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The Diary of Anne Frank Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett.

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Presentation on theme: "The Diary of Anne Frank Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Diary of Anne Frank Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett

2 Academic Vocabulary Target WordMeaningExamples Staging __________ Staging includes a play’s physical features – scenery, __________, lighting, sounds, as well as the _________of the characters. In the play, it is important to pay attention to the ______________ because the passing of time is often conveyed through the decorations and the characters’ costumes. Staging actions costumes staging elements

3 Academic Vocabulary Target WordMeaningExamples Stage Directions ____________ Stage directions are uses to help you __________ the characters, scenes, and actions. They are usually printed in _________ and are not spoken during the performance. Here is an example from the play: “Anne is ______ at the table, ________ in her diary. Peter, Mr. and Mrs. Van Daan and Dussel, are all in their own rooms, reading or lying down. italics visualize Stage directions seated writing

4 Academic Vocabulary Target WordMeaningExamples Historical Context __________ Historical context includes the time, place, customs, ____________, cultural attitudes, and ____________ of the period. The historical context of the play creates a ______________ of tension and danger. The playwrights had to convey the feelings of people living in _______ during ________. Historical Context political forces major events mood or feeling Europe WW2

5 The Diary of Anne Frank

6 Target WordMeaningExamples Conspicuous (adj) Con/spic/u/ous ____________ Something that is very _______ to notice, especially because of being ___________ from everything or everyone else. I felt very conspicuous in my ________. Academic Vocabulary Conspicuous easy different red coat

7 Target WordMeaningExamples Mercurial (adj.) Mer/cur/i/al ____________ Quick or ____________ in behavior. The ____________ who played the Wicked Witch was known for her mercurial nature. Academic Vocabulary Mercurial changeableactress

8 Target WordMeaningExamples Unabashed (adj.) Un/a/bashed __________ Not ashamed or ___________, especially when doing something unusual or _________. She ____________ and cheered with unabashed ___________. She was unabashed by her natural _______ functions. Academic Vocabulary Unabashed embarrassed rude clapped enthusiasm bodily

9 Target WordMeaningExamples Insufferable (adj) In/suff/er/able ____________ Extremely _________ or bad. The dry ______ in the _______ is insufferable. Academic Vocabulary Insufferable heat annoying desert

10 Target WordMeaningExamples Meticulous (adj.) Me/tic/u/lous ____________ Very _______ about small details, and always making sure that everything is done ___________. The boy was meticulous about _______ his room. Hunting for a _____ in a haystack is a very meticulous job. Academic Vocabulary Meticulous careful correctly cleaning needle

11 Target WordMeaningExamples Fatalist (noun) Fa/tal/ist ____________ One who believes that there is __________ you can do to prevent _______ from happening Someone who believes what will be ________ is a fatalist. Academic Vocabulary Fatalist nothing events will be

12 Target WordMeaningExamples Ostentatiously (adv) Os/ten/ta/tious/ly ____________ Something that looks very ____________ and is designed to make people think that it’s owner must be very _______. She was ostentatiously dressed in a ________ and gold shoes. Academic Vocabulary Ostentatiously expensive rich fur coat

13 Target WordMeaningExamples Yellow Star ____________ The Star of David, which is a six-pointed star that is a symbol of _______. The Nazis ordered all Jews to wear them _______ to their clothing so that Jews could be easily identified. She wore a ________ on her coat during the Holocaust. Academic Vocabulary Yellow Star Judaism sewn yellow star

14 Target WordMeaningExamples Ration Books (Noun) Ra/tion Books ____________ Books of ______ that are given to ensure the even distribution of scarce items, especially during wartime. The family could not buy any _______ because they didn’t have a ration book. Academic Vocabulary Ration Books stamps bread

15 Target WordMeaningExamples Green Police ____________ _______ police, who wore _________ uniforms. The Jewish people were terrified that the Green Police would come and _______ them. Academic Vocabulary Green Police green Nazi arrest

16 Target WordMeaningExamples Black Market ____________ An illegal way of buying scarce items without _________ stamps. I had to get bread, milk and eggs of the black market because I didn’t have any __________. Academic Vocabulary Black Market ration ration stamps

17 Target WordMeaningExamples Gestapo (Noun) Ge/sta/po ____________ The _________ police force for the German Nazi state, known for its __________ and atrocities. Many of the crimes against __________ were committed by the Gestapo. Academic Vocabulary Gestapo secret terrorism Jewish people

18 Anne Frank Vocab Continued Apprehension (n): anticipation of adversity or misfortune; suspicion or fear of future trouble or evil. Disgruntled (adj): displeased and discontented; sulky; peevish Foreboding (n): a strong inner feeling or notion of a future misfortune, evil Fortify (v): to protect or strengthen against attack

19 Anne Frank Vocab Continued Indignantly (adj): feeling, characterized by, or expressing strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive Pandemonium (n): wild uproar or unrestrained disorder; tumult or chaos Remorse (n): deep and painful regret for wrongdoing Unabashed (adj): not ashamed, disconcerted, or apologetic

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