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Basic Breath Testing Instrument Training Basic training for breath testing instruments is listed for each type of instrument (BAC DataMaster, Intoxilyzer.

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Breath Testing Instrument Training Basic training for breath testing instruments is listed for each type of instrument (BAC DataMaster, Intoxilyzer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Breath Testing Instrument Training Basic training for breath testing instruments is listed for each type of instrument (BAC DataMaster, Intoxilyzer 5000, Intoxilyzer 8000). You must complete a request for training form (forms are located on our website) and forward the form via fax to our office. This form must include a return phone call number and a working fax number. Non-legible forms will not be processed. For classes listed at OPOTA, register at www. Registration. There is a $15 per day fee for the course at OPOTA London. (Do not complete our registration form for these classes.) Classes for the Intoxilyzer 8000 – a one day basic access card class - are limited to ten (10) persons at this time. Classes for the BAC DataMaster and Intoxilyzer 5000 – two day senior operator classes – are limited to thirty-five persons. We suggest that you contact our office for availability of space, especially in the Intoxilyzer 8000 classes. If you register for a class that is full, you will receive a standby notice. We will not automatically schedule you for another class. You should receive some sort of confirmation. If you do NOT receive a confirmation, you should not plan on attending.

2 MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSAT/SUN 2014 Note: You can print this template to use as a wall calendar. You can also copy the slide for any month to add to your own presentation. 1 September23456/7 8910111213/14 151617181920/21 222324252627/28 29301 October234/5 67891011/12 september OPOTA London – BAC DataMaster Senior Operator (2 Day Class) OPOTA Richfield – BAC DataMaster Senior Operator (2 Day Class)

3 MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSAT/SUN 2014 Note: You can print this template to use as a wall calendar. You can also copy the slide for any month to add to your own presentation. 29 September301 October234/5 67891011/12 131415161718/19 202122232425/26 27282930311/2 November 345678/9 october OPOTA London – BAC DataMaster Senior Operator (2 Day Class) OPOTA Richfield – BAC DataMaster Senior Operator (2 Day Class) Columbus PD Academy – DataMaster Senior Operator (2 Day Class) Hamilton Co S/O Symmes Twp – 9323 Union Cemetery Rd – BAC DataMaster Senior Operator (2 Day Class) OPOTA London – Intoxilyzer 5000 Senior Operator (2 Day Class)

4 MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSAT/SUN 2014 Note: You can print this template to use as a wall calendar. You can also copy the slide for any month to add to your own presentation. 27 October28293030311/2 November 345678/9 101112131415/16 171819202122/23 242526272829/30 november 1 December23456/7 OPOTA Richfield – Intoxilyzer 5000 Senior Operator (2 Day Class)

5 MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSAT/SUN 2014 Note: You can print this template to use as a wall calendar. You can also copy the slide for any month to add to your own presentation. 1 December23456/7 8910111213/14 151617181920/21 222324252627/28 2930311 January23/4 5678910/11 december Hamilton Co S/O Symmes Twp – 9323 Union Cemetery Rd – Intoxilyzer 5000 Senior Operator (2 Day Class)


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