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M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Working Group for Chapter 11 – Agriculture and Rural Development.

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1 M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Working Group for Chapter 11 – Agriculture and Rural Development Integrated Administration and Control System IACS Brussels, 11 – 13 December 2012 Darka Pajović IT Coordinator

2 Law on Agriculture and Rural Development, Official Gazette of Montenegro 56/2009 Law on Animal Identification and Registration, Official Gazette of Montenegro 48/2007 Articles 62-64 of the Law on Agriculture and Rural Development provide for setting up of a register of operators and the farm register as well as their contents and is in accordance with the Regulation 73/2009, Art.15. Article 64 applies to data collecting and use Article 67 provides for keeping of an Agricultural Market Information System Article 15 of the Law on Animal Identification and Registration lays down setting up of a central farm register, which includes the data on farms keeping animals. Legislation M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 11 Agriculture and rural development

3 Legislation Law on Agriculture and Rural development (Article 27) lays down that the Paying Agency is (among others) in charge of Setting up and implementation of the integrated control system Activities related to keeping registers, records and databases As an interim solution Ministry formed Department for payment reminiscent of the structure of the paying agency in accordance with the IPARD accreditation criteria (in the Sectoral Agreement covering Component V, IPA Annex I) and accreditation criteria for paying agencies for the post-accession period, defined by the EU Regulation 885/2006 with guidelines. M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 11 Agriculture and rural development

4 Existing computerized databases Animal Register Is kept by the Veterinary Administration (Law on Animal Identification and Registration) Web-oriented application JAVA / HTML / XML Oracle database Law on Animal Identification and Registration governs methods and procedures of livestock identification and registration, registration of holdings keeping livestock. March 2006 - March 2008 Animal Identification and Registration” Project, the Veterinary Administration of Montenegro has set up a register of owners, that is, bovine animal keepers, which is also used for incentives for this livestock species. Since August 2009, the second phase of the project has been implemented Small ruminants identification and registration (ovine and caprine animals). M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 11 Agriculture and rural development

5 Existing Computerized Databases Animal Register as an electronic database is a component for animal health monitoring The database includes the following: 1) THE CENTRAL FARM REGISTER (farm ID, geographic coordinates, animal species and number, data on the keeper and production type) 2)THE CATTLE FARMS REGISTER (data on the farm, data on the keeper and cattle on the farm) 3) THE SHEEP AND GOAT FARMS REGISTER (data on the farm, data on the keeper and sheep and goats on the farm) This register is to 26.novembra.2012. enrolled: 26 132 farms (owners of cattle, sheep and goats) of which 3052 households are owners of sheep and goats. The total number of cattle entered in the register is 108 783 The total number of sheep and goats entered in the register of the 266 490  The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development plans to link this register with the Farm Register. M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 11 Agriculture and rural development

6 Existing Computerized Databases Computerized records on the rights to premiums exercised under the measure 1.1.1 Direct support livestock production and 2.2.3 Sustainable Use of Mountain Pastures. The database covers municipalities and the data are centralized for the whole of Montenegro. Keeps Livestock Selection Service Biotechnical Faculty The data covered include: personal data, location, unique personal identification number (JMBG), number of animals and the amount of premiums approved. The databases are broken down by animal species. Agriculture Market Information System, monitoring of prices at livestock markets – AMIS project. Prices for several livestock categories are entered into the base on weekly basis. AMIS is a web application and the data are available at M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 11 Agriculture and rural development

7 Existing Computerized Databases The Extension Service for Plant Production has at its disposal databases related to beneficiaries of direct support: in field crop production since 2008, in tobacco production since 2010, in vegetable and greenhouse production since 2012. These databases include: names of beneficiaries, JMBG, area for which the support was received the amount of subsidies that the producers had been eligible for. M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 11 Agriculture and rural development

8 Existing Computerized Databases Grape and Wine Producer Register The legal grounds for the Central Register of Grape and Wine Producers are set by the Law on Wine, Official Gazette of Montenegro 36/07. Producers of grapes intended for wine making, wine producers, grapes and wine producers and persons engaged in trade in bulk wine are entered in this register. The register has around 380 grape and wine producers registered. The register has been kept since 2007 and it contains data on the farmer (first and last name, address), cadastral data (cadastral municipality, number of the cadastral plot, vineyard area in ha, number of vine plants, varieties and the year when the vineyard was set up) Entry in the register is done after farmers fill in the standard forms in Municipal services, which are then forwarded to the Ministry of Agriculture, where the Central Register is kept. M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 11 Agriculture and rural development

9 Existing Computerized Databases Olive Register There are 627 olive growers, owners of 60,777 olive trees are registered in the application olive register. The register contains data on the olive grove  owner,  cadastral data on the olive grow and  its characteristics: variety, number of trees of up to 10 years, number of trees from 10 to 50 years, number of trees above 50 and the number of revitalized trees with the percentage of the plantation revitalization performed. M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 11 Agriculture and rural development

10 Existing Computerized Databases Register of Agricultural Insurance Policy Holders Electronic database covering 6,000 insurance policy holders. The entry in the database is done after farmers apply to the municipalities, fill in the standard application forms and present the documentation required (proof of ownership over agricultural land (that they had or still have) for agricultural activity, birth certificate, residence and marital status, certificate verifying that they have no other income source) Requirement: men < 50, women < 45. Municipal services forward the documents to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.  The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development intends to use the abovementioned registers to create the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS). M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 11 Agriculture and rural development

11 National registers that may be used for cross- compliance control In accordance with the Law on Companies (Official Gazette of Montenegro 17/07, 80/08) the Central Register of the Commercial Court includes the data on registration of business operators. The database is available on-line at The Central Population Register is laid down by the Law on the Central Population Register (Official Gazette of Montenegro 49/2007) and it is run by the Ministry for Information Society. It is available in the electronic form, on-line. The Central Register of Bank Accounts has been set up in accordance with the Law on Payment Operations in the Country (Official Gazette of Montenegro 61/2008) and it is run by the Central Bank of Montenegro. The Decree on the contents of the Central Register (Official Gazette of Montenegro 15/2011) defines the data required for the legal and natural persons engaged in a registered business activity (entrepreneurs). M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 11 Agriculture and rural development

12 Cadastre - LPIS The work related to cadastre, setting up and maintenance of GIS is done by the Real Estate Administration of Montenegro, on the basis of the Law on State Survey and Cadastre of Real Estate (Official Gazette of Montenegro 29/07 and 32/11) The Law on State Survey and Cadastre of Real Estate lays down: geodetic-cadastral information system as the basic sub-system of the public bodies’ information system that provides a single record of geodetic and cadastral data on properties and ownership rights, access to data by authorized users regardless of where they are, exchange of data and information among the public bodies’ information system entities; the database of the real estate cadastre of Montenegro as an integrated base of alphanumeric and graphical data of the real estate cadastre M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 11 Agriculture and rural development

13 Cadastre - LPIS 60% of Montenegro’s cadastre is vectorised, 40% is covered by land cadastre with parcels position of which is unknown. There is an ongoing project - “Mark What is Yours”, which is a cadastral survey of the territory of Montenegro Numerical data on parcels and blocks of land are available at (Cadastre Municipality, Cadastral Parcel Number, Sub-number, Land use, Building, Potes, Area (m2),Source of rights, Type of rights, Part of rights) M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 11 Agriculture and rural development

14 Cadastre - LPIS M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 11 Agriculture and rural development

15 M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 11 Agriculture and rural development completed survey planned survey 2008-2013 not surveyed Cadastral survey of the territory of Montenegro

16 Cadastre - LPIS  At this moment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development does not have LPIS in place.  Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development plans to continue its cooperation with the Real Estate and the data will use to create LPIS. M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 11 Agriculture and rural development

17 Ongoing Activities Under the (Montenegro Institutional Development and Agriculture Strengthening) Project, the following has been developed: the Information System Development Strategy, and the Farm Registers Development Strategy (hardware and software). An international expert produced project documents, which are currently in the process of harmonization and adoption in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and in the Ministry for Information Society and Telecommunications.  MARD's activities began with the establishment of a unified register of agricultural producers M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 11 Agriculture and rural development

18 Job Classification An Office for Information Technology has been set up under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, which, according to the Job Classification and Systematization, has two posts. One has been staffed. In the Department for Databases, the systematization provides for 4 posts. One has been staffed. M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 11 Agriculture and rural development

19 Activities The objective of the MARD is to set up linked information systems and appropriate institutional and administrative capacity for their management and handling, as well as to ensure efficiency, integrity and security. Currently, Montenegro does not have IACS in place, which should, in future, provide support to the national and EU support programmes. A well linked network of institutions – Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry for Information Society, the Real Estate Administration, Monstat and infrastructure set up at a high level – provide a basis for development of an IACS, which will integrate all the EU requirements. M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 11 Agriculture and rural development

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