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Mr. Waggoner’s and Mrs. Strickland’s First Grade Class Welcome, parents!

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Waggoner’s and Mrs. Strickland’s First Grade Class Welcome, parents!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Waggoner’s and Mrs. Strickland’s First Grade Class Welcome, parents!

2 Welcome to First Grade!  We will introduce you to first grade and to our classroom.  If you have any questions during our presentation, please don’t hesitate to ask.

3 Our Goals  To give your child the academic and social skills they need to progress to second grade.  To provide a supportive and fun classroom environment.  To foster a love of learning.

4 Class Subjects  The subjects we cover during first grade are:  Reading and writing (Communications)  Math  Science  Social studies  Study Skills and School Citizenship

5 Journeys Literacy Program This program consists of Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, Phonics, Spelling, and Grammar. These components will be integrated throughout the curriculum. Student materials include the textbook and practice book. There are many other components that your children will be learning with including decodable reader mini books, posters, and flashcards. Journeys is a balanced literacy program.

6 Guided Reading A large portion of our literacy block is dedicated to the “Guided Reading” program. Your children will engage in literacy centers working both independently and with a teacher in a small group setting. We use leveled readers during the guided reading program. These readers enable the students to read text that is on their particular reading level. The 7 Keys to Comprehension is the guiding philosophy when teaching comprehension skills. All students will be formally assessed using the DRA assessment. This assessment will give the teachers the information needed to accurately group your student. It will also give us a benchmark reading level to begin the guided reading program. Each student in Emmons School will be given the DRA assessment twice per year.

7 Writing The students will also be expected to write and draw an entry in a writing journal. Writing conferences will be held at least once per week for all the students. During the conference, the teacher will review journal entries and discuss ways to improve upon them. Periodically, the students will share an entry of their choice with their fellow classmates. The 6+1 Traits of Writing will also be taught over the course of the school year. The traits are taught in each grade so that the students can build upon skills learned the previous year and so that there is a commonality across grade levels.

8 Math  We will be using the “Everyday Math” program. It is an exciting way to approach mathematics.  This program differs from textbook centered instruction in a number of ways. The students will build mathematical understanding over a period of time, first through informal exposure and then through more formal and directed instruction.  The students are expected to master of variety of grade level mathematical concepts and skills, but not after the first time they are encountered. The content will be taught in a spiral, or repeated fashion, over the course of the year. The multi-year spiral began in kindergarten and will continue through the 6th grade!

9 Science / Social Studies Your children will be participating in curriculum that is both educational and exciting. In science, they will learn about living things, magnets, weather and seasons, and ocean habitats. In Social Studies, the children will be covering topics such as Family and Friends, Where We Live, People at Work, and the various holidays that we encounter during the school year such as Columbus Day, Thanksgiving, and Martin Luther King, Jr.

10 Classroom Community  Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other.  Our class rules are:  Listen  Use Kind Words  Raise your Hand  Keep your hands and feet to yourselves  Do your Best!

11 Homework Your children will have homework each night. Each Monday, a homework assignment sheet will be distributed. This sheet will detail the nightly assignments and contain other important information. The homework will be due the following school day. Please make sure that your child returns not only the homework, but also any textbook that he or she may have used. The homework reinforces skills that are introduced and taught during the school day.

12 School Supplies The school supplies the students will everything they will need to have a successful educational experience. Please do not send supplies such as pencil sharpeners, extra crayons, scissors, etc. to school. We do have a need for baby wipes, Lysol wipes, and other various items over the course of the year. We will let you know what we need. We do allow students to use a special folder to transport papers to and from school. Having a container at home filled with pencils, a pair of scissors, glue, crayons, scrap paper, and various other items for your child to access for homework is a great idea. You can then encourage your child to write, draw, and create arts/craft projects during his or her free time.

13 Grades A– Outstanding B– Very Good C– Satisfactory D– Needs Improvement F- Unsatisfactory The students are graded using a variety of tools such as formal assessments, informal assessments, and teacher observation. The district is transitioning to a new report card for grades 1- 6. We will go over it at conferences.

14 Behavior Your children are expected to abide by the school and classroom rules. The rules and expectations are clear and reviewed often. After the third infraction, your child will lose a privilege such as recess or choice time. After the fourth infraction, we will contact the parent via note, phone, or email. Positive reinforcement is used in the classroom. Positive behavior support encourages the children to make good choices and enables us to anticipate negative behaviors and prevent them from happening.

15 Other Important Information  Birthdays- If you wish to send in a treat for your child’s birthday, you may do so. Please do not send in goodie bags. You must contact me a few days before so plans can be made accordingly.  Toys- Please discourage your child from bringing toys to school.  Accessories- Please discourage your child from wearing accessories that may distract from our learning.  Bathroom  Folders- please check and empty your child’s folder every night. 

16 More Important Information  “Signing Time”  Smart Board Demonstration

17 Let’s Have a Great Year!

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