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Unit 3 – The Transformation of surgery c1845 – c1918 In this exam you are tested on your ability to analyse sources to support your knowledge of the topic.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3 – The Transformation of surgery c1845 – c1918 In this exam you are tested on your ability to analyse sources to support your knowledge of the topic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3 – The Transformation of surgery c1845 – c1918 In this exam you are tested on your ability to analyse sources to support your knowledge of the topic.

2 Unit 3 – The Transformation of surgery c1845 – c1918 Exam: 1hr 15minutes. This unit of the GCSE will draw on knowledge and skills from Unit 1; Medicine and Treatment. The unit examines: The reasons why surgery was limited before 1845. The three key problems that had to be overcome before surgery could advance - PAIN, INFECTION AND BLEEDING. How these problems were solved. The key individuals responsible for solving these problems. The opposition to new advances in surgery. The factors responsible for the advances in surgery.

3 Source enquiry skills: you will be tested on the following skills; Inference (What can you learn/work about the topic from the source?) Portrayal (how is the topic/subject/person being portrayed in this source eg. in a positive or negative way) Source analysis (Do you understand the source? Can you use the source as evidence to support an argument? Can you ask questions about the source?) Source evaluation for reliability (Can you make a judgement about the reliability of a source based on questions about its origin, context, purpose etc? Do these things affect its accuracy and reliability?) Source evaluation for utility (usefulness) – (Can you make a judgement about how useful a source is in helping your enquiry through question the origin, purpose, context of source? Remember because a source is biased does NOT make is useless. All sources are useful TO AN EXTENT. Cross referencing of sources (Can you compare sources looking for points of difference and/or similarity to come to a judgement supported by the sources) Using sources and own knowledge to make a judgement (Can you combine your analysis and understanding of sources with your own knowledge to answer the question)

4 Exam practice The more you practice using sources the easier it becomes. Look at the power points that cover each skill for practice questions.

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