Chicago company for ______________ Write down key information Address What the company does Who is a contact

8 Date:2/22 Objective: I can complete a cover letter to a company for a career in which I am interested 1. Create a cover letter to one of the companies you researched. 2.Use a letter format in google docs. 3.Cover Letter must have 4 paragraphs -Introduction -Problem Solver -Matching -Closing 4.Share your document with Mr. Stoll (

9 Date:2/22 Objective: I can complete a cover letter to a company for a career in which I am interested 1.Cover Letter must have 4 paragraphs (Use the handouts) -Introduction-How did you learn about the job -Why are you interested in the job -How will your interests benefit the employer -Problem Solver-How do your education relate to this job -discuss your related skills - discuss experience you have -Matching- how do your qualifications match the job -Closing - reiterate your interest - how can you be reached Share your document with Mr. Stoll (

10 Date:2/23 Objective: I can complete a cover letter to a company for a career in which I am interested Start at your computer Complete the cover letter


12 Date:2/23 Objective: I can complete a cover letter to a company for a career in which I am interested 1.Cover Letter must have 4 paragraphs (Use the handouts) -Introduction-How did you learn about the job -Why are you interested in the job -How will your interests benefit the employer -Problem Solver-How do your education relate to this job -discuss your related skills - discuss experience you have -Matching- how do your qualifications match the job -Closing - reiterate your interest - how can you be reached Share your document with Mr. Stoll (

13 Date:2/23 Objective: I can investigate the process for verbal communication Come back to the tables

14 Date:2/23 Objective: I can investigate the process for verbal communication one person get text books for the whole table

15 Date:2/23 Objective: I can investigate the process for verbal communication Independently read TB p. 135-139 and take Cornell notes Title: 2/23 TB p. 135 15 min You are graded on independent work and completion of Cornell Notes

16 Date:2/23 Objective: I can investigate the process for verbal communication Independently read TB p. 135-139 and take Cornell notes Title: 2/23 TB p. 135 15 min You are graded on independent work and completion of Cornell Notes Complete TB p. 148 #1-7 in your notebook

17 Date:2/24 Objective: I can investigate the process for verbal communication Bell Ringer: List 4 of the 6 steps to effective communication

18 Date:2/24 Objective: I can investigate the process for verbal communication Independently complete the LSA-1 pre-quiz

19 Date:2/24 Objective: I can investigate the process for verbal communication Independently complete the Verbal communication pre-quiz Answers

20 Date:2/24 Objective: I can investigate the process for verbal communication Listen More, Talk Less Student Speech “I know what you did last Summer”

21 Date:2/24 Objective: I can investigate the process for verbal communication Listen More, Talk Less Independently answer the questions on the quiz “Listen More Talk Less”

22 Date:2/24 Objective: I can investigate the process for verbal communication Listen More, Talk Less Independently answer the questions on the quiz “Listen More Talk Less”

23 Date:2/24 Objective: I can investigate the process for verbal communication Independently read TB p. 140-143 and take Cornell Notes in your NB Title: 2/24TB p. 140 You are graded on independent work And note completion 10 min

24 Date:2/25 Objective: I can investigate and develop the Skills to interact positively with others. Bell Ringer: 1. Why is listening considered an excellent skill to possess in the workplace? 2. What are some techniques you can use in order to be an effective listener?

25 Date:2/25 Objective: I can investigate and develop the Skills to interact positively with others. Video Listening 1

26 Date:2/25 Objective: I can investigate the process for verbal communication Fine Art of Listening What are some examples of Jen’s poor listening? What Jen could do to be a more effective listener?

27 Date:2/25 Objective: I can investigate and develop the Skills to interact positively with others. Independently complete “Say What? Fine Art of Listening 2 pre-quiz

28 Date:2/25 Objective: I can investigate and develop the Skills to interact positively with others. Independently complete “Say What? Fine Art of Listening 2 pre-quiz Review Answers

29 Date:2/25 Objective: I can investigate and develop the Skills to interact positively with others. “The person who listens well takes notes.” -Dante Read Anecdote 1 and 2

30 Date:2/25 Objective: I can investigate and develop the Skills to interact positively with others. “The person who listens well takes notes.” -Dante Read Anecdote 1 and 2 Why is note-taking considered an essential listening skill? Why can a team only go as far as the leader’s vision

31 Date:2/25 Objective: I can investigate the process for verbal communication Fine Art of Listening II video

32 Date:2/25 Objective: I can investigate the process for verbal communication Fine Art of Listening II video

33 Date:2/25 Objective: I can investigate the process for verbal communication Write in your NB Title 2/25 Listening 2 1.Think of an actual message must relay to someone at school or at home today. 2.Write it down. 3.If you can’t think of a situation, make up a message you must relay to a family member or friend. 4.Write your message using the following as a guide: 5.What is it that the listener MUST understand? 6.Formulate their GOING, TELL, SAID message.

34 Date:2/25 Objective: I can investigate the process for verbal communication Starting with GOING, ask the students to write the message such as: “Alexis, I am GOING to talk to you about picking mom up at the airport at exactly 2:30PM.” Step 5: Then ask the students to formulate the TELL portion: “Let me TELL you that it is super-important that you are at the airport at exactly 2:30PM to give mom a ride home from American Airlines because there is nobody else who can get her.” Step 6: Finally, ask the students to formulate the SAID portion: “Like I SAID, I am counting on you to be there at 2:30PM, American Airlines. You can do it, right?” Step 7: Ask the students to read their GOING, TELL, SAID messages. Evaluate them. Do they sound “natural”? Do they sound respectful and not condescending or patronizing? Let the students know that it takes some skill to do this, so practice is important! Ask them to try this at home or at work and see if they notice an increase in people ac

35 Date:2/25 Objective: I can investigate the process for verbal communication Quiz tomorrow Verbal communication TB p 135-147 TB p. 148 #1-7 Communication process Assertive and passive speech Listen vs hearing Written Communication TB Cover Letter

36 Date:2/26 Objective: I can demonstrate my understanding of communication skills Quiz Verbal communication TB p 135-147 TB p. 148 #1-7 Communication process Assertive and passive speech Listen vs hearing Written Communication TB Cover Letter

37 Date:2/26 Objective: I can demonstrate my understanding of communication skills Quiz Verbal communication TB p 135-147 TB p. 148 #1-7 Communication process Assertive and passive speech Listen vs hearing Written Communication TB Cover Letter

38 Date:2/26 Objective: I can demonstrate my understanding of communication skills Complete self assessment

39 College and Career Foundations Date: 1/26 Objective: I can demonstrate my understanding of communication skills Session 207898 Denied press menu Enter your ID # Complete the Quiz When you finish, independently complete Activity #10 handout. Use MS Word to complete the drawing Figure 10-1 can be found on our webpage Save the document on your desktop Upload the saved document into your Google drive Share the drawing document with Mr. Stoll (

40 Date: 1/26 Objective: I can demonstrate my understanding of communication skills When you finish, independently complete Activity #10 handout. Use MS Word to complete the drawing Figure 10-1 can be found on our webpage Save the document on your desktop Upload the saved document into your Google drive Share the drawing document with Mr. Stoll ( Work due: TB p. 135-139 Cornell notes, TB p. 148 #1-7, TB p. 140-147 CN Late work: Cornell Notes from TB p. 4-13, TB p. 18 #1-9 Career Comparison Cornell Notes Career Comparison Venn Diagram

41 Date:2/22 Objective: I can complete a cover letter to a company for a career in which I am interested As a class read VM-B Cover letters r-planning-for-high-schoolers.htm

42 Missing Work Facebook Profile Project Cornell Notes from TB p. 4-13 TB p. 18 #1-9 Career Comparison Cornell Notes Career Comparison Venn Diagram If you did not finish in class, they are homework This work will be collected and graded Friday

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