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International Symposium of UNSAT-WASTE 2009 Shanghai, China, Aug 24–28, 2009 Bulletin No. 2 Second Announcement and Symposium Tours

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Presentation on theme: "International Symposium of UNSAT-WASTE 2009 Shanghai, China, Aug 24–28, 2009 Bulletin No. 2 Second Announcement and Symposium Tours"— Presentation transcript:

1 International Symposium of UNSAT-WASTE 2009 Shanghai, China, Aug 24–28, 2009 Bulletin No. 2 Second Announcement and Symposium Tours Hosted by: Tongji University, China Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, France Three Gorges University, China SKL of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, China In Cooperation with: TC6 - Unsaturated Soils of International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Commission on Radioactive Waste Disposal of International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM) Commission on Underground Waste Disposal of Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering INTRODUCTION Since the first announcement of "UNSAT-WASTE International Symposium" was launched, we have received supports from Chinese/international academic institutions and industry. Approximately 50 abstracts from 15 countries (districts) were received. The Symposium will be held on August 24-28, 2009 in Shanghai, China. SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Technical sessions will run over 2 days consisting of invited featured/general theme/keynote lectures and paper presentations. Coffee break and luncheon will be offered as well as a welcome reception, banquet. The Scientific program and Symposium tours have been defined, as follows. Aug 24 (Mon) Aug 25 (Tue) Aug 26 ( Wed) Aug 27 (Thu) Aug 28 (Fri) Registration (9:00 to 12:00) Registration (8:00 to 8:30) Keynote Lectures (Rothfuch/Wang) (9:30 to 10:40) Post- Symposium Tour (Three Gorges Dam - Yichang) Opening ceremony (8:30 to 9:00) Keynote Lectures (Alonso/Delage) (9:00 to 10:40) Coffee Break (10:40 to11:00) Coffee Break (10:40 to 11:00) General Theme Lectures (11:00 to 12:15) General Theme Lectures (11:00 to 12:30) Lunch (12:15 to 13:30) Lunch (12:30 to 13:30) Registration (13:30 to 18:00) Keynote Lecture (GENS) (13:30 to 14:20) Keynote Lecture (X.L. LI) (13:30 to 14:20) Coffee Break (14:20 to 14:40) General Theme Lectures (14:20 to 16:20) General Theme Lectures (14:40 to 17:30) Coffee Break (16:20 to 16:40) Panel discussion (16:40 to 17:30) Registration (19:30 to 21:00) Welcome reception (18:00 to20:00) Closing Ceremony (17:30 to 18:00) farewell party (18h15-21h00 )

2 INVITED LECTURES Eduardo E. ALONSO Expansive granular mixtures in nuclear waste isolation Antonio GENS Modelling THMC interactions for nuclear waste disposal Tilmann ROTHFUCH Long-term safety analysis and model validation through URL research: A major task of GRS' Final Repository Research Division Pierre DELAGE The THM behaviour of argillites used as geological barriers in hight level nuclear waste disposal Xiang-Ling LI Design and development of the large scale in-situ Praclay heater test and horizontal HLW disposal gallery seal test in Belgian URL HADES Ju WANG Site Characterization methodologies for Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste REGISTRATION Please fill out the Symposium Registration Form provided in this brochure or downloaded from and send it back via fax or email. Participants are encouraged to register for the Symposium as early as possible to ensure their reservation requirements are met. The registration fees (Prices in US dollars) are as follows. 1. Registration fee for Participants includes: Participation in the scientific program, opening ceremony, closing ceremony, welcome reception, banquet, two-day lunches, coffee breaks, and conference kit including CD copy and the Proceedings. 2. Registration fee for Students includes: Participation in the scientific program, opening ceremony, closing ceremony, two-day lunches, coffee breaks, and conference kit including CD copy and the Proceedings. 3. Symposium tour fee includes: Return flight, one night hotel, local transport and foods etc. ObjectRegistration feeSymposium tour fee Regular registration US$500 or € 400 US$380 or € 270 Student US$250 or € 200 SYMPOSIUM COORDINATORS Bao CHEN Ph.D., Associate Professor Tongji University Dept. of Geotechnical Engineerings, 1239, Siping road, 200092, Shanghai, P.R.China Tel: 0086-21-65982252 Fax: 0086-21-65985210 PAYMENT METHODS 1. By Bank Wire Transfer - Name of Bank : Bank of Shanghai, An’shan Sub-branch - Account Number : 316641 - 00001617808 - Swift Code : BOSHCNSH - Account Holder's Name : Shanghai Tongji Yantu Jianzhu Shiye Gongsi 2. In Cash Payment can be made at registration desk on Aug 24-26, 2009 in cash. Note: please leave your name on the transfer form, and the registration form should be sent back via email or fax with the payment method in cash checked.

3 VENUE The UNSAT-WASTE 2009 International Symposium will be held at Yifu Building in Tongji University, as shown in the map below. Address: 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai 200092. Tel. (86)21-65982252. Fax. (86)21-65985210. For more information about Tongji University, please visit Transportation (From Pudong International Airport to Tongji Universtity) Airport Information Desk is in the front of Domestic Security Check on the arrival floor (1st floor) 1. Taxi Taxi Stand: Taxi Stand is on the passenger car platform on the 2nd floor. Airport Information Desk is in the front of Domestic Security Check on the arrival floor (1st floor) - Approximately 50 minutes - Approximate cost of RMB150 2. Airport Bus + Taxi Airport Bus Line 4 to Dabaishu Station, and then take a taxi to Tongji Universty with cost of RMB15 -Air Bus Stand: Air Bus stand is near the Exit No.14 on the arrival floor (1st floor). HOTELS 同济大学 Tongji Universtiy For more information on transportation, please click: Note: All international flights arrive at Shanghai Pudong International Airport (PVG). Most domestic flights arrive at Shanghai Hongqiao Airport (SHA). PVG is 35 km from city center, while SHA is 13.5 km from city center. Airport buses and taxi are available whenever there are flights. Buses from Pudong International Airport to Tongji Universtiy operate on 20-30 minute intervals during the flight operation hours (7:20~23:00). The most convenient and cheapest way to get toTongji Universtiy is Airport Bus. Ticket to Tongji Universtiy costs RMB14 and can be purchased in the bus. StarHotel Name Single/double deluxe Room Remark ★★★ Magnolia Hotel US$61 RMB420 Tel:(86)021-65986888 ★★★★ Days Hotel US$88+15% RMB600+15 % Tel:(86)021-33626868 ★★ Tongji Guest House US$53 RMB360 Tel:(86)021-65016969 Tongji Cadre Building US$30 RMB200 Tel:(86)021-65980205 In the campus of Tongji University

4 Note : Above price is in the Exchange rate of March 11, 2009, which is subject to change. The above Hotels are shown in the map below. You are welcome to make your own arrangements at other hotels if you wish, although we will not be able to arrange your reservation. Payment can be made by credit card (Only Visa) or US dollars in cash or traveler's checks. VISA REQUIREMENTS Anyone wishing to travel to and enter China must have a valid passport and the appropriate Chinese visa. Please complete the Symposium Registration Form and send it to us, and we will forward you an Invitation Letter (needed for a visa application). Where to Apply for Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, consulate of China, or Chinese visa application center in your country or region. FEEDBACK Please complete this form and fax it back to Bao CHEN Ph.D. Tongji University : 86-21-65985210 1. Participant information Title: (Prof., Dr., Mr., Mrs. or Ms.) Family name: First name: ; Organisation: ; Address: ; Postal code: City: Country: ; Tel.: Fax: E-mail: ; Paper submission? Yes □ No □ Oral presentation? Yes □ No □ Paper title: Student? Yes □ No □ 2.Would you like to participate in the two-day post-symposium tour? Yes □ No □ Date Signature. Magnolia Hotel Yifu Building Days Hotel Tongji Guest House Tongji Cadre Building East Gate of Tongji Campus ObjectRegistration fee Symposium tour fee Total feePayment method □ Regular registration □ US$500 or €400 □ US$380 or €270 □ Bank Transfer □ In Cash □ Student □ US$250 or €200 □ US$380 or €270 □ Bank Transfer □ In Cash

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